35c3 Tickets

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We have 2 vouchers for 35c3 presale. (35rd Chaos Communication Congress December 27 - 30 in LEIPZIG.) https://tickets.events.ccc.de

These will regenerate once used so can be passed on through the members of techinc.

PLEASE ONLY TAKE A VOUCHER IF YOU CAN PAY FOR IT IMMEDIATELY (otherwise wait until you can) BE SURE TO PASS IT ON TO THE NEXT PERSON IN THE LIST ONCE IT REGENERATES (otherwise the next people don't get a chance for a ticket)

Please sign up with your NICK - MAIL ADDRESS - VOUCHER FROM NICK, so the next person can send you the voucher.

DrWhax (has used voucher and it's regenerating)
2 vouchers available right now.

Ex-/non-members queueing:
Luc - techinc-35c3voucher@lgms.nl
Johanna - techinc-35c3voucher@johanna-sturm.de