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Notes from the board meeting on 2015-04-15
====================== Board meeting April 15 ====================== Agenda: * ALV * Reminder mails * Monthly report * Financial report * Present: Arnd, Erik, Philip, Matthew, Johan, Merlijn 1. ALV (Agenda) --------------- Philip send out when the ALV will be, the agenda submission date closes. Huishoudelijk regelement ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Suggested changes: (Discussed right now, everyone seems to agree) * No "Announce ALV 2 months in advance" * "First ALV" / "Financial report ALV" in the first three months of the year Two seperate votable points. Vesna's point ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Is submitted; no clear wording, we need to ask her if she wants it to be proposed at the ALV, or not. Philip will ask her if she wants to submit it or not. Conflict resolution comittee ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Find out who are in there * Find out if they need to be re-elected, if everyone still wants to be on there. Board expiry ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Update: Election history for board members (on the wiki) Financial Report 2014 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Check Philip's comments on Arda Xi's report. 2. Reminder mails ----------------- This month ~~~~~~~~~~ Arnd did a large sprint of reminder mails. Arnd processed everything in Wizzup's list. All mails have the same prefix in the subject (something like: reminder mails 20150407). They may have been mailed to admin@ only, or also to the person. The history is in the mailbox. When you pick something up, mail to admin@ that you are picking it up. Overview saved in /home/tiboard/backlogs/ Next month ~~~~~~~~~~ We will have a list for that month. With people who are already 'represented', people who are no longer in the list (resolved), or new people, who are now one month behind. Sliders ~~~~~~~ Can be processed using the How to spread the load ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Arnd will assign 'issues' to board members. Bank statements will be put on the board server, so you can easily check the bank statements. (Wizzup can perhaps make a nice text format for it) Monthly financial report ------------------------ Arnd will do the financial report and document it at the same time. Probably within a week. He will create the financial report, and document how he did it. **Wizzup can use the MT940 tools to automate a lot of the process; so make sure to ping him.** 42. Random stuff ================ * Wizzup will add <redacted> to the members database. Brainsmoke knows him. * KvK board members need to be updated. Coffee machine ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Philip: What is the status? <redacted; statement will follow later> Check database mail addresses and compare them with members@ list ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Would be useful; or do we want to mandate this? Add "opt-out" (to new member form): Do not add me to the members list