Onboarding tour
This is a list of important things the board needs to talk about during official onboard tour, sorted in a way that makes sense logically and spacially.
Reading this doesn't exempt you from following a tour, the point of the tour is so we're sure you did get the info. It's there in case you need a refresher.
- Introduction
- What's a hacker
- What's a hackerspace
- You can become a member at the end of this tour
- Members get 24/7 access to space
- TechInc is a member-run association
- No paid people, everything is spead accross members
- If you want an event/workshop: do it! We'll help
- Membership fees
- Pay for the rent, safety and cleaning supplies only
- Rest is donations or loans
- Allows to keep the fee low (30€/month)
- Doesn't allow to invest in crazy things
- Some committees to organize things:
- Board: member administration, finances, legal representative, misc
- Dispute committee: handle disputes
- We strive to be inclusive
- We don't tolerate
- Discrimination: based on race, gender, sexual orientation, social status, operating system...
- Harassement
- Violence
- If you see anything above: <dispute@techinc.nl>.
- Also works for trivial disagreement, like on how to use a machine
- Disputes can also be handled by board if desired
- Teams
- Not ruled by voting, just a group of people wanting to take care of something
- Example: network team
- Rules
- Different layers:
- Statutes
- Legal basis
- Need a majority of all members to vote in
- Need a lawyer to actually change them
- Thus: Not changed often. So we handle day-to-day things with...
- House rules: handled by board
- Statutes
- Everything has to be voted in
- +18 only
- One person can vote for another one with paper form
- Everyone can propose something
- Code of conduct: summary
- Different layers:
- General Member meetings (ALV)
- At least twice a year
- One for reporting financial from last year
- One for budgeting next year
- Rules, new committtee member are voted in then
- Members propose things to vote in any time
- Board will plan additional ALV if needed, or on members request
- At least twice a year
Move to entrance
- Members can store stuff in member boxes
- Just put a label with name on it
- Space button indicates/switches whether space is open
- Open = guests are welcome
- Show them the space around (quickly)
- Under your responsability (transferrable)
- Do pick-up the phone to open downstairs
- Opening encouraged but not mandatory
Move to vending machine
- Vending machine (used as an example)
- Everyone can buy stuff
- Members can also sell stuff, by contacting **super users**
- What's a super user
- How to know/contact super users for a machine:
- Label on it
- On wiki (bit out of date)
- Mail to mailing list
- Mail to board
- Long term / bigger projects
- Label with name and date
- Will be removed otherwise
- Label with name and date
- Ham radio
- Group interesting in radio transmission
- Need license to operate machines
- Can get you in contact
- Maker lane
- Has:
- Laser cutter
- 3D printers
- Computer for CAD
- Can't be used without training
- Ask super users
- Even if you know how to use a machine
- Sometimes machine/space-specific quirks
- e.g. how to pay for filament
- Sometimes machine/space-specific quirks
- Shouldn't run unattended!
- Can catch fire
- Last thing we want
- Turn off if you find those like that
- Can catch fire
- Has:
Move to workshop
- There is:
- Tools that require training:
- Saw / router table
- Lathe
- Anything that looks DIY / big, and others
- Off the shelf tools
- Use if comfortable
- Can get training otherwise
- Use if comfortable
- Wet area
- For chemicals
- Tools that require training:
- Components
- Can use materials
- Unless labelled DNH
- Hard woods
- Expensive and limited
- Don't use them as scraps
- They're in the back
- Component shelf
- Can use a few no problem
- If need more:
- Use them
- Order refills
- Refill when they arrive
- Can use materials
- Keeping things clean
- Close the door
- Fan for fumes & smoke
- Trash can
- Vaccuum cleaner for dust & dirt
- Also used for the rest of the space
- Clean and put things back when you leave
- Safety
- Use personal protection equipment
- On the pillar facing the workshop door
- Turn off and unplugs tools after use
- Emergency button
- Separate for CNC
- If something broken:
- Label
- Infrom mailing list or board
- Fix if you can
- Use personal protection equipment
Move to kitchen
- Trash
- One for food or food-covered things
- Take out when leaving the space
- Even if almost empty
- Prevents mice
- Take out when leaving the space
- Others for rest
- Take out when almost full
- During socials: can put bags by entrance door
- People leaving can take one or two bags with them on the way
- One for food or food-covered things
- Trash
- Left fridge
- Can store food
- Use sandwich bags
- Label with name and date
- Revbank
- Offline bank
- Useful if you don't have exact amount of money or want to pay by transfer
- Easy to use, instructions on the wall
- Safe
- In case:
- Pay lots by cash (membership/revbank/donation)
- Fob returns
- A lot of money in cashbox
- Helps against thief
- Put in an envelope
- Cash
- Small paper filled
- In case:
- Kitchen
- Currently stove only working during Wednesday socials due to safety concerns
- Cooking for other is appreciated
- Illegal to cook for guests for money
- Dishwasher
- If running, wash things by hand
- If not and clean, empty it completely before using
Move to PC
- Point to fire extinguishers visible from there (2) and first aid kit
- PC
- Music
- Has spotify, youtube etc.
- Can adjust volumes per zone on the mixing table
- Not too loud, especiall in aux room
- Label printer
- Do use it to label your belongings
- Powerbar
- Control lights and some electric devices
- Also has convinient repeat buttons, notably at the entrance
- Does not control everything
- Kitchen light (cable on the right)
- Fireplace (switch on the left)
- Music
Move near server room
- Cleaning
- Cleaning is a shared members responsibility
- Always leave the space a bit cleaner than you found it
- We all forget things and that's ok, this compensates that
- Always leave the space a bit cleaner than you found it
- Supplies station
- Has everything needed for cleaning
- Also more (sandwich bags, pens)
- Members refill supplies
- You can ask board for reimbursement
- See wiki
- Keep your ticket
- Buy trash bags with handles
- You can ask board for reimbursement
- Cleaning is a shared members responsibility
- Server room
- Our IT infra is running there
- Maintained by network committee
- Can provide you with a VM
- IT equipment here for space purposes
- Although if you need something ask network team
- Shelf
- Another one by the entrance
- Can borrow magazines
- Please read big books in the space
- Can add your things
- If culturally relevant for hackers/nerds
- Donation corner
- People (so can you) can bring donations
- Best to put it in their respective place
- But the corner is fine if unknown / lack of time
- Best to drop an email to board / mailing list
- Power supplies: put in sandwich bags
- Forbidden donations:
- TV screens (little use, hard to transport)
- Printers (poison gift: ink is expensive)
- Cables and electronic parts: for use by members
- Temporary borrow: no permission required
- Permanent borrow / want to take apart: use best judgement
- Plenty of objects available: go ahead
- Object in sparse quantity: best to ask/inform
- DNH restrictions apply!
- Pillar: already explained in workshop
- Soldering corner
- Measurement, soldering and other machines close to the windows
- Belongs to the space
- Not to take appart unless for fixing
- Belongs to the space
- Some devices have blue tape to help know where they go
- Welcome to develop the system to other areas
- Clean / put things back when you leave
- Measurement, soldering and other machines close to the windows
Move to plotter
- Plotter
- Old leather cutting machine
- Can draw
- Can cut colored vinyls and use heat press to make designs on clothes
- Office corner
- Mostly used for board and committee meetings, otherwise free to use
- Printer
- Donation model, see paper
- Scanner
- Free to use
Move to wherever has room / is silent
- Misc rules
- Fob is personal, can't give it to someone or clone it
- Can't sleep in the space
- Pets and kids are under owner's/parents responsibilities, not really recommended
- Closing checklist
- Space button red
- Dishwasher running if more than half-full
- Close windows
- Seal or trash food
- Bring trash out
- Turn off lights
- Close the door
- Need force
- Membership
- 30€/month
- Pay before the next month
- Can negotiate less for difficult financial situations
- Fob is 21.5€
- Reimbursable if given back in good shape
- Month-aligned
- We usually gift you the current month
- One-month notice cancellation period
- If no payment
- We send a reminder
- Tell us whenever your email changes!
- After 3 reminders without answer, we suspend membership
- We send a reminder
- To become a member:
- Fill in self-service form online
- With board member:
- Pay next month + eventually fob
- Sign the form
- Double-check fob works
- Also opportunity to show how door works
- On your own:
- Change pin on the door
- Set recurring payment in your bank
- Subscribe to mailing lists
- If not sure you want to become a member now:
- Give us your name, so we know you got the tour
- 30€/month