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date info link
15 March 2023 Example https://rietveldacademie.nl/en/page/24782/refuge-ghaith-kween-qoutainy-sletlana-bebe-berat-bebek-studium
Example Example Example
Example Example Example


date info link
30 - 06 Discussion on the European Internet Blockade of Russian Propagandist Media https://www.spui25.nl/programma/the-european-internet-blockade-of-russian-propagandist-media
30 - 03 Example https://framerframed.nl/projecten/the-hmm-on-a-lighter-internet/
31 - 03 online event https://www.umass.edu/russian-eurasian-polish-studies/event/public-interest-technology-symposium-ukraine-and-russia-online-war
22 - 03 Ripe -As there is a lot of discussion and concern around sanctions related to the war in Ukraine and the effects on the net and the community, weare doing a cooperation working group (virtual) session https://www.ripe.net/s/register-coop-wg-20220322
- Datasprint -Buzzhouse space, located at the University of Amsterdam, BG5 (Oudezijds Achterburgwal 233-237) (enter through the Prisma cafe, then on the first floor). Only the keynote presentation will take place in OMHP D1.08. -
6 - 04 LOCATIE SPUI25 : "De Russische invasie in media" - is recorded and streams on the page. https://spui25.nl/programma/de-russische-invasie-in-media
22 - 04 Public seminar: from imperialism to fascism. The phatasmatic structure of war - SAndberg institute Amsterdam. -


https://www.spui25.nl/programma/the-european-internet-blockade-of-russian-propagandist-media 30 jun 2022 Discussion on the European Internet Blockade of Russian Propagandist Media

Dr. Maya Wind will be giving an introduction to her book at UvA. The talk will be followed by comments by Omar Barghouti (PhD-candidate UvA and co-founder BDS | Roeterseilandcomplex. Room: A0.01. 16 May 2024, 13.00-15.00. aihr.uva.nl https://aihr.uva.nl/content/events/2024/05/towers.html?origin=WwlfvMXFR%2F25v%2BlML%2FjsPA&cb

  • Data Sprint: Everyday Life in the Occupied Territories - 15th - 17th of May 2024 at the University of Amsterdam. As Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine rages into its third year, the occupying forces are deploying an attack strategy that remains somewhat under the radar of the international community: meticulously imposing a facade of normalcy by establishing a public administration within the occupied regions.

The significance of this enforced normalcy is obscured by the ordinariness of the tasks it encompasses, like providing electricity bills or trash collection —activities that don’t immediately seem political. Other, more political, bureaucratic procedures include handing out birth certificates and passports. These routine matters are often overshadowed by the more dramatic and newsworthy incidents of violence and destruction. Yet, for those living under occupation, the impact of otherwise irrelevant bureaucratic changes is profound. For instance, the requirement for residents to renounce their Ukrainian nationality in order to apply for employment may be as distressing as the more overt acts of aggression.

The goal of this Data Sprint is to foreground the subtle yet significant everyday process of Russification implemented by the occupation forces. By gathering and authenticating digital evidence of incipient administrative systems, participants will explore various bureaucratic interactions that quietly influence the fabric of daily life in occupied Ukraine. Through analysis of public communications in Telegram groups, Facebook pages, and other platforms for user generated content, the data sprint aims to uncover and document how these platforms serve as venues for the advancing, contesting and surviving the occupation.

The data sprint is open to people with some experience in digital investigations. If you’re interested in joining please write to g.h.torres@uva.nl with a brief explanation of your experience and interest in participating.

  • What the Wagner Group tells us about Russia Experts analyse the role of Private Military Companies (PMCs), particularly the Wagner Group. What role did they play in the war?

De Balie: https://debalie.nl/programma/what-the-wagner-group-tells-us-about-russia-21-01-2024/

✍️ Register by 18 Jan if you need accreditation to the EP https://europa.eu/!R4gDCf


STUDIO EVENT Mental Geology of Nuclear Threat & The Labor of Witnessing

August 25 | 18:00 (doors open 17:30) transmediale studio Free admission

Join us for a studio event organised by our current artist-in-residence Asia Badzdyrieva. The evening will bring together writers and curators - Svitlana Matviyenko, Elena Vogman, Olexii Kuchanskyi, and Johannes Bruder - to engage in conversation about the production and dissemination of images and affects within the mediated contexts of climate change and war. The event will comprise of two moderated conversations with a short break in between.


Against the backdrop of the war with Ukraine, the Russian government has sharply increased funding for state media, resulting in an unprecedented level of state propaganda spread on social media platforms. As a consequence, US and EU lawmakers and Ukrainian officials have jolted into action by pressuring social media platforms in an attempt to curb Russian misinformation. This seems to be a watershed moment regarding freedom of the press and internet freedom. We discuss what is at stake with internet activists and journalists directly involved in war-news production. https://www.spui25.nl/programma/the-european-internet-blockade-of-russian-propagandist-media

  • Van fact-checking tot argument-checking

Nieuwsverslaggeving lijkt steeds meer op een vorm van oorlog: feiten worden gepareerd met ‘alternatieve feiten’, fake news bestookt voortdurend de mainstream media, en men spreekt zelfs van ‘informatieoorlog’ of ‘informatieterreur’. Kunnen we aan de taal van journalisten en mediaorganisaties nog aflezen of het klopt wat ze zeggen, of is dat onmogelijk geworden? En wat kunnen we doen om de situatie te verbeteren? Vier experts op het gebied van het bestrijden van desinformatie gaan hierover met elkaar in gesprek. https://spui25.nl/programma/van-fact-checking-tot-argument-checking


Presentations of interest to TMR, at RIPE84