Global Commons Charter

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Welcome to the colloborative pad for co-writing a Global Commons Charter!

For the initial English text please scroll down. You can edit, modify, comment, the text. We have aslo other pads to support discussion, with reading material on Commns and Charters, as well as a pad to list contributors' info.

Main Text:

Transitional wiki-page: (hosted on the Hacker Space - Techinc Amsterdam's wiki)


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Contributors info:

Skype Meetings: Every Monday 16:00 UK time Time zone converter:


I. Description and invitation [Seems to me that this initial piece should describe and invoke the meaning of the created world -- that it existed before human beings appeared on the Earth. This establishes the basis of our inheritance and responsibility to protect creation.] Yes I do agree, in the third paragraph tried to add somethings in this line too {orsan}](Perhaps instead of capturing what it was like before humans, this paragraph could establish humanity's rightful place in relationship to life, land, and the living planet as a whole. To me, this effort is how humanity comes home.)

The 'common elements' of life on which the lives of all species, either have come to life before or after humanity, depends can not be owned by any means, by specific individual humans, groups of humans or social classes; nor can they be or regulated or rented out for temporarily to such, to be managed or run for their own benefit, to accumulate proft or social power.

Hence, the commons listed in this charter are respected as essential to life and they can only be governed collectively by the direct democratic participation of those whose lives depend on them. Nobody, or no-one can exclude any other's access, either by direct closure by using force, or by creating 'consent' of those whose lives are 'dependent' on a commons. (There are some who need to be excluded - corporations, colonizers, and others who would take for profit. This doc could identify the boundaries of the commons, who can use it freely, who can use it with limits, who has to pay rent to use it) (fırsrt paragraph clarifies that no?)

Reptile instinct of "I found it, it is mine!" or "I have the power, fear me!" has been dominating human social relations either through an 'invisible hand' of the market, or through social structures and institutions, like the visible fist of the state; producing injustice and destroying life on our planet. This has gone too far, alnog at least the last 5000 years and most of us think the end times has finally arrived.

It is time to grow up as humanity and rise as an advanced planetary civilization that can alter the destructive parts of its nature collective. Otherwise we humans are seriously risking the entire life, for all the other species as well.

It is time to tame the underdeveloped part under a healthy guidance of our collective social ego. This destructive part has been manifesting itself in exploitative class structures and being maintained by the rulers of societies, though it is in each individual all of us. As most of us are aware that it is possble to have a balanced and healthy nature in individual. so it can be collectivized; in a way selfishness, narcissism, and patalogy that is created and reproduced by power structures can be altered and healed at the systemic level.

(This use of Freudian concepts to interpret power relations in terms of individual responsibility is open to question and is not helpful as part of the charter) [I agree just wrote it down without thiking so much so feel free to use over-stripe, to sign disputed parts, as i am doing now -may be we can replace with something else?] Note- I did edited the firstversion (click on the 'time slider' above to see previous modifications)

Imbalance in humanity's collective character and personality has been forming social structures that were in return driving endless profit and power accumulation seeking activities -mainly by the elite of the world, the infamous 1%, but confirmed by middle classes too- for long enough. It is time to bring an end to this immature behavior of our species, all together.

(I'd like to see us include the shift from a mindset of dominion over the earth and the concept of property back to an indigenous frame of belonging to the earth and her web of life.)and caring for earth. Yes, stewardship. I'm not so keen on seeing earth as a 'she'. Lots to discuss in that. I agree. Lots to discuss. -I would feel really free and add modification like a live edit sort of exchange-Another important concept to include is to plan for stewardship with future generations in mind. As the Great Lakes Commons initiative makes clear, to be a "great ancestor".

Global Commons Charter, to be written in a peer to peer way and as a commons document, in broader terms, aims to achieve this goal, and free all commons from the capture of 1%, through market rules, under the protection of the states. This is aimed to be the people's voice in the broadest sense; as multilingual as possible and open to as many people's contribution as possible; individually and collectively.

We invite all commoners, our friends, families, collectives, groups, organisations to make a contribution to the writing of the first genuinely global and collective charter, to be, for the emancipation of the commons."