ALV June 2023/Minutes
1. Opening
1.1 Amount of people present, proxy votes
17 people present, including proxy.
1.2 Finalizing the agenda; any new items?
Financial report not available, so skipped. Re-ordered the agenda so we do reports, explainations and open votes first, only then closed votes. Prevents conflicts e.g. wrt people wanting to be in committees if not voted in board. [Not followed in the notes, so it's easier to match with the agenda]
1.3 Vote: Approving minutes from last meeting
14 in favour. Approved.
2. Reports
2.1 Report from the board
116 members or donnors according to the system [note from future: the system was wrong, there was about half a dozen less]. Due to recent events, few people indicated wanting to leave, Piele stepped down, only Justa and Bakboter left.
About 10k€ spread main bank account, savings accounts and cash in safe. Some overdue membership fees over the last 2 months not collected due reminders not sents due to board abroad + understaffed.
Administration system/software has been revamped to something more modern (web app instead of SSH), thanks to Mattronix and Piele. Financial part of the software which should allow automatic import from bank is still being developed, so for now is done manually.
About 7 crates for drinks are empty (i.e. not even bottles), meaning some have been taken, so we'll lose money on returns. Dutch governement made cans returnable. For now we still have non-returnable ones. Either we'll need to find a way to return them or increase the prices.
Started the tradition to tell people to clean at 23:00 on social Wednesdays so it's not the last people leaving that have to clean everything. Electronics lane has been revamped, with blue tape labelling system to tell where stuff comes from and where they go back. Both quite successful, but not perfect as today can be an example, please do help clean, it's collective responsibility. Reminder that sleeping in the space is not allowed, and please report that.
Beatskip and Mattronix have been working on the CNC machine, it cut it first metal part. Thanks to Mattronix for that, participating in committees, writing software, and loaning sonic pad, electric whiteboard, screens.
Important work of revisitng Code of Conduct and dispute committe processes has started. Circumstances leading to this are both tragic and traumatic and won't be discussed here. Mattronix and Pixie have been pivotal to guiding this work in the early stages.
Is there any trend in term of income? Unknown, due to not having a report.
Some discussion happened about getting the statiegeld from cans. Sounds complicated to organize, increasing the prices might be a better option according to Justa.
How much do we pay for the space? Arround 2300€/month + utilities.
The necessity to move space is still unclear and only rumors. Current lease still go until end of 2024, others in the building have a lease for 5 more years.
When were the contributions raised? 2 years ago they've been homogenized. People used to pay whatever, now they all pay 25€, still allowing people to pay less if they can't afford. Might need to raise fees for inflation, but canot be done before ALV + end of year.
Why/how the server room has been locked? People took PCs, materials and other spare parts that were needed to actually maintain the server room. DO NOT X signs were hung, asking people to ask network team if they need something from there. Only partly worked, so fob lock has been put, restricting access to network team + board + whoever requests access.
Feedback have been given and received about how it was not ok for a single person / team to decide this, and should have been better discussed/agreed or at least informed.
2.2 Financial report over 2022
Not available, Piele has worked on it while in France, and while he was here last week, it was too short to give to the Kasco. Financials reports should be done in first 6 months of the year, but we'll have to ahve an ALV with it later.
[Everything in this section has been skipped]
3. Board elections
Justa announced he wanted to step down, due to health reasons and the number he's been on the board already. People stepped up in response, which he is glad. Bakboter is up for re-election.
No change in candidates.
Bakboter: Trying to keeps the lights on. Been in the space for quite a while.
[Bakboter or Fnoerd? Not sure. 46:44 on the recording]: Been here for a few Wednesday's in and out for two years before I actually became a member. I want to support the board because I had a feeling it's getting a bit too slow. There's people overloaded with the work that comes with the board. So I wanted to see what I can do for the space.
Frogeye: Geoffrey's the real name. In the space for less than a year, mostly to talk in the socials. Been thinking about joining the board to give back what the space gave to me and because I have the skills. And now it's kinda needed.
Nellie Bly: My name is Karla. Been a member since arround 2009. Been doing things quietly. I candidated because I'm tired, I think it's time to grow as an organization. There's been some great things built by previous boards. Need to build our maturity and psychological safety. Which will help us keep lights on too.
Which positions will each candidate take? This is decided during board formation, i.e. after the vote. Formal positions (chair, secretary, treasurer) need to be set for the Chamber of Commerce. Then board reports.
3.1. Voting on new board-members
Majority of votes (number undisclosed) in favour of each member.
Fnoerd will step down from the Kasco 2022 & 2023 for legal reasons.
Are there still enough Kasco members? It should be ok.
4. Dispute committee
4.1 Report from the dispute committee
Committee has not been working properly for month. There has been communication issues, some members decided to handle the recent dispute themselves without informing other members, members resigned due to action of another member, that member resigned due to their own actions. Not much to report on, due to issues not being handled the way they were supposed to.
Currently dysfunctional, as there is only one member (Pixie), so it needs more members.
Time commitment for dispute committe members? Depends if there's ongoing disputes. Can take a couple hours a week when there are. Also there's a need to produce reports for ALVs.
There's been some discussion about how personal of a choice this is, how communications in the dispute commitee have been an issue.
4.2. Voting on new dispute-committee members
There was no candidate, but after a break, 3 people stepped up for election:
- Quinor
- Tams
- MyCyborg
Majority of votes (number undisclosed) in favour of each member.
5. Procedure regarding Code-of-Conduct and dispute-committee procedures reform
Details shared before, but as summary/highlight, we're voting for this process:
- All members from committee must be voted in
- Entire process should be open
- Any member can provide input
- All input should be openly considered
- CoC will meet on an recurring basis
- Draft should be shared to conduct@ mailing list
- Any proposed revision should be voted in ALV before application
- A future ALV will have a new reform on dispute process
- If a CoC committee is involved in a dispute they are not able to vote until resolved
People that stepped up for the committe (not sure if changed from agenda):
- Mattronix
- kai
- Li0n
- Tim
- Arjan
Elaborate on the need for a committe? Technically not needed, mostly a confidence vote, so they know they are trusted/mandated to go ahead.
How long should CoC take to be written? Expected about 6 months. Committee expected to live over multiple years, becomes caretaker.
17 in favour of the process (unanimity).
Majority of votes (number undisclosed) in favour of each member.
6. Any other business (wvttk)/rondvraag
When next ALV? Soon for finances.
New board agree to meet on the 21st for first meeting.
Mattronix will keep assisting the board with software thus has access to confidential data. There's a process for this.
7. Closing
Closed at 16:42.