ALV June 2022/Board election-Moin intro

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Hi Everyone .. I am Moin(BOFH), I come from a small South Asian country named Bangladesh. Although I have been hardly in Bangladesh due to (my hazardous) profession which required lots of travel.

Currently I am pursuing my Master’s at Vrije Universiteit and living a bit further away from the space due to which I am not a regular attendee at the space. But apart from my professional and study life I am mostly a Conference Hopper presenting on different of Operational Networks.

I also contribute as a Community Trainer for APNIC to conduct training on such topics of Operational Networks. My most important voluntary contribution is towards an Open Source Operating System named The FreeBSD Project; in case you have not heard about it FreeBSD is a Unix-like Operating System descending from the Berkeley Software Distribution of Bell Lab. I am mostly working as a Ports Contributor and also work as the Secretary of the Core Team. Which has given me a good experience of overall managing a good liaison in between the hard core developers and the community users around the globe.

I believe with my long experience with different community engagements I can contribute more on the Space as part of the Board making a bridge in between the Board and the Users.