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Password-less login

See Linux and Windows > OpenSSH to OpenSSH (ssh2) on this site

Use your computer at home to browse the interweb and check e-mail

In this example a laptop with Linux is used, a Firefox web browser and Thunderbird for e-mail.

Setting up a SSH tunnel from anywhere (e.g. the hackerspace, a bar, the airport) to your home or another trusted place can help you to

  • send your internet traffic over a secure connection
  • access webpages that are blocked on the internet connection you are using

You use your trusted place (e.g. home) as a hub to access the rest of the internet. You need a ssh server to connect to. Let's assume we already have such a server ( with ssh running on port 1022. Here is an example to setup a tunnel from your laptop to your home via the commandline:

ssh -D 9001

It looks like you login to your server at home, but you have now created a, so-called, dynamic tunnel (the -D option) to home. 9001 indicates the local port on your laptop, is the computer you use as a hub.

In your browser you can now use your local 9001 port to tunnel your traffic via your home computer.

Firefox and Thunderbird: Preferences > Network > Configure how Firefox connects to the internet Choose "Manual proxy configuration" and fill in SOCKS Host: "localhost" and Port: "9001". Leave the other settings blank.

You can check before and after you changed this how the internet sees you, e.g. by checking your ip-address with

In stead of the command above you can configure a shortcut in the .ssh/config file

 Host home
   DynamicForward localhost:9001
   Port 1022
   User me
   ForwardAgent yes

Next time you can setup the tunnel by typing the following command

 ssh home

Note that with this solution your internet traffic is encrypted between the place you are and your home. It is not encrypted from your home to the rest of the world.

Reverse tunnel

See "Reverse Tunnelling with remote port forwarding" here: