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FLSUN V400 Printer

Using the printer:

The v400 is a delta printer, its kinda fun to use. Its pretty hardy and fairly durable compared to an average 3d printer, and also fairly fast. Baring this in mind, if we stick to a known recipe of plastic and printer settings, it should Just Work:tm: most of the time.

It likes to run ESUN brand PLA+ (PLA-ST which is PLA with added herbs and spices that make it stronger) which is often < €15/kg. I've had great success with ESUN PLA+ and never had a clog with it.


To use it with Cura, you must do the following:

Install Cura

[Download](https://ultimaker.com/software/ultimaker-cura/#downloads) the latest Cura

Install Plugins

Install the z offset plugin

Install the moonraker plugin

Restart Cura

  • Add a new Printer, by searching for FLSUN => v400
  • Configure the printer by setting the START GCODE and END GCODE as below
  • Import v400 print settings
  • Connect to the printer (