TacticalMediaRoom/Signal-Internet Governance and Infrastructure

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Topics related to internet governance and infrastructure, including the friction between free internet and European sanction laws, the closure of ENOG (Eurasian Network Operators' Group), and the future of the internet as discussed by Vint Cerf. It also covers network resilience amid conflict, with specific examples such as the telecommunications blackout in Gaza and network data on power outages in Ukraine.


Network Resilience Amid Conflict

  • And on the tactical side... although organisations like RIPE, and useful, ummm individuals like Elon Musk see fit to keep the enemy connected regardless of war crimes (but pretend neutrality regarding Ukraine), the enemy spends billions of euros anyway building their own segmented satellite internet network. The Old White Dudes remain clueless, insisting that their behind-closed-doors decision to keep every last .su was for the greater good (whatever that is). Though they're good at keeping the good old boys network exclusive: as the head of RIPE told me flat out: "I don't believe in Affirmative Action".

So the grassroots are acting, all of us, what an Internet should be. Two of the largest enemy providers, Astra and Allegrosky, have been down for a few days in row. The article also complains that, like StarLink, they somehow can't make it cheap. Orc psychology: I am no expert but I know cringe. Happy to answer any questions. https://www.vedomosti.ru/technology/articles/2024/03/01/1023124-putin-poobeschal-videlit-na-sputnikovii-internet-116-mlrd-rublei

Internet Security

Network / Internet in Ukraine

  • Ukraine faces second day of huge phone and internet outage after suspected Russian cyberattack Ukrainian authorities accused Russia's military intelligence unit of being responsible.


www.kentik.com & https://www.kentik.com/blog/the-russification-of-ukrainian-ip-registration/

Russia's Internet Landscape