Board-meeting-minutes-12-12-12: Difference between revisions

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Becha (talk | contribs)
Created page with "short summary: - board positions decided: Arnd chairman, Amran communication, Wizzup treasurer, Me..."
Becha (talk | contribs)
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Amran: Notify UR that there is a new board.                                   
Arnd: Notify notairs that there is a new board.                               
Notify KVK that there is a new board?                                         
Find out the costs?                                                           
Mark: update board alias;                                                     
Amran: update wiki with new board.                                             
All: add email address to your user page.                                     
Monthly meetings:                                                             
        - fixed date & TIME! fixed agenda! 30 minutes!!                       
        - test it for 3 months                                                 
        - very short!                                                         
        - no decisions or voting: if needed, move that to ALV                 
for example:                                                                   
        - every second wednesday in the month                                 
                9.1. 13.2. etc                                       
        - one week before: send the agenda to members list                     
                2.1.  6.2.    7.3  3.4. etc                                   
        - one week after: send the minutes to members list                     
        - fixed agenda:                                                       
                1 volunteer a (rotating) minute taker & chair of the meeting   
(NOT board!)                                                                   
                2  review of the open actions          (5 min)               
                3 events from last month                        (5 min)   
                4 future events                                (5 min)       
                5 any new topics?                              (5 min)       
                6 to & from the board                          (5 min)       
                7 new actions                                  (5 min)       
Only mentioned: Monthly report to members:                                     
                on 10th of every month                                         
        - number of members, # of new members, # of lost members               
        - number of payments & total amount of money                           
        - number of people who did NOT pay                                     
        - how much we have spent                                               
        - past events announcement                                             
        - future events announced

Revision as of 23:18, 9 January 2013

short summary: - board positions decided: Arnd chairman, Amran communication, Wizzup treasurer, Melinda community contact, Mark internet infrasturcture, Stef keys-to-the-space & Dutch-laguage-expert, Vesna secretary - we want to try-out monthly mini members meetings, with fixed agenda, chaired & minuted by someone _not_ from the board - membership meeting: when needed, with more prior work then 1st ALV

TechInc Board Notes 12-12-12

Present: all, except Stef

- Arnd was elected to be a "voorzitter"

- we will have monthly "meta" meetings, with

       - fixed date & TIME! fixed agenda!                                      
       (see bellow)                                                            

Deciding on the functions within the board


- treasurer has to be from the board ; only responsible for book-keeping. (Merlijn! )

               - member administration will be automated      
       - keep track of what the finances are: how much came in, how much we    


       - has to pay the bills - in time!                                       
       - has to fill in the tax-return form! (every 3 months: BTW; yearly      


secretary (Vesna)

       - keeps the list of members                                             
       - chasing people to pay                                                 
       - membership administration                                             
       - member administration (will be automated )                            
       - member communication                                                  

communications person (Amran) / minister of propaganda

       - handles all public / external  channels                               
       - member communication             

internet infrastructure (Marc)

       - VPS (access -> revise!)                                               
       - web site                                                              
       - wiki                                                                  
       - mailing list moderation                                               
               (orga / board / members / announce)                             
       - aliases manager                                                       

community contact (Melinda)

       - 1 on 1 with an official board member                                  
       - conflict resolution / ombudsman                                       
       - community guidelines                                                  


       - giving away fobs & keys                                               
       - keys & fobs administration & secure the documents                     
       - chasing people to pay for fobs                         
       - inform board about the current status                                 
       - facilitate                                                            

When people from the board _are_ doing things that are not part of their board function, they are doing it as *members*.

Membership functions:


organising events

office manager! => should be from the membership?

       - space finances!                                                       
       - needs of the space: what to buy, what we need...                      
       - buying things for the space                                           
       - pledges finances & organisations                                      
       - formalized process of ...                     
       - "envelopes system"                                                    
       - infrastructure work...                                                


       - every 3 months ?                                                      
       - when needed?                                                          
       - announced 16 days in advance!! with the known agenda                  
               => 24 days before there has to be a call for votable agenda     


               - announced on ENOUGH                                           
       - first next one: February (not Fosdem weekend)                         
               - 2 committees to present their findings                        



Amran: Notify UR that there is a new board.

Arnd: Notify notairs that there is a new board. Notify KVK that there is a new board? Find out the costs?

Mark: update board alias;

Amran: update wiki with new board.

All: add email address to your user page.

Monthly meetings:

       - fixed date & TIME! fixed agenda! 30 minutes!!                         
       - test it for 3 months                                                  
       - very short!                                                           
       - no decisions or voting: if needed, move that to ALV                   

for example:

       - every second wednesday in the month                                   
               9.1. 13.2. etc                                        
       - one week before: send the agenda to members list                      
               2.1.  6.2.    7.3   3.4. etc                                    
       - one week after: send the minutes to members list                      
       - fixed agenda:                                                         
               1 volunteer a (rotating) minute taker & chair of the meeting    

(NOT board!)

               2  review of the open actions           (5 min)                 
               3 events from last month                        (5 min)     
               4 future events                                 (5 min)         
               5 any new topics?                               (5 min)         
               6 to & from the board                           (5 min)         
               7 new actions                                   (5 min)         

Only mentioned: Monthly report to members:

               on 10th of every month                                          
       - number of members, # of new members, # of lost members                
       - number of payments & total amount of money                            
       - number of people who did NOT pay                                      
       - how much we have spent                                                
       - past events announcement                                              
       - future events announced