Hackers with Dice

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Hackers with Dice
Date 2015/04/11
Location TechInc
Type Party
Contact Justa

As part of the Tabletop Day (http://tabletopday.com), a number of us thought it'd be a nice idea to participate by listing Techinc as one of places in the world that'll be having people play table-top games.

Find our announcement on:


As part of this, members are encouraged to bring weird/awesome games to the space and introduce people into the nitty-gritty of playing them. This is by no means restricted to board-games, but should not delve into the world of computer/console/handheld-games. Please invite your friends, neighbors, bar-mates too. At least a number of individuals from a board/roleplaying club in Alphen aan den Rijn will also be participating and bringing some of the stuff they have in stock.

The event is slated to open at 10:00 on the 11th of April and will last 'officially' until 22:00 or so. It is likely people will end up playing longer than just that.

If you love games , please come!

If you are not sure about loving games, please come!

If you hate games...i think we'll need to have you reroll the result with a +6 modifier.