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* On March 7, TikTok made all the content posted by non-Russian channels unavailable to Russian users. This unannounced restriction removes an estimated 95% of the content previously available to Russian TikTok users. Content restriction is happening at the application layer rather than the transport layer,which requires the direct involvement of TikTok. It is the first time a global social media platform has restricted access to content at this scale. A network of coordinated accounts is using a loophole to post new content promoting Russian pro-war propaganda in Russia, despite the current ban on new content uploads.
* On March 7, TikTok made all the content posted by non-Russian channels unavailable to Russian users. This unannounced restriction removes an estimated 95% of the content previously available to Russian TikTok users. Content restriction is happening at the application layer rather than the transport layer,which requires the direct involvement of TikTok. It is the first time a global social media platform has restricted access to content at this scale. A network of coordinated accounts is using a loophole to post new content promoting Russian pro-war propaganda in Russia, despite the current ban on new content uploads.
* https://www.datacenterdynamics.com/en/news/yandex-data-center-in-finland-loses-power-runs-on-diesel-due-to-war-sanctions/
* https://www.datacenterdynamics.com/en/news/yandex-data-center-in-finland-loses-power-runs-on-diesel-due-to-war-sanctions/
== The Netherlands ==
* https://www.folia.nl/international/161102/the-unbearable-lightness-of-uvas-neutrality
* As independent media, we don't have to participate in the current Gleichshaltung.  Apparently my fellow Dutch people need to be reminded about MH17.  And the shameful #nietOnzeOorlog mentality Am I in the wrong country, and a populist is an outgrowth of the culture?  I'm scared sometimes.  Nope, I stay, and hold accountable.  Here, Denys speaks directly, calling the prick a prick.  https://youtu.be/d60xeI9n6WE?t=572
* Wilders has threatened to deal with all of them at one point or another. During the campaign, he was silent on this part of his repertoire, in favour of talking about the cost of living and migration, but his party programme was as extreme as ever. Given that his BFF is Viktor Orbán, there is absolutely no reason to dismiss these threats as purely hypothetical." :https://sophieintveld.substack.com/p/the-hangover
* Tijdens een wereldreis voor ruwe aardolie tankt Poetin in Zeeland - Russian oil tankers , forbidden by sanctions, bunkering in Dutch seas https://archive.is/7dlMn (NRC article, archived)
* Sunday 10 July: Poetin stoppen! Is FVD slopen! | IndyMedia
Stopping Putin means destroying the FvD! Sunday 10th of July, 13:00 The elitist conspiracy fascists from Forum voor Democratie will gather to show support to and celebrate their friend, dictator and mass murderer Putin! Together with the fascists of the AFD from Germany, the Russian ambassador and other! https://indymedia.nl/node/52254 More info: https://enoughisenough14.org/2022/07/07/dont-give-fascists-any-space-fvd-symposium-understanding-the-conflict-in-ukraine-on-july-10-amsterdam/
=== Elections ===
* On Russian state TV they're predictably delighted with the Dutch election result https://twitter.com/i/status/1727661454550073528
* https://youtu.be/d60xeI9n6WE?t=572 Apparently my fellow Dutch people need to be reminded about MH17. The posting date, 1.3.2018 places Wilders' presence in Russia a year and a half after a Dutch-led team of prosecuters presented the evidence of Russian weaponry, and a Russian launch from the temporarily occupied territory of Ukraine.
* Journalists, judges, civil-rights lawyers, teachers, academics - Wilders has threatened to deal with all of them at one point or another. During the campaign, he was silent on this part of his repertoire, in favour of talking about the cost of living and migration, but his party programme was as extreme as ever. Given that his BFF is Viktor Orbán, there is absolutely no reason to dismiss these threats as purely hypothetical." :https://sophieintveld.substack.com/p/the-hangover
= Events =
=== Happening /Coming ===
* What the Wagner Group tells us about Russia Experts analyse the role of Private Military Companies (PMCs),  particularly the Wagner Group. What role did they play in the war?
De Balie:
* upcoming screenings "20 Days In Mariupol". may be found  https://20daysinmariupol.com/#screenings , https://youtu.be/E-coT5t70Tg?si=de_IkhsJRrWcLR1s Bullet Holes, and Uprooted. https://youtu.be/cq2gEMhuDps?si=kEkjRF5Z4Qk3rgjG. 20 Days may be found on PBS.org. You'll need to set your VPN to the States to view the film itself (sans Youtube): https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/frontline/documentary/20-days-in-mariupol/
* https://catincatabacaru.com/exhibitions/state-of-emergence-NADA - State of Emergence
* To Watch the War: The Moving Image Amidst the Invasion of Ukraine (2014–2023) is a moving image forum which takes place at BAK, basis voor actuele kunst, Utrecht from 9 September to 29 October 2023. https://www.bakonline.org/program-item/to-watch-the-war-the-moving-image-amidst-the-invasion-of-ukraine-2014-2023/
* https://www.npostart.nl/my-generation-at-war/AT_300011623 My Generation @War, a Dtuch documentary series, in English and Ukrainian
* Sound & Vision:beeldengeluid.nl/en/remixfest
=== Past ===
* https://spui25.nl/programma/data-is-dead The future of the tech industry is in infrastructure, not data
*  JOIN our book talk on the protection of #journalists in the EU 🗓️ 23 Jan, 14:30 📍 EP + online
✍️ Register by 18 Jan if you need accreditation to the EP https://europa.eu/!R4gDCf
* Experimenting Liveness: Stream Art Between Amsterdam, Kraków, and Kyiv | REPORThttps://networkcultures.org/void/2023/10/30/experimenting-liveness-stream-art-between-amsterdam-krakow-and-kyiv-report/
* workshop related to digital journalism, data activism, and Open Source Investigations in VoxPop (close to Spui in Amsterdam). Perhaps you would like to join. Participation is free upon registration. All the info can be found here: https://fixersandjournalists.humanities.uva.nl/covering-russias-war-on-ukraine-local-media-professionals-and-open-source-investigators/
* My Generation @War, a Dtuch documentary series, in English and Ukrainian https://www.avrotros.nl/my-generation-war/gemist/detail/alles-wat-je-moet-weten-over-my-generation-war/
==== By DMT ====
Mental Geology of Nuclear Threat & The Labor of Witnessing
August 25 | 18:00
(doors open 17:30)
transmediale studio
Free admission
Join us for a studio event organised by our current artist-in-residence Asia Badzdyrieva. The evening will bring together writers and curators - Svitlana Matviyenko, Elena Vogman, Olexii Kuchanskyi, and Johannes Bruder - to engage in conversation about the production and dissemination of images and affects within the mediated contexts of climate change and war. The event will comprise of two moderated conversations with a short break in between.
* 18th and last dispatch by Svitlana Matvayenko on Tactical Media Room Ukraine, covering the period February-June 2023 https://networkcultures.org/tactical-media-room/2023/06/25/dispatches-from-the-place-of-imminence-part-18/
*  🙏🏼 the event was very succesful, Navalny’s team made a repo: https://youtu.be/atOcmzhAEvg
* https://networkcultures.org/events/standby-%d1%87%d0%b0%d1%82%d1%83%d0%b2%d0%b0%d0%bd%d0%bd%d1%8f-czuwanie-on-the-hybrid-island/
* http://www.uva.nl/benefit-concert
* https://www.ripe.net/participate/meetings/open-house/ripe-ncc-open-house-bgp-security-for-ukrainian-operators
* The European Internet Blockade of Russian Propagandist Media
Against the backdrop of the war with Ukraine, the Russian government has sharply increased funding for state media, resulting in an unprecedented level of state propaganda spread on social media platforms. As a consequence, US and EU lawmakers and Ukrainian officials have jolted into action by pressuring social media platforms in an attempt to curb Russian misinformation. This seems to be a watershed moment regarding freedom of the press and internet freedom. We discuss what is at stake with internet activists and journalists directly involved in war-news production.
* Van fact-checking tot argument-checking
Nieuwsverslaggeving lijkt steeds meer op een vorm van oorlog: feiten worden gepareerd met ‘alternatieve feiten’, fake news bestookt voortdurend de mainstream media, en men spreekt zelfs van ‘informatieoorlog’ of ‘informatieterreur’. Kunnen we aan de taal van journalisten en mediaorganisaties nog aflezen of het klopt wat ze zeggen, of is dat onmogelijk geworden? En wat kunnen we doen om de situatie te verbeteren? Vier experts op het gebied van het bestrijden van desinformatie gaan hierover met elkaar in gesprek.
* https://networkcultures.org/events/tactical-media-meet-up-3-the-european-internet-blockade-of-russian-propagandist-media/
==== by OTHERS ====
* local hubs for ripe87 in Rotterdam & Amsterdam: https://bpn.servus.at/ripe87/
* https://internetborders.net/ Conference and Hackathon in Support of Internet Freedom
* https://ra.co/features/4148 After 12 months of war, what's the sound of Ukraine? Listen to a year of releases since the invasion.
* For anyone who hasn’t seen “Navalny”, it’s available here without registration and for free: https://navalny-film.io/
* Sletlana @ Rietveld: https://rietveldacademie.nl/en/page/24782/refuge-ghaith-kween-qoutainy-sletlana-bebe-berat-bebek-studium
* Music for Belarus 30 juni - 19:00. www.belarusians.nl
* Mozilla Festival 2023 Schedule - https://schedule.mozillafestival.org/session/7VJBAE-1 We are doing a session at 15.00
* https://ra.co/features/4148 After 12 months of war, what's the sound of Ukraine? Listen to a year of releases since the invasion.
* Hallo allen, de opening van het critical infrastructure lab aan de universiteit van amsterdam is 13-14 april. Jullie zijn allemaal van harte welkom https://www.criticalinfralab.net/2023/03/13/launch-event-programme/
* https://amsterdamalternative.nl/agenda/13349/ukraine-uncut-hamlet-syndrome Originating with the city’s counterculture and free spaces, Amsterdam Alternative stands for collective action and radical political debate for the sake of a desirable future for the many, not the few.
* For anyone who hasn’t seen “Navalny”, it’s available here without registration and for free: https://navalny-film.io/
* Sletlana @ Rietveld: https://rietveldacademie.nl/en/page/24782/refuge-ghaith-kween-qoutainy-sletlana-bebe-berat-bebek-studium
* Tuesday 30 may (tomorrow) at MKZ at 19 o'clock benefit food and talk from anarchist from Kyiv Ukraine. About the war. The anarchist movement in this. And much more. All donations are for Solidarity Collectives .
* Disclosing Futures Rethinking Heritage Conference www.architectuurdichterbij.nl : https://www.architectuurdichterbij.nl/en/activities/disclosing-futures-rethinking-heritage
* Mariupol-The People's Story, only available inside NL or with VPN... for next 26 days: https://www.2doc.nl/documentaires/2023/01/mariupol-the-peoples-story.html
* https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/russian-invasion-of-ukraine-journalism-trauma-and-resilience-tickets-506452110897 Russian invasion of Ukraine: Journalism, Trauma and Resilience
* a RIPE NCC Open House (online event) to discuss the challenges faced by the network operators in Ukraine. Anyone interested is welcome to join. This online event will take place on Thursday, 2 March from 3:00-15:00 CET https://www.ripe.net/participate/meetings/open-house/ripe-ncc-open-house-internet-in-ukraine
* Care & Resilience: Ukrainian Museums in Times of War https://dutchculture.nl/en/events
* https://www.uva.nl/en/shared-content/faculteiten/en/faculteit-der-geesteswetenschappen/events/2023/02/eastsplainers-3-music.html — and this is smaller-scale session with musicians from Ukraine and elsewhere from East-Central and Eastern Europe. This session is part of Eastsplainers, a series in which we work hard to keep providing a stage for colleagues at risk from across C/EE in responsible ways, at a time of active Russia(n) boycotts.
* together with Music for Peace Foundation, we are hosting a cultural event, “Who Am I?”  https://waalsekerkdenhaag.nl/evenement/who-am-i/
* https://spui25.nl/programma/van-fact-checking-tot-argument-checking
* https://www.spui25.nl/programma/the-european-internet-blockade-of-russian-propagandist-media
* https://www.disinfo.eu/conference The EU DisinfoLab 2022 Annual Conference will take place on October 25 and 26 at the Radisson Collection Grand Place Brussels.
* UvA colleagues have been discussing developing another datasprint (for early July) this time looking at TikTok. For our project we would need an expert curated list of important Ukranian _and_ Russian accounts. Does anyone have any ideas of where we might source this? Does Tiktok make apis available for research on a way that twitter does for example? Likely not I guess but good to know for sure. I feel I should know this, sorry! I'm in a round table meeting with them Monday on child safety so let me know if there's anything to bring up
* https://twitter.com/mediaofcoop/status/1539590237101465602/photo/1 Series "Memory under fire" on Russian disinformation practices & their implications
* Next to all visible war atrocities, another tragedy is unfolding. Members of the same family on different sides of the front line do not believe each other. Russian parents don’t believe their children in Ukraine who try to share their personal war experiences. 25/06/2022 MOMA&CO Amsterdam - Studio
* following Friday (17th) there is a monthly meetup of cross-community organisers, informal but powerful: if you'd like to gain support for TMR , please join: https://wiki.techinc.nl/Community_Organisers_Meetup_17th_June
* https://www.ripe.net/participate/meetings/open-house/ripe-ncc-open-house-bgp-security-for-ukrainian-operators
* Saturday (11.06) 12:00-14:00, Rotterdam, Westnieuwland Goal: to show the European community that Ukraine deserves the status of EU candidate and to draw the attention of the Netherland’s authorities and population to russia’s war against Ukraine.
* Sunday (12.06) 14: 00-16: 00, Amsterdam, Dam Square. to remind the world on “Russia’s day” about the war, crimes and genocide that it is  committing in Ukraine, and to show Dutch community and the world that Ukraine is a European country and is worthy of being a EU candidate. Here is the event in FB: https://www.facebook.com/events/498700641938004 <https://www.facebook.com/events/498700641938004>
* here’s info about workshops I’ve added to the wiki https://wiki.techinc.nl/TacticalMediaRoom/Workshops
* https://www.human.nl/2doc-kort/kijk/overzicht/2022/aflevering-75.html Niet mijn Moskou - 2Doc Kort -31 mei 2022, 23:05 uur - NPO 2 (you stillcan see it on the npo website)
* June Friday (17th) there is a monthly meetup of cross-community organisers, informal but powerful: if you'd like to gain support for TMR , please join: https://wiki.techinc.nl/Community_Organisers_Meetup_17th_June
* https://twitter.com/mariannedh/status/1531283952660455425?s=12&t=RAEbiBDCE13hJvvotsq04Q RightsCon : “On June 8, at 12:30 pm (GMT -4) we'll have an amazing panel on "Internet splintering due to server-side blocking and embargo sanctions" with the incomparable @RoyaEnsafi, @DougMadory, @hellais, and @nielstenoever.”
* Dattalion – Ukraine's Data Battalion. may 30 -  at 14:30 (EEST),first media briefing of Dattalion at Ukraine Media Center. The link to the event is available here https://youtu.be/d6HHk7u98Bc
* https://twitter.com/mykolska/status/1531188142958592000-
* The conspiratorial memory group (a research group on east European conspiracy theory based at Uva, ASCA) is having a workshop in early June that will mainiy focus on the Ukrainain war.https://www.conspiratorialmemory.com/events/conspiratorial-memory-workshop
*Screening of video art works, curated by Serge Klymko from the Kyiv Biennial, is taking place on 2 June at 20.00 at Waag. https://waag.org/nl/event/tactical-media-meetup-2-oekraiense-videokunst-tijden-van-oorlog 
* RIPE 84 – Berlin, Germany | 16-20 May 2022A RIPE Meeting is a five-day event where Internet Service Providers (ISPs), network operators and other interested parties from all over the world gather. https://ripe84.ripe.net/archives/video/739/
* Global NOG Alliance: Taskforce to Keep Ukraine Connected
* Resilience of the internet in Ukraine: Emile Aben https://ripe84.ripe.net/archives/video/738/
* Solidarity Screening for Thursday June 2nd at Waag
* https://www.instagram.com/p/Cd8DLAjgRpi/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
* https://waag.org/en/event/tactical-media-meetup-2-ukrainian-video-art-times-war
Presentations of interest to TMR, at RIPE84
* Monday, 16 May 14:00 - 15:30 (UTC+2) https://ripe84.ripe.net/programme/meeting-plan/plenary/
* Resiliency of the Internet in Ukraine - Emile Aben, RIPE NCC
* Global NOG Alliance: Taskforce to Keep Ukraine Connected -  Rene Fichtmueller, Global NOG Alliance
* https://ripe84.ripe.net/attend/how-to-participate/
* 1st Cross-cutting TDW: AI: Mitigating Bias & Disinformation:Theme Development Workshop18 May 2022 | 9:00- 17:30 CEST Identify common goals between academia and industry as well as other relevant<br>
* https://www.vision4ai.eu/ai-mitigating-bias-disinformation/
* https://www.eventbrite.com/e/ukraine-russia-nato-anti-imperialism-today-tickets-288712375487(free, on zoom, 5th May, 6PM CEST; ask me for the zoom link if you don't want to register...)
* https://nvctraining.com/live-nvc-courses/video-conference/russia-ukraine-war-2022
*The History of the Yugoslavian Internet Live at SEE 10 https://labs.ripe.net/author/becha/the-history-of-the-yugoslavian-internet-live-at-see-10/
*12 April 20.00 Witnessing U: testimonials from the frontline 3 Ukrainian theatre makers Bogdana Orleanova, Iana Gudzenko, Alesia Andrushevska present @ Toneelmakerij, Laurier gracht 99c, Amsterdam
* HTTPS://toneelmakerij.nl/en/voorstellingen/witnessing-u/
* Friday 22 april - 2-5 pm  Public seminar: from imperialism to fascism. The phatasmatic structure of war - SAndberg institute Amsterdam
* Wend. 6 apr 2022 20.00 – 21.30, LOCATIE SPUI25 : "De Russische invasie in media" - is recorded and streams on the page https://spui25.nl/programma/de-russische-invasie-in-media
* Datasprint -Buzzhouse space, located at the University of Amsterdam, BG5 (Oudezijds Achterburgwal 233-237) (enter through the Prisma cafe, then on the first floor). Only the keynote presentation will take place in OMHP D1.08.
* Ripe -As there is a lot of discussion and concern around sanctions related to the war in Ukraine and the effects on the net and the community, weare doing a cooperation working group (virtual) session coming Tuesday,22 March. The session will run from 13:00-14:30 UTC (14:00-15:30 CEST). To participate, you can register at https://www.ripe.net/s/register-coop-wg-20220322
* 31-03 at 11PM, online event:<br> https://www.umass.edu/russian-eurasian-polish-studies/event/public-interest-technology-symposium-ukraine-and-russia-online-war
* 30 mrt 2022 event: <br> https://framerframed.nl/projecten/the-hmm-on-a-lighter-internet/

Revision as of 11:48, 25 July 2024

Notes from the TacticalMediaRoom Signal group.

  • Internet Governance and Infrastructure > Topics related to internet governance and infrastructure, including the friction between free internet and European sanction laws, the closure of ENOG (Eurasian Network Operators' Group), and the future of the internet as discussed by Vint Cerf. It also covers network resilience amid conflict, with specific examples such as the telecommunications blackout in Gaza and network data on power outages in Ukraine.
  • Journalism and Media > The role of journalism and media in the ongoing war, the importance of secure communication tools, the role of hacktivists, and the impact of server-side blocking and embargo sanctions on internet splintering. It also discusses the goal of an open internet as discussed by RIPE NCC and the impact of the war on internet access in Ukraine and Russia.
  • Publications, Essays, Presentations & Reports > Publications, essays, presentations, and reports related to the ongoing war. It includes discussions on the historical context of the Russian attack on the Kyiv TV tower, the impact of the war on internet infrastructure and resilience, and the use of sanctions against the internet.
  • Disinformation > Disinformation in the ongoing war, the impact of propaganda on public opinion, the role of social media platforms in spreading disinformation, and the impact of misinformation on the perception of the war.
  • Ukraine > War on Ukraine, including the resilience of the internet in Ukraine, the role of the IT Army of Ukraine in the war, and the impact of the war on the Ukrainian IP registration.
  • Russia > The impact of the war on Russia, including the vulnerability of Russia's main internet provider, Akado Telecom, the role of Russian propaganda in the war, and the impact of the war on the Russian internet landscape.
  • Gaza > The impact of the war on Gaza, including reports on the telecommunications blackout in Gaza and the impact of the war on human rights in Gaza.
  • Protests > The role of protests in the ongoing war and the impact of the war on the right to protest.
  • Events > Various events related to the ongoing wars, including the impact of the war on internet security, the role of cryptography in the war, and the impact of the war on network resilience.

-- old -- we will be sending out weekly email newsletters with the latest news, important projects and events regarding the ongoing war. please feel free to subscribe: http://eepurl.com/h1rkVz

Internet Governance and infrastructure

chaser: https://www.parisbeacon.com/ripe-ncc-shuts-down-exchange-platform-with-russia/ original: https://www.enog.org discussion: https://enog-apps-2.ripe.net/hyperkitty/list/discuss@enog.org/thread/XGEYIYQWC6MRZ2VXEERH3QLDFU7XFCSD/

Network Resilience Amid Conflict

Internet Security

Network / Internet in Ukraine

  • Ukraine faces second day of huge phone and internet outage after suspected Russian cyberattack Ukrainian authorities accused Russia's military intelligence unit of being responsible.


www.kentik.com & https://www.kentik.com/blog/the-russification-of-ukrainian-ip-registration/

Russia's Internet Landscape