Food Hacking Base Day2

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Food Hacking Base Day2
Date 2014/01/11
Location (h)ACTA
Type Workshop
Contact Contact,
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Food Hacking Base Day2 - Korean style dinner, start 5 pm, 15 people max for preparation, 25 for dining

This event is both workshop where you learn how to prepare some of the traditional Korean dishes and a feast or "come together dinner" enjoying them as a group later on. Luckily for you the native Korean is there to "show you the way". For more info please check our

this blog post on the topic.

The event is as usually donation based, no one turned away for lack of funds, to cover the ingredients around 5 EU should do, anything extra moves us to the next hackerspace and get us closer to our

crowd sourcing campaign goal

of 2000 eu which will help us to cover our expenses of our journey to and through Europe, many thanks for spreading the word and contributions!


Preparation (~5pm):

  • Wally (and partner)
  • tg
  • rad0 (and partner)
  • Mariejel
  • Melanie (and friend)
  • Becha
  • (maybe) Debra & Jaromil

Only dining (~7pm):

  • bigmac + Braam (probably)
  • JinX (probably)
  • Justa
  • webmind (probably, veggie possible? :)
  • ultratux