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==  UKRAiNATV ==
==  UKRAiNATV ==
File:UkrainaTV.jpeg|UKRAiNATV ready for the opening at Framer Framed
* https://networkcultures.org/events/24hr-ukrainatv/
* https://networkcultures.org/events/24hr-ukrainatv/
* first more or less comprehensive text about the philosophy of ukrainatv, run out of krakow and now also kyiv (@collidor, together with carbon) https://networkcultures.org/tactical-media-room/2023/12/21/stream-art-or-the-third-avant-garde-introduction-to-hybrid-togetherness/
* first more or less comprehensive text about the philosophy of ukrainatv, run out of krakow and now also kyiv (@collidor, together with carbon) https://networkcultures.org/tactical-media-room/2023/12/21/stream-art-or-the-third-avant-garde-introduction-to-hybrid-togetherness/
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* https://networkcultures.org/tactical-media-room/2023/10/05/ukrainatv-manifesto/
* https://networkcultures.org/tactical-media-room/2023/10/05/ukrainatv-manifesto/
* UkrainaTV promo (3 minutes): https://drive.google.com/file/d/1dtiJ45Rtep2-i-_6FVd5zyPJ17CMmeYe/view
* UkrainaTV promo (3 minutes): https://drive.google.com/file/d/1dtiJ45Rtep2-i-_6FVd5zyPJ17CMmeYe/view
= Media outlets and communication channels =
*  public internet activist Ian Forrester from BBC R&D started a reading list on public internet:  https://bookwyrm.social/list/2981/s/inspiring-books-for-a-publicservice-interenet
* https://sustainablepeacemanifesto.org/
* "Media and the War in Ukraine" - published by Peter Lang. Edited by Mette Mortensen and Mervi Pantti, this timely volume gathers the work from diverse scholars on the pivotal role digital media and communication play in influencing and shaping the narrative of the war in Ukraine. https://www.peterlang.com/document/1311889
== Crisis reporting ==
== Crisis reporting ==
*  Original of Saturday's poem that Nellie Bly read at the First Coffee event in Kyiv, plus English translation. [[File:Ключі сумують за своїми дверима.pdf]]  Also:
** Danse Macabre [[File:Danse Macabre.pdf]]
** Totentanz [[File:Totentanz.pdf]]
*Institute of Mass Information in Kyiv https://fixersandjournalists.humanities.uva.nl/
*Institute of Mass Information in Kyiv https://fixersandjournalists.humanities.uva.nl/
* The Russian press in Exile petition to the EUropean Parliament<br>
* The Russian press in Exile petition to the EUropean Parliament<br>
[[File:Independent Russian Journalists Relief.pdf|thumb|Independent_Russian_Journalists_Relief]]
**Independent_Russian_Journalists_Relie [[File:Independent Russian Journalists Relief.pdf]]  
* https://www.youtube.com/live/t87V0aOhbhk?feature=share UKRAiNATV #EFIR 42 (01/S3SON iii)
* UKRAiNATV #EFIR 42 (01/S3SON iii) https://www.youtube.com/live/t87V0aOhbhk?feature=share  
* https://20daysinmariupol.com/#screenings https://20daysinmariupol.com/#screenings documentary
* 20daysinmariupol https://20daysinmariupol.com/#screenings
== For journalists, artists and scientists ==
== For journalists, artists and scientists ==
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* https://www.nplusonemag.com/online-only/online-only/how-they-tried-to-kill-me/
* https://www.nplusonemag.com/online-only/online-only/how-they-tried-to-kill-me/
* Kostuchenko's poisoning, https://kyivindependent.com/meduza-russian-journalist-allegedly-victim-of-poisoning-in-germany/
* Kostuchenko's poisoning, https://kyivindependent.com/meduza-russian-journalist-allegedly-victim-of-poisoning-in-germany/
= Publications, essays, presentations & reports =
* The cycle of escalations, spy antics, j'accuse, meatwaves, waves of misinformation,  disinformation,  and too much information are definite fearmongering. Folks have the option to sober up and regain confidence.  https://youtu.be/DQN6zgYFfRo?si=e6_hu3FF-PbMO-wJ
* #Shevchenko was nicknamed Kobzar, the Bard, keeper of the people's memory. And his instructions to his descendants became extremely relevant to the world in the last two years, during #russia's full-scale invasion of #Europe.    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Wu3ENVLhj0
* https://culture.pl/en/article/the-executed-renaissance-the-book-that-saved-ukrainian-literature-from-soviet-oblivion
* https://sustainablepeacemanifesto.org/
* https://www.peterlang.com/document/1311889  "Media and the War in Ukraine" - published by Peter Lang. Edited by Mette Mortensen and Mervi Pantti, this timely volume gathers the work from diverse scholars on the pivotal role digital media and communication play in influencing and shaping the narrative of the war in Ukraine.
* https://youtu.be/7xYPGVFhrvk Some heroes survived, some were killed. "The Long Day" is a document written in the voices of Ukrainians. It is a unique testimony to the tragic events and crimes of russia, through the eyes of Ukrainians that the whole world must see and feel.
* Our Enemies Will Vanish - A revelatory eyewitness account of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and heroism of the Ukrainian people in their resistance by Yaroslav Trofimov, out now https://yarotrof.com/
* Application of the Risk Management Framework to Russian Disinformation Campaigns: During the first year of Russia’s illegal war in Ukraine, social media companies enabled the Kremlin to run a large-scale disinformation campaign targeting the European Union and its allies, reaching an aggregate audience of at least 165 million and generating at least 16 billion views. Preliminary analysis suggests that the reach and influence of Kremlin-backed accounts has grown further in the first half of 2023, driven in particular by the dismantling of Twitter’s safety standards. https://op.europa.eu/en/publication-detail/-/publication/c1d645d0-42f5-11ee-a8b8-01aa75ed71a1/language-de
* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tl4W6cxVVMY  Internet? /// polyphonyproject.com
*  20 Days in Mariopol may be found on PBS.org. You'll need to set your VPN to the States to view the film itself (sans Youtube): https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/frontline/documentary/20-days-in-mariupol/
* UPROOTED | An investigation into Russia’s abduction of Ukrainian children https://youtu.be/cq2gEMhuDps?si=XM1oRxnYkUlIDrCv
*  BULLET HOLES | An investigation into Russia’s systemic killings of Ukrainian children https://youtu.be/E-coT5t70Tg?si=-NF6dL9UgTg17DiB
* https://www.theguardian.com/film/2023/sep/29/20-days-in-mariupol - ‘It felt like the beginning of the third world war … It still does’ – Mstyslav Chernov on 20 Days in Mariupol
The Pulitzer prize-winning journalist at the heart of the Oscar-tipped documentary describes the weeks he and his team spent in the besieged city – and why they were willing to take the risk
* Where state capitalism meets the transnational capitalist state: The ties between Gazprom and Amsterdam’s offshore financial center https://www.researchgate.net/publication/373612117_Where_state_capitalism_meets_the_transnational_capitalist_state_The_ties_between_Gazprom_and_Amsterdam's_offshore_financial_center
* Europe After the Death of Peace of Mind By Vasyl Cherepanyn, Eurozine, 28 August 2023 https://www.eurozine.com/europe-after-the-death-of-peace-of-mind/
* Quite an interesting article, focusing on European apathy in front of Putin. It shows quite well how in the past 10 years Putin the possibility to escalate. I hope this European reflection will deepen, to take a stance against the biggest criminal of the 21st century. https://www.nrc.nl/nieuws/2023/08/18/poetin-viel-oekraine-binnen-in-2014-maar-toen-bleef-het-westen-dagdromen-over-dialoog-en-deescalatie-a4172235
* Walking Through the Fog of Cyberwarfare https://blokmagazine.com/walking-through-the-fog-of-cyberwarfare/
* Passivity-Between Resignation and Pacifism by Alexandra Tryanova, Pascal Gielen (OK short booklet in NL and ENG): https://valiz.nl/en/publications/passivity - ‘A pacifist is a rare beast in a bomb shelter.’ The war in Ukraine challenged our idea of pacifism. Should Europe take up arms or not? Can it ease its conscience only with humanitarian aid? Isn’t Europe's attitude towards the war mainly driven by economic motives? In Passivity, Ukrainian art curator Alexandra Tryanova and Belgian sociologist Pascal Gielen engage in a dialogue about this. In doing so, they not only talk about the current political situation, but also look at themselves; at their own fears and privileges. What is passivity in our own daily doings? When does pacifism turn into resignation? How do our surrounding media and culture contribute to such an attitude? Passivity does not provide unifying answers to these questions. Rather, it looks for ways to find peace with our own mixed feelings.
*  '''Symposium for Documentation and Archiving Initiatives''' https://www.iwm.at/news/the-most-documented-war-symposium-for-documentation-and-archiving-initiatives
* How Russia is waging a crypto war in Ukraine...and losing (video & report) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j5jQr8nHy7U https://blog.chainalysis.com/reports/russia-ukraine-war-cryptocurrency-one-year/
* The video recording of this year’s McLuhan Lecture by Svitlana Matviyenko and moderated by Nabil Ahmed on Nuclear Cyberwar: Speeds and Vectors of Energy Terrorism is now available to watch on our website and on transmediale’s Youtube channel https://2023.transmediale.de/en/event/marshall-mcluhan-lecture-2023
* Svitlana Matviyenko's new essay, based on her Transmediale Marshall McLuhan lecture, here: https://www.e-flux.com/journal/134/525421/speeds-and-vectors-of-energy-terrorism/
* in  German: the Habermas debate, in response to his proposal to start negotiations between Ukraine and Russia https://www.perlentaucher.de/9punkt/2023-02-16.html?nle_id=10847
* UkrainaTV program - https://soundcloud.com/microfreeq
* The one hour contribution of VOID/INC/HvA in Amsterdam to the 24 hour 'February 24' live stream of UkrainaTV, working out of the art academy in Krakow, including an interview I did with Svitlana Matviyenko: https://vimeo.com/showcase/9620223
* At University of Siegen (D) we’ve organised a lecture series in response to the Russian war in Ukraine in solidarity with the protests in Iran. We’ve opened it up for researchers from various war and conflict zones. Its not only media studies, but perhaps of interest to some of you or  your networks.  We start today at 6 pm via zoom with Svitlana Matviyenko and the media practices and everyday politics of collecting evidence of  Russian war crimes in Ukraine. Best wishes, Tatjana Seitz  https://www.mediacoop.uni-siegen.de/de/veranstaltungen/lecture-series-research-at-risk-svitlana-matviyenko/
* https://www.wereldbrand.nl/2022/04/08/redacteuren-doxa-hangt-gevangenisstraf-boven-het-hoofd/
* http://bit.ly/3KYomFe “Cryptography has failed to address the needs of the disenfranchised. But we can fix that! https://shiftprint.writeas.com/ru-v-net
* The Free Press Show Hoe ziet de toekomst van de journalistiek eruit? In veel landen staat de onafhankelijke journalistiek onder druk. Toch tonen veel journalisten zich strijdvaardig. Ze gebruiken data mining en hackersmethoden of zetten nieuwe netwerken en internationale samenwerkingen op. Hoe zullen de journalisten van de toekomst omgaan met dictators en kan nieuwe technologie hen daarbij helpen? Mediawetenschapper Mark Deuze geeft aan de hand van zijn beeldarchief een blik op de oorlog, die niet alleen op het slagveld maar ook in de media wordt uitgevochten. https://www.vpro.nl/programmas/tegenlicht/kijk/afleveringen/2022-2023/the-free-press-show.html/
* Lviv – Kyiv: An Unintelligible Trip in an Unintelligible War Antonis Vradis https://pmpress.org/index.php?l=product_detail&p=1351
* From a Ukrainian colleague, a recommendation: "Some twitter accounts to follow: @DmytroKuleba (Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, I saw this account being prised for efficient communication, could be interesting from professional point of view as well), @Kyivindependent, @ukraine_world (news in English), @andersostlund (a Swedish journalist reporting from Kyiv), @nolanwpeterson (war reporter based in Ukraine since 2014).
* Taking on Putin through porn: how Russians are finding out the truth about Ukraine | Jemimah Steinfeld Little moderation, huge audiences and biddable owners make porn and gambling sites a safe haven from censors, says Jemimah Steinfeld, editor-in-chief of Index on Censorship https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2022/jul/02/putin-porn-russians-truth-ukraine-gambling-sites
* Novaya Gazeta Europe will cover what is happening in Russia in several languages. It will cover international and Russian news for people who read in Russian and who share European values.https://novayagazeta.eu/
* https://www.hva.nl/content/nieuws/nieuwsberichten/2022/03/lector-geert-lovink-blogt-met-oekraiense-collegas-over-de-oorlog.html
* The Last Days Of Mariupol’s Internet - Engineers who kept Ukraine’s port city online have gone missing or died in the carnage inflicted by Russia’s siege. Hope remains that Ukrainian cities knocked off the internet map will come back online fast—once the shelling ends.<br> https://www.forbes.com/sites/thomasbrewster/2022/03/31/the-last-days-of-mariupols-internet/?sh=514f41a45962
* A Wikipedia author has been arrested in Belarus. Wikipedia advises all editors in Belarus and Russia to hide their personal data, and to write/complete articles about war only from secret accounts.Question: If they write under a pseudonym, is their IP address untraceable, or are they masked by Wikipedia?
* MFFR komt met statement uit om Russische en Belarussische jourhttps://verblijfblog.nl/tijdelijke-bescherming-van-oekrainers-in-nederland/ more info: https://ovd.news/news/2022/03/02/russian-protests-against-war-ukraine-chronicle-events
* [[File:FPU leaflet ONE MONTH OF INVASION.pdf|thumb|FPU_leaflet ONE MONTH OF INVASION]]
* Platform Geopolitics in 2022: Russian Invasion of Ukraine – an incomplete overview https://isoc.nl/nieuws/platform-geopolitics-in-2022-russian-invasion-of-ukraine-an-incomplete-overview
* Reimagining the aftermath of war, now https://blogs.lse.ac.uk/wps/2022/05/10/reimagining-the-aftermath-of-war-now/
* Russian soldiers fighting for Ukraine against the Russian Army driving through the Poltava region. https://twitter.com/visegrad24/status/1520472404987990018
* How do wars end? HCSS director of research Tim Sweijs and assistant analyst Mattia Bertolini consider what we can learn from past war terminations: how long they last, how they end and factors that
* Vladimir Putin sits atop a crumbling pyramid of power | Vladimir Sorokin https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2022/feb/27/vladimir-putin-russia-ukraine-power
== Tactical Media Room ==
* Radically Different Society: Ukrainian Art in the Light of Revolution, in the Shadow of War by Lesia Kulchynska https://networkcultures.org/tactical-media-room/2023/08/11/radically-different-society/
* Dispatches from the Place of Imminence, part 17 by Svitlana Matviyenko https://networkcultures.org/tactical-media-room/2023/05/03/dispatches-from-the-place-of-imminence-part-17/
* https://networkcultures.org/tactical-media-room/2022/08/09/sandro-mezzadra-toni-negri-join-the-global-fight-against-the-regime-of-war/
* https://networkcultures.org/tactical-media-room/2023/03/05/giulia-timis-reflections-on-ukrainatv-transmediale/
* Konrad Wojnowski: Broadcasting (and) Cleansing-Review of UKRAiNATV’s 24hr Live Stream https://networkcultures.org/tactical-media-room/2023/03/07/konrad-wojnowski-broadcasting-and-cleansing-review-of-ukrainatvs-24hr-live-stream/
* https://networkcultures.org/tactical-media-room/2023/04/10/dispatches-from-the-place-of-imminence-part-16/. Svitlana Matviyenko in the Netherlands April 12-18, speaking at the opening of the UvA critical infrastructures lab and then at STRP festival in Eindhoven. Dispatch #16 about her December visit to Kyiv.
* Dispatches from the Place of Imminence, part 9 https://networkcultures.org/blog/2022/05/10/dispatches-from-the-place-of-imminence-part-9/
* '''Investigative Fiction:''' Evidence and its Discontents by Anna Engelhardt https://networkcultures.org/void/?p=459&preview=1&_ppp=7a607c01a3
*  Lesia Kulchynska: Dark Matter of Image https://networkcultures.org/tactical-media-room/2023/02/16/lesia-kulchynska-dark-matter-of-image/

Latest revision as of 16:54, 25 July 2024

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  1. efir62 In this episode we will take a look at how people are adapting to live, find peace, and create in times of crisis. we're talking to Mykhailo Mazepa and Sofi Bondar about turning war barricades into furniture (architecture meets activism). Aircraft will share his synth-wave pop journey across Europe. Fat Frumos, the force behind Suck Puck Records, dives into the breakcore and rave scene ecstatic rituals. Beats'n'Beans will discuss their tea ceremonies and their upcoming appearance at UKRAiNATV during Unsound. Satin de Compostela previews one of the next efir editions which will be focused on rituals, magic, and spirituality in postindustrial world. We'll also connect with Norway and converse about our experiences during workshops in the Academy of Fine Arts in Trondheim. And don't miss Sofia's tale of wrestling with Polish bureaucracy at the airport (real-life drama). It's a packed lineup, all about the gatherings and rituals that shape our lives. Yevgeniy Demydenko will set some tranquil vibes with his saxophone solo. To top it off Romek will unveil our plans for the 4TH SEASON @ UKRAiNATV and we’ll give stage to our one and only Gleb with his PINK CORE set.

Media outlets and communication channels

Crisis reporting

For journalists, artists and scientists


how to talk about the russian invasion

Open source intelligence


Digital rights experts will help activists, NGO workers and lawyers to request their data that is held by Europol. edri.org invite for lawyers, journalists, activists: https://edri.org/take-action/events/webinar-activists-and-ngo-europol-databases/

Threats to journalists and activists

Why is this an important topic for European journalists to cover? Simple - because from this research we know how russian secret services are integrated in the economic, public and politic systems in Europe. Also we see how random the choice of people to poison can be: opposition leaders, activists, journalists, former colleagues - it can be anyone. And they all move freely in Europe. They know where to get the information, they have access to data. This is worrying, and I think European media, journalists, investigators must give attention to this, because the European public must know these details about the regime Western leaders want to find peace with.

It is quite certain that these secret services have access to booking.com’s database in real time.The terror that since the russian revolutions is part of the state, is actually already in Europe. And European public - sand worse: politicians are choosing not to see it. 3 hour interview with Elena Kostyuchenko with english subs: https://youtu.be/CobxH2gH4pM

Our pols don't comprehend that there are those who laugh at our open society and vulnerability and see it as rot. Laughing, they send their kids to live here, get their health care here and drive a mercedes, and the irony of the contradiction is lost.