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Notes from the Signal group.

Network and Internet services

Keep Ukraine connected

The link to our Ukraine task force is https://keepukraineconnected.org

Possible internet wall in Russia

Before a possible internet wall between Russia and the rest of the world is erected, it seems to me a priority to actively invest energy in gather together, receiving (internet) addresses, proxies, VPNs, satellite options, short golf etc. I already saw a group in this box that collects this information. I just can't find it right now. However, it is necessary that that information is quickly decentralized, through various media. Does anyone know which group I'm talking about?

Open internet

The open internet in Russia must be protected. Here’s why.




  • On March 7, TikTok made all the content posted by non-Russian channels unavailable to Russian users. This unannounced restriction removes an estimated 95% of the content previously available to Russian TikTok users.
  • Content restriction is happening at the application layer rather than the transport layer,which requires the direct involvement of TikTok. It is the first time a global social media platform has restricted access to content at this scale.
  • A network of coordinated accounts is using a loophole to post new content promoting Russian pro-war propaganda in Russia, despite the current ban on new content uploads.

https://ooni.org/post/2022-russia-blocks-amid-ru-ua-conflict/ New blocks emerge in Russia amid war in Ukraine: An OONI network measurement analysis. This research report shared OONI data analysis on recent blocks that have emerged in Russia(and in the EU) amid the war in Ukraine.

https://labs.ripe.net/author/athina/eu-sanctions-and-our-russian-membership/ - "We have published an article that explains why the RIPE NCC remains fully compliant with the latest sanctions"

Internet Security

advice about secure communication tools, for non-techies: https://labs.ripe.net




Platform Geopolitics in 2022: Russian Invasion of Ukraine – an incomplete overview

With great help of @mdieter created a post on the Internet Society Netherlands site based on his document as posted in the tactical media group: https://isoc.nl/nieuws/platform-geopolitics-in-2022-russian-invasion-of-ukraine-an-incomplete-overview/

Journalism and Media

The Russian press in Exile petition to the EUropean Parliament

File:Independent Russian Journalists Relief.pdf

  • In general, this is an initiative formulated too specifically by 4 media and only for Russia. So won't work.
  • Additional non-binding comments about the letter:
  1. I think the letter should be compressed
  2. The statement 'Its high time' must be removed, it negates the emergency.
  3. It is important to think carefully about the target group, is
  4. In my view, this letter should be sent to all individual political parties that are part of the EU.
  • I think it's better to do a broad appeal for visas for journalists in need and ask the press freedom community / pers vrijheid community.

Follow up

I have just spoken to the European Parliament representative who is helping with my petition to support independent Russian journalists. He told me there is already a draft ready, still very raw at the moment, about what the EU can do for Russian journalists in terms of visas, financial support, etc. He will share some bullet points from the draft a bit later. **For now it's important we get more people to sign the letter!** We have agreed that I do my best to collect more signatures and he helps me to forward the letter to some key MPs next week. He thinks the people who have written the draft have already read the letter, but it will be even more powerful if more people sign. At the moment, I have managed to collect only 12 signatures. I believe only two people on this server have signed. Please send me your full names and professional occupations (website or media you work for) and I will add you to the list of signatures! 🚨






Flag from the Russian opposition

https://whitebluewhite.info/english - The Russian design community has created a flag for anti-war movement in Russia. It is a white banner with blue horizontal stripe in the middle. We are removing bloody color because future and prosperity of new Russia is in peace'

Citizen support

Inzamelplekken Oekraïne

Vind een inzamelpunt bij u in de buurt en doneer spullen aan Oekraïners in nood. https://www.inzamelplekkenoekraine.nl/

News and resources


Nextcloud folder for the Tactical Media Room. !pwd protected

information wars

Russia targeting BRICS, Africa, Asia. Not the West really at all. https://twitter.com/carljackmiller/status/1504896238826700800?s=21

News on the war

From a Ukrainian colleague, a recommendation: "Some twitter accounts to follow: @DmytroKuleba (Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, I saw this account being prised for efficient communication, could be interesting from professional point of view as well), @Kyivindependent, @ukraine_world (news in English), @andersostlund (a Swedish journalist reporting from Kyiv), @nolanwpeterson (war reporter based in Ukraine since 2014).

A Wikipedia author has been arrested in Belarus. Wikipedia advises all editors in Belarus and Russia to hide their personal data, and to write/complete articles about war only from secret accounts. Question: If they write under a pseudonym, is their IP address untraceable, or are they masked by Wikipedia?

MFFR komt met statement uit om Russische en Belarussische journalisten meer visa te geven. Zal statement delen zodra t uitkomt. Mffr is coalitie van europese persvrijheidorganisaties

Fundraising and support

Open Society Launches Fund for a Free and Democratic Ukraine https://www.opensocietyfoundations.org/newsroom/open-society-launches-fund-for-a-free-and-democratic-ukraine

We have this initiative, which is already supporting a lot of Ukrainian companies.https://dutchcloudcommunity.nl/community/cloud4ukraine/




As there is a lot of discussion and concern around sanctions related to the war in Ukraine and the effects on the net and the community, weare doing a cooperation working group (virtual) session coming Tuesday,22 March. The session will run from 13:00-14:30 UTC (14:00-15:30 CEST). To participate, you can register at https://www.ripe.net/s/register-coop-wg-20220322