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Notes from the board meeting 2015 05 20.
Board Meeting May 20 ==================== Agenda ------ 0. Board formation 1. Member administration 2. Financial report for this month. Board formation --------------- There won't be any large changes -- realitygaps will take over Brainsmoke's role as secondary secretary. Member administration --------------------- There are several tasks and distribution of work: * Open 'dossiers' - use bank statements and the email history to deal with the issue. * members directory on the machine, needs to be updated a bit, symlink with nicknames to id. * financial directory is now set up, * Tinance directory in src/ * Doorbot system Justa has (previously) assigned issues to board members, including a summary email. With three lists (1 = DONE, 2 = EASY, 3 = DIFFICULT) Justa, Arda Xi, Wizzup, Phicoh will focus on list 3. Mattronix and realitygaps will focus on list 2. Financial report for this month ------------------------------- YMP needs to be kept up to date. Donation jar income. Wizzup will make a start on financial report, Justa will look at it next tuesday (May 26). Other ----- Short discussion about the loan. * Set up trac: Realitygaps need access to the doorbot. (Also Arda Xi, Mattronix, and Wizzup) Trac should know what member it is dealing with.