Gbos LaserCutter/Flight checklists
Flight checklists
ABSOLUTELY ALWAYS have your safety GOGGLES ON Design Stage
Material type and thickness - SUPPORTED BY THE MACHINE
Before Power on
Exhaust fan - ON Chiller - ON Work Area - CLEAR Gantry - FREE TO MOVE Optical path - CLEAR Back Panel - SHUT Laser tube compartment - SHUT Side panels - SHUT Honeycomb - CLEAN
After all the positions are checked - turn on the machine
Do NOT operate if the tube compartment is open Before Starting the Cut
Head height - AJUSTED make sure head clears the material first! RELEASE thumbscrew lock BEFORE making a height ajustment LOCK thumbscrew lock AFTER making a height ajustment Head - CLEAR IN FULL XY RANGE Optical path - CLEAR Air assist - ON
During the Cut
All doors and compartments to remain CLOSED DURING THE CUT
Doors and compartments may be open ONLY IF there is NO POWER on the tube Power Off
Material - OUT OF THE MACHINE Air Assist - OFF
Chiller and air extraction MAY be turned off ONLY AFTER the machine is off