
From Technologia Incognita
Revision as of 19:12, 16 February 2014 by Brainsmoke (talk | contribs) (Usage)
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Participants Brainsmoke
Status Active
Niche Mechanics
Purpose Infrastructure


Entering the space:

  1. scan your fob
  2. enter your pin
  3. press the bell button

Changing your pin:

  1. scan your fob
  2. enter 999
  3. press bell
  4. enter your current pin
  5. press bell
  6. enter your new pin (min 4 characters)
  7. press bell
  8. repeat new pin
  9. press bell

Resetting your pin when you have forgotten:

  1. Ask a doorbot maintainer (brainsmoke for now) to trigger a pin reset
  2. scan your fob
  3. enter your new pin (min 4 characters)
  4. press bell
  5. repeat new pin
  6. press bell

Opening the door when in Open mode

  1. press bell


