Gbos LaserCutter/Introduction

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Introduction How to use

Currently reasonable knowledge of the CAM process is required to use the machine and the following requirements:

   You must be given a Login to the CAM and CAD PC's 
   G-Code must be transferred to the machine by USB due to its lack of network connectivity.
   Machine must be monitored at all times during operation.

The following Device Profiles can be used for lightburn if it is missing from device profiles: Lightburn Profiles

This machine may not be left unattended for any length of time (seconds, minutes, hours, etc) doing so will loose you your access to the machine.

You may not give others access to the machine who have not been trained by a Super User, doing so will loose you your access to the machine. Getting Access to Machine

In order to use the machine you require some training from an authorised "super user" of the machine once you have been through a training session consisting of:

   A demo of the machine
   Basic check of your CAM Knowledge
   Supervised 1st and possibly 2nd time operation of the machine you will become an authorised user who may use the machine unattended 

Authorised Super Users


Authorised Users of the machine
