TacticalMediaRoom/Signal-Publications, Essays, Presentations & Reports

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War and Conflict

The Pulitzer prize-winning journalist at the heart of the Oscar-tipped documentary describes the weeks he and his team spent in the besieged city – and why they were willing to take the risk https://www.theguardian.com/film/2023/sep/29/20-days-in-mariupol -

  • Our Enemies Will Vanish - A revelatory eyewitness account of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and heroism of the Ukrainian people in their resistance by Yaroslav Trofimov, out now https://yarotrof.com/

War Crimes and Human Rights Violations

Media outlets and communication channels

Politics and Economy

Peace and Sustainability

Technology and Cybersecurity


  • #Shevchenko was nicknamed Kobzar, the Bard, keeper of the people's memory. And his instructions to his descendants became extremely relevant to the world in the last two years, during #russia's full-scale invasion of #Europe. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Wu3ENVLhj0


Tactical Media Room