ALV January 2015/Minutes
TechInc ALV 2015, Jan 25
Number of people present, number of proxy votes, guests?
- Present at the start: 19 Members (and two proxy votes).
Total members present at some point during the ALV:
People who joined/left after the start
23:06, 20 April 2015 (CEST)23:06, 20 April 2015 (CEST)23:06, 20 April 2015 (CEST)23:06, 20 April 2015 (CEST)23:06, 20 April 2015 (CEST)23:06, 20 April 2015 (CEST)23:06, 20 April 2015 (CEST)Phicoh (talk)
Quorum at the start is: 11 (21 Members)
- 19:30: **tg** enters
The Quorum is now 12; with 20 Members here, with two proxy votes. (22)
Note taking
- Merlijn (Wizzup) taking notes
- Ultratux has sound recording. (Several objections, but people dropped
objections to prevent the ALV from taking too long)
Approving the notes from the previous meeting
- Yes: 18
- No: 0
- Abstain: 3
- Previous notes accepted.**
Finalizing agenda (any new points?)
Vesna mailed a report to the list showing her view of 2014.
No other points are added.
Financial report 2014
Report from the Kascontrole commissie (Marielle, Webmind, Barbera)
A report was made by Arda Xi; presented to the commitee. Asks the kascontrolecommisie to present their findings.
The months didn't fully add up. Mutations on the 31st were not taken
into account.
There was also rent missing.
Recommendation: Do not accept the report in its current form.
Has to be done before the second half of 2015, at the next ALV.
Wonders if the requirement to have an ALV in January is in conflict
with the statues.
Doesn't say anything about the financial report specifically, just
asks for an ALV in January.
Yes: 0
No: 19
Abstain: 2
- **Financial report not accepted.**
- **The kascontrolecommisie will not be changed.**
Membership report to date
Wizzup presents report; see below.
Member statistics 23:06, 20 April 2015 (CEST)23:06, 20 April 2015 (CEST)23:06, 20 April 2015 (CEST)~~
- Active: 100
- Paid on time: 60
- Overdue: 40
Take note that at least 10 - 15 members are expected to be deactivated in the comings months, unless they start paying. But we only do that after three reminders and no response.
7 members were deactivated.
Membership Graph 23:06, 20 April 2015 (CEST)23:06, 20 April 2015 (CEST)23:06, 20 April 2015 (CEST)~
.. image:: members.png
:scale: 50 % :alt: Members statistics graph :align: right
- Blue line total members in system (Active & Inactive)
- Red line total active members in system [*]_
- Green line new members per month (Regardless of their current state:
Active or Inactive). You can think of these as the "delta" for the blue line.
- Yellow is the amount of new member per month **who are still active**.
You can think of these as the "delta" for the red line.
.. [*] At what particular date members left is not in the system,
unfortunately. So we cannot explicitly show that. This also means
**the red line is mostly INACCURATE**; as it doesn't count people who were a member in the past but have since left!!!
Board activities and notes
- Reminders are sent out regularly to members
- The food/drinks jar is emptied regularly to be able to keep track of
the food
and drinks flow.
- "Report from the Board" being sent out regularly
- First batch of actual member deactivations
- Updates to the financial system _code_ and frontend
- Membership administration is much more up to date
- Public board documents, documenting (step by step) various board tasks:
- Doorbot improvements to allow other board members to manage keys
- Set up a board machine so that all board members can perform for admin
- Plans for sort some of "Unification" (revbank, member payment, doorbot)::
Unification of systems to make simplify things when a member is leaving, without having to be present in the space. The board is
looking into
being able to query several systems.
Webmind, realitygaps have question about this and wonder if it is a good idea to link revbank.
- Fobids more up to date than before
- Work to encrypt (digitize) IDs and forms almost done, with threshold
encryption system.
- Leakage in West space fixed
- A plan for paying back the loan of 2000 is upcoming. It will have to
paid back **starting** 2016; in five equal installments of 400 euro.
Current finance overview
Mail to members@ was sent some days ago.
We get a lot of questions about the bank report. There is an amount of money that people pay in non-standard (monthly) payments; for
example, yearly payments.
This is called the YMP (Yearly Membership Pool)
(Justa explains the concepts in the mail to the list)
We need this information to know if we're actually making enough money to pay for the rent. Arnd presents several graphs.
Perhaps you can use extra physical savings accounts.
Board Elections
Current state of board
Wiki should be up to date when it comes to who in the board is doing
what, roles.
There are a number of things that we wanted to achieve with the current board::
* Resilience; have two treasurers (one primary); same for secretary
and chairman.
* Turn around times are decreases because the workload is spread. * Responsibilities are defined specifically, but there's a
definitely overlap
in the activities that board members perform, to increase flexiblity.
Wiki accounts of board members should fill in the right role.
Board members stepping down 23:06, 20 April 2015 (CEST)23:06, 20 April 2015 (CEST)23:06, 20 April 2015 (CEST)23:06, 20 April 2015 (CEST)23:06, 20 April 2015 (CEST)~~
- Skinnr** is stepping down by the board; thanked by the members with an
- Justa** is stepping down per HHR 1.1.7.
Presentation of candidates and voting
- **Julf** takes over the role of **Justa** during voring
- **Justa** and **Mattronix** are running for board.
- **Mariejel**, **Webmind** and **Piele** are counting the votes.
The actual numbers will not be made public.
- **Five minute break announced while the votes are counted**.
- **Both Justa and Mattronix are accepted again**.
- Justa resumes ALV as board member.
Votable points
Minute keeping (the_Jinx)
The board assigned note-taker makes sure that participants have a non-intrusive way of reading back the notes during and directly
after the ALV.
EG: a pad, IRC or even a piece of paper and a overhead projector /
beamer and webcam ;-)
Send in due to a discussion because the last notes were not sent
Presents the Jinx's point.
Notes that this is only for during and directly after the ALV
This point is more generic to remove specific methods.
States that is not a part of a board task to provide _LIVE_ minutes. Board should provide minutes, but not necessarily live minutes.
Is against making live notes an official task of the board.
This point tries to mandate how notes should be made.
Agreed with Phicoh mostly; but thinks realtime reporting should not need to be done by the board, but the community.
Agreed with Phicoh.
The way this is written is not properly; it doesn't seem to be a
votable point.
This text would be included in the HHR.
Section is not clear, etc.
Explains how it would end up in the HHR (sorry, notekeeper didn't
keep up)
Apologises for losing the notes last time. Acknowledges the mistake and regrets it.
This doesn't explicitly help with a "backup"; it just means people can watch live.
For example, if internet doesn't work, we perhaps can not have an ALV.
Likes the current solution; text file and html file to view live.
This is for making it easier to follow what is going on. Doesn't like requirement of technology, so doesn't like it mandatory.
It's a bit overkill, and it's fine if someone can do it. Please arrange that with a member who is there if you want, but
let's not
make it a task of the board.
Can we, if this not passes, at least making a note that members
would like
live notes.
What will the question be? Depending on technology?
Clarifies what Vesna just said. And if this doesn't pass, it's not
The point not passing doesn't mean that everyone agrees on the
23:06, 20 April 2015 (CEST)~~
- Yes: 2
- No: 12
- Abstain: 8
- **There are not enough "Yes"es, point did not pass.**
We will keep this as a recommendation, but will try to provide it,
but not
as a mandate.
Any other business
Vesna will present her views on Techinc in 2014::
Summary of what happened last year. Got a few communication channels (also for events): * Discuss mailing list * Meetup * Abandoned the facebook page (applaud) * Twitter is kind of used, but there are several ones. * There were two newsletters; one in February and one in July
* Mentions in the media about techinc (newspapers, blogs)
* There were 30 mini members meeting. * 29 CTF events events. * There were 16 sewing events
* Three ALV's
* TC0, TC1 (Note by Wizzup: TC1 never happened)
* Four kids workshops * Four parties
* Seven hackathons.
* There was one cleaning event.
* We went to HITB, 31C3, EMF, other congresses.
Noone got set on fire.
The Jinx got set on fire in 2014!
Open Hackerspace Day coming up 28 March. Does anyone want to help?
27 March there will be the RIPE hackathon.
When were we founded?
13 December 2011.
Tries to close meeting prematurely.
Asking if people are going to FOSDEM.
Please create an event if you're going to other places.
There was some talk about::
Notekeeper mote::
I didn't fully keep track of all the discussion surrounding LDAP,
the forum and the SSP.
The ALV took::
1 hour and 42 minutes.