ALV November 2022/Minutes
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ALV 2022-11-20 Start: 19:30
1. Opening 1.1. Amount of people present, proxy votes 1.2. Finalizing the agenda; any new items? 1.3. Vote: Approving minutes from last meeting 2. Reports 2.1. Report from the board 2.2. Explanation of proposed budget 2023 2.2.1. Vote: Accept or decline budgetproposal for 2023 3. Dispute committee 3.1. Vote for new term for active members and vote for candidacy of new members 4. Belated 10 years anniversary party / slightly early 11 years party 5. Any other business (wvttk)/rondvraag
1. Opening Present: Bofh, einnor, Fnoerd, Justa, Li0n, Oberoid, Piele, Pixie, Sircmpwn, Bakboter, Obp, Ceres-c, Playreal Justa started the meeting welcoming everyone to the ALV. Descibed the voting procedure before moving on with the discussion. Discussed about Mastodon Account which did not reach consensus for this Agenda. We received a mail from Johest about re-election for the DIspute Commitee. Chip will not run for re-election of DIspute Committee as he is out of country Justa just redescribed the voting procedure as some members joined after the start.
1.1. Amount of people present, proxy votes Members : 9 Board Members : 4 Proxy Votes: 0 1.2. Finalizing the agenda; any new items? The agenda was approved 1.3. Vote: Approving minutes from last meeting Yes : 11 No: 0 Abstained: 0
2. Reports
2.1. Report from the board Justa Presented the Board Report See text : ACTA Replacement: Fnoerd informed that there might be possible places near the IBM building
2.2. Explanation of proposed budget 2023 Piele described about the details of the Budget Proposal Report as supplied by Piele A small remark regarding drink-prices and margins on sales becoming smaller due to drink-costs growing. Fnoerd: Any interest in reducing power-use in the space ? Answer: no project yet, but good idea. Vlad: Can we have a power-meterr for just us ? Answer: no.. not easy + not useful. The rental-contract doesnt work like that Fnoerd: any efforts from ACTA to reduce power-usage ? Answer: yes, but so far only radiator-foil ; might get some extra insulation-methods for the ceiling. 2.2.1. Vote: Accept or decline budgetproposal for 2023 Yes: 13 No: 0 Abstained: 0
3. Dispute committee
3.1. Vote for new term for active members and vote for candidacy of new members No report sent in for presentation Current members: Becha, Johest, Chip Chip is not available for re-election Becha has not made a comment; thus is not put up for re-election 3 members are required for the committee to function Drew and Pixie volunteer for dispute Voting commences Vote results: All three got voted in: Johest, Drew and Pixie
4. Belated 10 years anniversary party / slightly early 11 years party
5. Any other business (wvttk)/rondvraag Question: regarding the electronics-area ; could we get betterr infra; especially solder-station(s) Answer: pledge is a possibility, board does has some funds. Make a suggestion/proposal. Fnoerd: Cleaning doesnt work when the tools to clean dont work. Dishwasher is having big problems. Wheels + swinging-part doesnt work. Horeca-model would be encouraged. pixie: Arranging workshops and clarification regarding workshops and costs related to that Vlad: Using RB as other stuffs altenative to drinks Playreal: Purchasing equipments on funds from space
6. Closing
Closing 21:39