Community help if you are sick

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Skills Buying groceries or medicine
Status Planning
Niche Community
Purpose Use in other project

This is an initiative offering help within our community. I know there are people who live by themselves and might not have anyone to help, asking for help overall is not always easy. If you are sick or can't leave your house, this project might be able to give you a hand.

What can we do:

Buy groceries and medicine and drop it off at your door, for example - perhaps something else? Ask someone helping you.

If you want to help, sign up below plus how you can be reached (irc, email:-):

[Techinc community in Amsterdam area. Healthy people who do not belong to the risk groups.]

Create a wiki account if you do not have one. If you are connected to another group, for example IoT meetup etc, you are of course welcome to join.

    thomascovenant (techinc at mynickname dot org)
    Chip (
    Ben (
    sjaan (extragratis at gmail dot com)
    drwhax (drwhax [at] riseup [dot] com) - Amsterdam-West
    phoenix (felix [at] feldspaten [dot] org) - Almere area
    Damnlie ( - Ijburg)