ActaRoom2 proposal/Notes20140212

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Long story short

  • People will make a hole in the wall on Saturday, starting at 10:00
  • Space needs to be clear of dust, tools, sharp stuff before Sunday because of the Young hackspace event
  • Newspaper wall will be painted next week. Please do not put desks, shelves or other stuff against this wall before it is painted

Young hackspace on Sunday

Becha: both spaces are needed for the young hackspace. Please make sure that the space is usable. So, no tools, sharp edges, wet paint, etc on Sunday please


Narya: ErwinC64 and Narya will do this next week

  • Glass fiber stuff on the newspaper wall (tip from Rop: use gloves)
  • Make it smooth
  • Paint it white
  • We will buy the materials and try to keep the costs low
  • Only do the newspaper wall (quiet room might get shelves, a doorway will be made in the big wall first)


Preferably no big changes. Perhaps install impregnated fabric, but there is no rush with that.


  • UR donated two doors
  • Minimal width: plotter should be able to fit through it
  • Maarten: no need for doors. Benefit will be that the rooms will not be too separate. Look one month from now if this works, otherwise install doors then. Preferable 180cm wide
  • Piele: make door opening two doors wide
  • Rop: in which direction? Justa: can be decided later
  • Justa: make hole, see if wall is sturdy enough to install frame. If not, make sure to strengthen the frame
    • Some suggestions mentioned: wood construction, wedge, jack
  • Cmpxchg: can we get frame via UR? Probably yes. Wood is available via Remko
  • Rop: are there plans to start tomorrow? People in room: no, but perhaps others would like to start?

Saturday 10:00 people will work on making hole in the wall

Who brings what will be arranged via e-mail

Floor in dirty room

  • Justa brought laminate
  • Maarten: floor will be ruined if people will decide later (after discussion with members) that the wall is taken down between the two small rooms
  • Decision: wait with floor, focus on new room first. Floor panels will be stored in storage room to prevent damage to the panels
  • Test if existing carpet is suitable as underlayment


  • Philip: already plans for electricity?
  • Maarten: power block is in place including wiring. Needs to be hooked on to the fuse box
  • Location of the fuse box? Depends on destination of the smaller rooms, which needs to be discussed with members. Options mentioned:
    • in current clean room behind the fridge (water needs to be installed on other wall in that case)
    • Phicoh: perhaps between kitchen and emergency door
    • install in clean room and place it somewhere else later (problem: rewiring)
    • The fuse box may take a while. Connect the new room first using a plug into the existing electrical system
    • The serial connection to the power block is undecided yet. Could be a long serial cable or a small computer close to the power block


There are a few RJ45 sockets that go to the central patch room maintained by 'Onno'. We have a switch there.

Remarks and suggestions


  • were there other suggestions after the proposal? Except a comment about the door width (Ultratux: make it wide enough for the plotter) there were no other suggestions or objections. The response was positive in general.
  • are there official drawings of the building? No, just floor plans without details. Suggestion: make sure to document what we do ourselves