ALV November 2022/Budgetproposal

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The budgetproposal below has been approved during the 2022-11-20 ALV

Preliminary overview 2022

First an overview of the approved 2022 budget vs. actual income and to be expected at the end of the year:

These are preliminary numbers, all rights reserved

                                   Budget    Actual until   Expected
 Income:                           2022:     07-Nov-2022:   for e.o.y.
    Membership                     20860        21194         23400
    Donateurs                        330          325           330
    Donations / gifts                400        (777)         (820)
      Gifts                           -           625           650
      donated deposits of fobs        -           152           170
    Drinks                          2600         3173          3600
    Selling fobs                     320          681           810
                                   ===== +      ===== +       ===== +
                                   24510        26150         28960

    Rent                           20250      (19412)       (21240)
      Rent costs                      -         13659         14964
      Service costs                   -          5753          6276
    Service costs 2021               210           -7            -7
    OZBG (Communal taxes)            170          196           196
    Hosting                          170          220           234
    Domains                           50           57            57
    Bank                             300          183           220
    Discretionary                    200        (144)         (200)
      Cleaning products               -            63            79
      Administrative costs            -            16            16
      Repair / maintenance            -            65           105
    Other, and unaccounted for       500        (272)         (526)
      Sumup                           -           100           100
      Deprecation costs inventory     -           104           104
      Deprecation costs uncollectable -            62            62
      Breakage / losses drinks        -             6            10
      10 year party                   -            -            250
    Drinks                          2000         2001          2400
    New fobs (16 pcs)                320          212           339
                                   ===== +      ===== +       ===== +
                                   24170        22690         24405
 Result (positive)                   340         3460          3555

 Towards reservations for future moving costs                  2000
 Towards general savings                                       1555

NOTE: Numbers in parentesis are the totals of the sub-values below

Budget proposal 2023

                                   Budget     Expected       Proposed
                                   2022:      end 2022:       Budget
 Income:                                                       2022:
    Membership                     20860        23400         30510
    Donateurs                        330          330           330
    Donations / gifts                400        (820)           500
      Gifts                           -           650            - 
      donated deposits of fobs        -           170            - 
    Drinks                          2600         3600          3600
    Selling fobs                     320          810           340
                                   ===== +      ===== +       ===== +
                                   24510        28960         35280

    Rent                           20250      (21240)       (29846)
      Rent costs                      -         14964         16415
      Service costs                   -          6276         13431
    Service costs 2021               210           -7           270
    OZBG (Communal taxes)            170          196           230
    Hosting                          170          234           150
    Domains                           50           57            60
    Bank                             300          220           250
    Discretionary                    200        (200)           200
      Cleaning products               -            79            -
      Administrative costs            -            16            -
      Repair / maintenance            -           105            -
    Other, and unaccounted for       500        (526)           396 [1]
      Sumup                           -           100            - 
      Deprecation costs inventory     -           104           104
      Deprecation costs uncollectable -            62            -
      Breakage / losses drinks        -            10            -
      10 year party                   -           250            -
    Drinks                          2000         2400          2400
    New fobs (16 pcs)                320          339           340
                                   ===== +      ===== +       ===== +
                                   24170        24405         34246
 Result (positive)                   340         3555          1034

 Transfer from general savings [2]                              966
                                                               ==== +
 Towards reservations for future moving costs                  2000

NOTE: Numbers in parentesis are the totals of the sub-values below

[1] Total for Other costs is projected to be E 500, we know that we have E 104 deprecation costs, so there's E 396 left. [2] We wish to increase the reservation for moving with an additional 2000 to a total of E 4000,00 at the end of 2023, hence we'd like to transfer funds from our general savings towards this at the end of next year