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Notes from the TacticalMediaRoom Signal group.

  • Internet Governance and Infrastructure > Topics related to internet governance and infrastructure, including the friction between free internet and European sanction laws, the closure of ENOG (Eurasian Network Operators' Group), and the future of the internet as discussed by Vint Cerf. It also covers network resilience amid conflict, with specific examples such as the telecommunications blackout in Gaza and network data on power outages in Ukraine.
  • Journalism, Art and Media > The role of journalism and media in the ongoing war, the importance of secure communication tools, the role of hacktivists, and the impact of server-side blocking and embargo sanctions on internet splintering. It also discusses the goal of an open internet as discussed by RIPE NCC and the impact of the war on internet access in Ukraine and Russia.
  • Publications, Essays, Presentations & Reports > Publications, essays, presentations, and reports related to the ongoing war. It includes discussions on the historical context of the Russian attack on the Kyiv TV tower, the impact of the war on internet infrastructure and resilience, and the use of sanctions against the internet.
  • Disinformation > Disinformation in the ongoing war, the impact of propaganda on public opinion, the role of social media platforms in spreading disinformation, and the impact of misinformation on the perception of the war.
  • Ukraine > War on Ukraine, including the resilience of the internet in Ukraine, the role of the IT Army of Ukraine in the war, and the impact of the war on the Ukrainian IP registration.
  • Russia > The impact of the war on Russia, including the vulnerability of Russia's main internet provider, Akado Telecom, the role of Russian propaganda in the war, and the impact of the war on the Russian internet landscape.
  • Gaza > The impact of the war on Gaza, including reports on the telecommunications blackout in Gaza and the impact of the war on human rights in Gaza.
  • Protests > The role of protests in the ongoing war and the impact of the war on the right to protest.
  • Events > Various events related to the ongoing wars, including the impact of the war on internet security, the role of cryptography in the war, and the impact of the war on network resilience.

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we will be sending out weekly email newsletters with the latest news, important projects and events regarding the ongoing war. please feel free to subscribe: http://eepurl.com/h1rkVz