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  we will be sending out weekly email newsletters with the latest news, important projects and events regarding the ongoing war. please feel free to subscribe: http://eepurl.com/h1rkVz
  we will be sending out weekly email newsletters with the latest news, important projects and events regarding the ongoing war. please feel free to subscribe: http://eepurl.com/h1rkVz
== Network and Internet services ==
= Internet Governance and infrastructure =
* https://www.groene.nl/artikel/altijd-apolitiek-opereren Hoe het vrije internet schuurt met Europese sanctiewetgeving
* Internet Society Netherlands op LinkedIn: Our open letter to election program committees is online: https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:7123449064695738368/
* https://www.politico.eu/article/telecom-cable-sweden-estonia-damage-nato/ vulnerability of communications lines to the Moscow regime's open embrace of terrorism: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pJU-KYMREbQ
* ENOG (Eurasian Network Operators' Group) was established in June 2011 as a means to bring RIPE and the RIPE NCC closer to the local communities in Eurasia and to support Internet development in the region. "Sunsetting ENOG" story: shot: https://www.ripe.net/publications/news/announcements/sunsetting-enog
chaser: https://www.parisbeacon.com/ripe-ncc-shuts-down-exchange-platform-with-russia/
original: https://www.enog.org
discussion: https://enog-apps-2.ripe.net/hyperkitty/list/discuss@enog.org/thread/XGEYIYQWC6MRZ2VXEERH3QLDFU7XFCSD/
=== Open internet ===
* ISOC NL we are looking for new board members  https://isoc.nl/gezocht-isoc-nl-bestuursleden-f-m-x/
* Digital commons are a pillar of European digital sovereignty. We have teamed up with a number of organizations working on building Digital Commons and published an op-ed encouraging French and European policy makers to put Digital Commons at the center of the EU’s digital strategy. https://openfuture.eu/blog/digital-commons-are-a-pillar-of-european-digital-sovereignty/
* Vint Cerf Talks The Future Of The Internet - BBC Click https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U2AmxZ3V26s -
* Interesting read: 13 propositions, and the #12 is about sanctions on the Internet: https://blog.apnic.net/2022/07/19/13-propositions-on-an-internet-for-a-burning-world-12-13/
== Network Resilience Amid Conflict ==
* Telecommunications blackout in the Gaza Strip is an attack on human rights https://www.accessnow.org/press-release/communications-blackout-gaza-strip/
* 15 nov. 2022: Network data show that most regions of #Ukraine have been impacted by a nation-scale power outage amid intense Russian missile bombardment targeting critical infrastructure; 85 missile strikes confirmed today per President Zelensky 📰 Report: https://t.co/S0qJQ7CbNv” https://twitter.com/netblocks/status/1592549576531234816?s=46&t=PAh-XRummXUmRlxZQsdIBQ
* https://www.itu.int/en/ITU-D/Regional-Presence/Europe/Documents/Interim%20assessment%20on%20damages%20to%20telecommunication%20infrastructure%20and%20resilience%20of%20the%20ICT%20ecosystem%20in%20Ukraine%20-2022-12-22_FINAL.pdf
* Forensic Architecture, about the historical context of the Russian attack on the Kyiv TV tower: https://forensic-architecture.org/investigation/russian-strike-on-kyiv-tv-tower/
* Level Up (https://level-up.cc/) is a community-owned platform designed to gather resources for the global digital safety training community.
* "Internet splintering due to server-side blocking and embargo sanction" https://twitter.com/francis_scarr/status/1533754156196016128?s=20&t=LoMpjsB25BPCexRpWh2NHA
* This was the session at RightsCon: https://rightscon.summit.tc/t/2022/events/internet-splintering-due-to-server-side-blocking-and-embargo-sanction-nv8ZxD4hyXemicsbVgyfhq
* An Open Internet Remains the Goal -  New from RIPE NCC:https://labs.ripe.net/author/hans_petter_holen/an-open-internet-remains-the-goal/
* RPKI Training for Ukrainian Network Operators -> The RIPE NCC held online BGP Security training for Ukrainian telecom operators on 6 April: https://labs.ripe.net/author/alex-semenyaka/rpki-training-for-ukrainian-network-operators/
* What could be done, if there is political will, regarding the "technical sanctions" & blocking of the aggressive regimes/countries/networks:https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/pdf/draft-giuliano-blocking-considerations-00
* Report shared OONI data analysis on recent blocks that have emerged in Russia(and in the EU) amid the war in Ukraine. https://ooni.org/post/2022-russia-blocks-amid-ru-ua-conflict/
* Article > why the RIPE NCC remains fully compliant with the latest sanctions https://labs.ripe.net/author/athina/eu-sanctions-and-our-russian-membership/ -
* Data analysis & visualization relating to censorship. OONI discussion channel:  https://join.slack.com/t/openobservatory/shared_invite/zt-16ndyhjcw-xC~h_CNBKBm0IFZI3zhwNQ
* https://pulse.internetsociety.org/blog/internet-perspectives-ukraine-and-russia
* A More Robust Approach to Sanctions: https://labs.ripe.net/author/chrisb/a-more-robust-approach-to-sanctions/
* Recent events in Ukraine have spotlighted some fundamental questions about Internet governance and the use of state-imposed sanctions. This post frames the discussion in reference to one of the Internet's most enduring maxims.RIPE NCC "position" : https://www.ripe.net/participate/member-support/the-ripe-ncc-and-ukraine-russia/
* To sanction or not to sanction the Internet access: A SancNet debate https://www.giga-net.org/to-sanction-or-not-to-sanction-the-internet-access-a-sancnet-debate/
* History of using sanctions against internet in Serbia (& history of war in ex-yugoslavia ) https://wiki.techinc.nl/TacticalMediaRoom#History
* https://coinmarketcap.com/alexandria/article/hydra-market-543-bitcoin-seized-as-world-s-biggest-darknet-platform-shut-down
* https://www.datacenterdynamics.com/en/news/yandex-data-center-in-finland-loses-power-runs-on-diesel-due-to-war-sanctions/
* https://labs.ripe.net/author/becha/spring-and-summer-events-season-2022/ Spring and Summer Events Season 2022 Ripe
RPKI Training for Ukrainian Network Operators
== Internet Security ==
The RIPE NCC held online BGP Security training for Ukrainian telecom operators on 6 April. The training was delivered in English with translation into Ukrainian. In this article, we talk about the motivation for providing this particular kind of training and share the full recording.
If you need a training on BGP routing security in Ukrainian, here's the article with a link to the video: https://labs.ripe.net/author/alex-semenyaka/rpki-training-for-ukrainian-network-operators/
An Open Internet Remains the Goal - New from RIPE NCC:<br>
* Cryptography has failed to address the needs of the disenfranchised.But we can fix that! https://uwaterloo.ca/cybersecurity-privacy-institute/cpi-talk-crypto-people
* Secure communication tools, for non-techies https://labs.ripe.net/author/waehlisch/secure-personal-communication-in-the-event-of-crisis/ https://labs.ripe.net
* https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2022/03/telegram-harm-reduction-users-russia-and-ukraine
What could be done, if there is political will, regarding the "technical sanctions" & blocking of the aggressive regimes/countries/networks: <br>
* https://cip.gov.ua/en/news/viktor-zhora-potencial-rosiiskikh-khakeriv-imovirno-pereocinenii
* https://www.ft.com/content/1fb2f592-4806-42fd-a6d5-735578651471
* https://www.forbes.com/sites/thomasbrewster/2022/03/28/huge-cyberattack-on-ukrtelecom-biggest-since-russian-invasion-crashes-ukraine-telecom/?sh=43c99b0d7dc2
This research report shared OONI data analysis on recent blocks that have emerged in Russia(and in the EU) amid the war in Ukraine.<br>
* Anonymous hacktivists warned that the next #OpRussia target will be corporations that refuse to pull their business from Russia as one group of hackers decided to try to use their data haul from a Russian company to financially help the people of Ukraine.
* https://www.hstoday.us/featured/anonymous-hackers-fire-warning-shot-at-companies-refusing-to-pull-out-of-russia/
Article that explains why the RIPE NCC remains fully compliant with the latest sanctions<br>
https://labs.ripe.net/author/athina/eu-sanctions-and-our-russian-membership/ -
About data analysis & visualization relating to censorship. OONI discussion channel: <br>
==  Network / Internet in Ukraine ==
* Ukraine faces second day of huge phone and internet outage after suspected Russian cyberattack Ukrainian authorities accused Russia's military intelligence unit of being responsible.
* https://mastodon.social/@runasand/110251282506443154 “I’ll give journalists in Ukraine pro-bono cybersecurity guidance, inc. security keys for enhanced two-factor auth for email and social media. If you know folks at Kyiv Independent, Kyiv Post or elsewhere who would benefit from this, please put us in touch: runa at granitt dot io.”
* Cyber security and resilience: Lessons from Ukraine https://cyber.harvard.edu/events/cyber-security-and-resilience-lessons-ukraine
* article about measuring Internet resilience in Ukraine https://labs.ripe.net/author/emileaben/the-resilience-of-the-internet-in-ukraine-one-year-on/
* Telecom operators in new territories will issue users' IP addresses in Russian - newspaper - https://fomag.ru/news-streem/operatory-svyazi-v-novykh-territoriyakh-oformyat-ip-adresa-polzovateley-na-rossiyskie-gazeta/
* https://www.heise.de/hintergrund/One-year-of-war-in-Ukraine-Operators-rebuild-networks-in-the-back-of-the-army-7529709.html
* https://css.ethz.ch/content/dam/ethz/special-interest/gess/cis/center-for-securities-studies/pdfs/Cyber-Reports-2022-06-IT-Army-of-Ukraine.pdf The IT Army of Ukraine Structure, Tasking, and Ecosystem Stefan Soesanto
* The Russification of Ukrainian IP Registration -In this article, Doug Madory uncovers the little-known “Russification” of Ukrainian IP addresses — a phenomenon that complicates the task of internet measurement and impacts Ukrainians connecting to the internet using IP addresses suddenly considered Russian.
& https://www.kentik.com/blog/the-russification-of-ukrainian-ip-registration/
* https://pulse.internetsociety.org/blog/internet-infrastructure-predictions-for-2023-ukraine-internet-to-prevail-central-asia-to-increase-internet-resiliance-in-response-to-war
* Keep  Ukraine  connect task force https://keepukraineconnected.org | https://labs.ripe.net/author/alun_davies/keep-ukraine-connected/ > story (podcast & article) about the project that was presented at non-public TMR meetup:
* Petition organized by Promote Ukraine and EUMANS: https://eukrainenow.eu <https://eukrainenow.eu>
* Saving Ukrainian Cultural Heritage Online We are saving digitised collections from Ukrainian museums, libraries and archives.https://www.sucho.org/
* The international surge to help keep Ukraine's frontlines connected https://www.cyberscoop.com/ukraine-internet-starlink-security/
* https://www.capacitymedia.com/article/29xf7phjbzu764hrrx8g0/kyivstar-works-to-re-connect-ukrainian-cities
* In the rubble of bombarded Ukrainian cities, technicians are risking their lives to keep the country online.https://www.forbes.com/sites/thomasbrewster/2022/03/22/while-russians-bombs-fall-around-them-ukraines-engineers-battle-to-keep-the-internet-running/?sh=4a20aad35a4c
* Resiliency of the Internet in Ukraine  Emile Aben, RIPE NCC https://ripe84.ripe.net/programme/meeting-plan/plenary/
* Dattalion – Ukraine's Data Battalion. Today at 14:30 (EEST), me and my colleagues are going to hold the first media briefing of Dattalion at Ukraine Media Center. The link to the event is available here https://youtu.be/d6HHk7u98Bc
* https://twitter.com/mykolska/status/1531188142958592000
==== Platform governance ====
== Russia's Internet Landscape ==
* https://www.vrt.be/vrtnws/nl/2024/02/15/rusland-internet-ip-adres-amsterdam/ https://www.vrt.be/vrtnws/nl/2024/02/15/rusland-internet-ip-adres-amsterdam/
* https://cybernews.com/cyber-war/russia-fsb-akado-internet-down-ukraine-it-army/ Moscow’s main internet provider, Akado Telecom, has been reported down for a third time since December, allegedly knocking out wifi access for several of Moscow's government agencies,
* https://www.spui25.nl/programma/the-european-internet-blockade-of-russian-propagandist-media The European Internet Blockade of Russian Propagandist Media
* https://t.me/rerussia_eng An expert and discussion platform aiming to address key issues of Russian politics, economy and society. It produces a constantly updated review of current expertise, new data and global discussion on the state of Russia, and publishes its own research
* MEMO TO META, TWITTER, & GOOGLE: Suspending Russian Government & Affiliated Accounts https://medium.com/@taskforce_51147/141fd0aa0fac
* Argumentenkaart over Europese Internetblokkade van Russia Today  https://ecp.nl/argumentenkaart-over-europese-internetblokkade-van-russia-today-en-sputnik/ in english: https://ecp.nl/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/AK-Internetblokkade-Rusland-EN.pdf
* https://www.prospectmagazine.co.uk/world/can-russia-really-disconnect-from-the-rest-of-the-digital-world
* Russia Is Building Its Own Intependent Internet https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qk329evDDqo | https://labs.ripe.net/author/alexander-isavnin/the-russian-sovereign-internet-and-number-resources/
* Before a possible internet wall between Russia and the rest of the world is erected, it seems to me a priority to actively invest energy in join, receiving (internet) addresses, proxies, VPNs, satellite options, short golf etc.However, it is necessary that that information is quickly decentralized, through various media.
* https://www.prospectmagazine.co.uk/world/can-russia-really-disconnect-from-the-rest-of-the-digital-world
* The open internet in Russia must be protected. Here’s why https://webfoundation.org/2022/03/the-open-internet-in-russia-must-be-protected-heres-why/
* Russian internet resources and background https://labs.ripe.net/author/alexander-isavnin/the-russian-sovereign-internet-and-number-resources/
* How Is Russia Connected To The Wider Internet? https://labs.ripe.net/author/emileaben/how-is-russia-connected-to-the-wider-internet/
* Meduza is a Russian platform https://save.meduza.io/eu
* AmneziaVPN is the only service that has supported this petition. One free service for all Russians, accessible through a telegram bot - because all foreign vpn services are blocked or impossible to pay for from Russia. It as one small win for free internet access without https://www.change.org/p/we-call-on-vpn-companies-to-provide-russian-users-with-free-access-to-their-services
* https://tracking.exposed/pdf/tiktok-russia-15march2022.pdf
* U.S. Treasury moves to keep Russians connected despite sanctions https://www.accessnow.org/u-s-treasury-russia-sanctions-internet/
* On March 7, TikTok made all the content posted by non-Russian channels unavailable to Russian users. This unannounced restriction removes an estimated 95% of the content previously available to Russian TikTok users. Content restriction is happening at the application layer rather than the transport layer,which requires the direct involvement of TikTok. It is the first time a global social media platform has restricted access to content at this scale. A network of coordinated accounts is using a loophole to post new content promoting Russian pro-war propaganda in Russia, despite the current ban on new content uploads.
* https://www.datacenterdynamics.com/en/news/yandex-data-center-in-finland-loses-power-runs-on-diesel-due-to-war-sanctions/
group doing analysis on the timeline of platform governance that I've shared here and that Ruben Brave has published online with ISOC. We also have another group doing an analysis on the most popular apps being used in Ukraine during the war. The datasprint will be done on Friday, we can share results after.
= Journalism and Media =
==  UKRAiNATV ==
* https://networkcultures.org/events/24hr-ukrainatv/
* first more or less comprehensive text about the philosophy of ukrainatv, run out of krakow and now also kyiv (@collidor, together with carbon) https://networkcultures.org/tactical-media-room/2023/12/21/stream-art-or-the-third-avant-garde-introduction-to-hybrid-togetherness/
* ▷https://youtube.com/@streamartstudio?si=RrAwsmXniGC9DWex
* ▷https://m.twitch.tv/streamartstudio
* ▷https://ukrainatv.streamart.studio
#efir62 In this episode we will take a look at how people are adapting to live, find peace, and create in times of crisis. we're talking to Mykhailo Mazepa and Sofi Bondar about turning war barricades into furniture (architecture meets activism). Aircraft will share his synth-wave pop journey across Europe. Fat Frumos, the force behind Suck Puck Records, dives into the breakcore and rave scene ecstatic rituals. Beats'n'Beans will discuss their tea ceremonies and their upcoming appearance at UKRAiNATV during Unsound. Satin de Compostela previews one of the next efir editions which will be focused on rituals, magic, and spirituality in postindustrial world. We'll also connect with Norway and converse about our experiences during workshops in the Academy of Fine Arts in Trondheim. And don't miss Sofia's tale of wrestling with Polish bureaucracy at the airport (real-life drama). It's a packed lineup, all about the gatherings and rituals that shape our lives. Yevgeniy Demydenko will set some tranquil vibes with his saxophone solo. To top it off Romek will unveil our plans for the 4TH SEASON @ UKRAiNATV and we’ll give stage to our one and only Gleb with his PINK CORE set.
==== Sanctions ====
* https://www.twitch.tv/inc_void
* https://networkcultures.org/tactical-media-room/2023/10/05/ukrainatv-manifesto/
* UkrainaTV promo (3 minutes): https://drive.google.com/file/d/1dtiJ45Rtep2-i-_6FVd5zyPJ17CMmeYe/view
A More Robust Approach to Sanctions<br>
== Crisis reporting ==
*Institute of Mass Information in Kyiv https://fixersandjournalists.humanities.uva.nl/
* The Russian press in Exile petition to the EUropean Parliament<br>
Recent events in Ukraine have spotlighted some fundamental questions about Internet governance and the use of state-imposed sanctions. This post frames the discussion in reference to one of the Internet's most enduring maxims.RIPE NCC "position" :<br>
[[File:Independent Russian Journalists Relief.pdf|thumb|Independent_Russian_Journalists_Relief]]
* https://www.youtube.com/live/t87V0aOhbhk?feature=share UKRAiNATV #EFIR 42 (01/S3SON iii)
* https://20daysinmariupol.com/#screenings https://20daysinmariupol.com/#screenings documentary
"To sanction or not to sanction the Internet access: A SancNet debate" <br>
History of using sanctions against internet in Serbia (& history of war in ex-yugoslavia )<br>
=== Ukraine ===
Ukraine video dispatch: The recovery in Kharkiv Alexis Daloumis reached the frontline city shortly after Ukrainian forces had pushed the Russian Army out of artillery range, and reports on the situation as it recovers from  the assault. freedomnews.org.uk
"Dedicated to Ukrainians" https://youtu.be/ui8kUKuLBaU
Dispatches from the Place of Imminence, part 10 by Svitlana Matviyenko. She remarks that "it was the hardest Dispatch to write. Ukraine is ruined. our land is taken. thousands people are dead. thousands are being tortured & dying. fascism lives & sells its gas and oil." https://networkcultures.org/blog/2022/05/31/dispatches-from-the-place-of-imminence-part-10/
Story from Ukrainian ccTLD registry .ua during war : https://ripe84.ripe.net/archives/video/753
The link to keep  Ukraine  connect task force <br>
In the rubble of bombarded Ukrainian cities, technicians are risking their lives to keep the country online. <br>
Saving Ukrainian Cultural Heritage Online We are saving digitised collections from Ukrainian museums, libraries and archives. <br>
The international surge to help keep Ukraine's frontlines connected<br>
=== Russia ===
Re: Russia | Eng An expert and discussion platform aiming to address key issues of Russian politics, economy and society. It produces a constantly updated review of current expertise, new data and global discussion on the state of Russia, and publishes its own research https://t.me/rerussia_eng
Free University Moscow created this new and for some here probably useful Telegram channel: https://t.me/FreeStudentMedia. (NB in Russian only though, so it seems)
"We Are Not Doing Anything Illegal, Why Be Anonymous?" — Interview with Maxim Kondratiev from Avtozak LIVE by Angela Gurtsieva https://networkcultures.org/blog/2022/05/26/we-are-not-doing-anything-illegal-why-be-anonymous-interview-with-maxim-kondratiev-from-avtozak-live/
About sanctions & ripe ncc : https://ripe84.ripe.net/archives/video/810/
the open letter for the dutch ministers of foreign affairs and justice, asking for : https://docs.google.com/document/d/1nJU5JrWcvplXMT1YICiJlCuHTJC_LtTXdUnl8YeoiK0/edit
https://discord.gg/XVYMcSCx Russian Press in Exile channel (Alexander from Moscow Times is also in the group, I understood there is an effort to create a united media coalition by Tvrain, meduza and moscow times)
Oprichter Russisch Telegram-kanaal gevlucht naar Nederland:
Russian political journalist and politician Vladimir Kara-Murza was detained for 'spreading fakes' about actions of Russian army in Ukraine. He faces up to 10 years in jail. He is brave and honest, if you want to write about it I have details( Alina Danilina) , photos and video.<br> It's also posted there https://t.me/novaya_europe/659https://t.me/novaya_europe/659
Russia turns its diplomats into disinformation warriors<br>
Redacteuren DOXA hangt gevangenisstraf boven het hoofd – <br>
Open Letter of Dmitry Pilikin, Russian Artist, Curator, Art Historian<br>
Op zoek naar de feiten in oorlogstijd<br>
Russia Is Building Its Own Intependent Internet
== Support for journalists, artists and scientists ==
* fellowship & grant opportunity for collaborative journalism - share with your friends in need: https://www.freepressunlimited.org/en/jobs/apply-collaborative-journalism-fellowship
* https://nias.knaw.nl/fellowships/safe-haven-fellowship/ The NIAS Safe Haven fellowship supports scholars, artists, writers and journalists who are not able to do their work in their current location because of the consequences of the war in Ukraine. The call for 2024/25 will be open from 15 January - 18 March 12:00 PM CET
* Call for Applications: Display Europe Micro-Grants – European Cultural Foundation We invite individual journalists and small media organisations to apply for a micro-grant. https://culturalfoundation.eu/stories/call-for-applications-display-europe-micro-grants/
* Commitee to protect journalists https://cpj.org/statements/
* https://wiki.techinc.nl/MeshNet#Funding - small individual grants for media and cyber activists in need/at risk
* New media project initiated by international scientific community to open up the discussion in Russia and Ukraine about rebuilding of scientific life after the war. https://www.t-invariant.org/
* Senior EU official calls for a ‘Radio Free Russia’ to help exiled media Vĕra Jourová says the bloc has a moral duty and the project would not necessarily mean a new station https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/jan/27/senior-eu-official-calls-for-a-radio-free-russia-to-help-exiled-media?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other
* https://twitter.com/sophiakornienko/status/1526655159203405825  - Got a reply from @EUparliament Human Rights chair @MariaArenaEU saying immediate measures to grant emergency visas to independent journos/ temp shelter in the EU is a priority. I know many independent Russian information workers have trouble accessing EU visas, grants denied! (17 05 2022)
* It might be good to add a note somewhere in that list on how the same need is urgent for academics and cultural workers at risk (from Ru & Be, I’d say). No need to expand the initiative, a mere alert/extra sentence would help in flagging this broader need. (Ellen) We are writing an open letter to the ministry of foreign affairs in NL. I already mentioned this here, really need support in placing the letter. We are finishing it on Thursday (Kris)
* The PEN Charter ~ PEN Ukraine PEN affirms that: Literature knows no frontiers and must remain common currency among people despite political or international upheavals. In all circumstances, and particularly in time of war, works - https://pen.org.ua/en/hartiya
* GONG is a civil society organization founded in the 1997 to encourage citizens to participate more actively in the political process. GONG works on improvement of human and civil rights. GONG promotes culture of dialogue, openness, transparency and accountability in the public sphere through research, advocacy and education, individually or together with individuals and organizations who share GONG's values.www.youtube.com   live:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkOUw6ldlzqMj8LYB71uZUA
* https://twitter.com/sophiakornienko/status/1511714026044198914?s=21&t=AMrsglWqI0TpdOKwVMVCeQ  I am doing art projects in support of the new JX Fund run by the Reporters without Borders. It’s a fun project involving animation and merch like T-shirts and All the frog it’s will go to the JX Fund.
==== Internet ====
== Tools ==
* invite for lawyers, journalists, activists: https://edri.org/take-action/events/webinar-activists-and-ngo-europol-databases/
Before a possible internet wall between Russia and the rest of the world is erected, it seems to me a priority to actively invest energy in join, receiving (internet) addresses, proxies, VPNs, satellite options, short golf etc.However, it is necessary that that information is quickly decentralized, through various media.<br>
* https://dev.to/cossacklabs/10-tips-for-volunteering-devs-from-data-security-engineers-102a
* https://thisisnotgoogledocs.waag.org/Products/Files/DocEditor.aspx?fileid=1711&doc=RDRqd005Q0YrdHJOczVMQmJrL21JVjRjN0pEdlVKSUhJYi9UTlNMRytWQT0_IjE3MTEi0  https://thisisnotgoogledocs.waag.org/Products/Files/DocEditor.aspx?fileid=1711&doc=RDRqd005Q0YrdHJOczVMQmJrL21JVjRjN0pEdlVKSUhJYi9UTlNMRytWQT0_IjE3MTEi0
* dComms Decentralized communications that work with or without the Internetdcomm.net.ua. This is a useful tool for regular people for connecting with family & friends, if their internet is flaky : https://dcomm.net.ua/
* Don’t help Putin and Lukashenko silence anti-war voices - Access Now https://www.accessnow.org/putin-lukashenko/
* Learning security courses https://wiki.techinc.nl/TacticalMediaRoom/Workshops#Learning security courses
The open internet in Russia must be protected. Here’s why, <br>
* Online, self-paced  courses offered to journalists https://totem-project.org/
* the Free University Moscow created this new and for some here probably useful Telegram channel: https://t.me/FreeStudentMedia. (NB in Russian only though, so it seems)
* Here’s another mailing list if you want to share events & local (Dutch?) opportunities: https://lists.ghserv.net/mailman/listinfo/17-meetings
Russian internet resources and background
How Is Russia Connected To The Wider Internet?<br>
Meduza is a Russian platform<br>
AmneziaVPN is the only service that has supported this petition. One free service for all Russians, accessible through a telegram bot - because all foreign vpn services are blocked or impossible to pay for from Russia. It as one small win for free internet access without<br>
On March 7, TikTok made all the content posted by non-Russian channels unavailable to Russian users. This unannounced restriction removes an estimated 95% of the content previously available to Russian TikTok users. Content restriction is happening at the application layer rather than the transport layer,which requires the direct involvement of TikTok. It is the first time a global social media platform has restricted access to content at this scale. A network of coordinated accounts is using a loophole to post new content promoting Russian pro-war propaganda in Russia, despite the current ban on new content uploads.
U.S. Treasury moves to keep Russians connected despite sanctions<br>
==== Sanctions ====
==== Protests ====
I have contacts in OVD now, so if there is an interest on working together, I can cross-connect; more info: <br>
Flag from the Russian opposition - - The Russian design community has created a flag for anti-war movement in Russia. It is a white banner with blue horizontal stripe in the middle. We are removing bloody color because future and prosperity of new Russia is in peace'<br>
https://whitebluewhite.info/english <br>
==== Tools ====
dCommsDecentralized communications that work with or without the Internetdcomm.net.ua. This is a useful tool for regular people for connecting with family & friends, if their internet is flaky :<br>
Don’t help Putin and Lukashenko silence anti-war voices - Access Now<br>
Learning security courses<br>
https://wiki.techinc.nl/TacticalMediaRoom/Workshops#Learning security courses
Online, self-paced  courses offered to journalists <br>
=== Internet Security ===
“Cryptography has failed to address the needs of the disenfranchised.But we can fix that!<br>
advice about secure communication tools, for non-techies:<br>
[https://labs.ripe.net/author/waehlisch/secure-personal-communication-in-the-event-of-crisis/ https://labs.ripe.net]<br>
Anonymous hacktivists warned that the next #OpRussia target will be corporations that refuse to pull their business from Russia as one group of hackers decided to try to use their data haul from a Russian company to financially help the people of Ukraine.<br>
== Journalism and Media ==
[[File:How-to-talk-about-russian-invasion.png|right|thumb|how to talk about the russian invasion]]
[[File:How-to-talk-about-russian-invasion.png|right|thumb|how to talk about the russian invasion]]
=== Crisis reporting ===
=== Open source intelligence ===
* https://restofworld.org/2022/osint-viral-ukraine/
Institute of Mass Information in Kyiv
* https://t.me/avtozaklive It’a journalist legal project, that tracks protests and detentions and unlawful actions of police in Russia
== Resources ==
* https://www.accessnow.org/guide/staying-safe-online-in-the-context-of-conflict-in-gaza/
* Webinar: Activists and NGOs under watch! Are you are in Europol’s databases? - European Digital Rights (EDRi)
Digital rights experts will help activists, NGO workers and lawyers to request their data that is held by Europol.
edri.org invite for lawyers, journalists, activists: https://edri.org/take-action/events/webinar-activists-and-ngo-europol-databases/
* possible speakers on historical peace in East Europe:  Vladimir Pastukhov (Russian politicologist, born and studied in Kyiv), Ekaterina Shulman, Tatiana Weizer, Evert van der Zweerde from Radboud university, Gulnaz Sibgatullina,  Ilya Budraitskis and now imprisoned Kagarlitskiy, Sana Valiulina
* https://www.sidnfonds.nl/call-grip-op-polarisatie - Call: Grip op polarisatie
* I have started an association of Belarusians in Netherlands.We are already at 34 members! https://www.belarusians.nl/nl
* In case you want to meet the three members of the Krakow-based UkrainaTV, they are in Amsterdam next week from March 6-11. Let me know if you want to make an appointment. They give two public presentations, one at our Spui25 conference on Thursday and a workshop on streaming art at Framer Framed on  Friday. More here: https://networkcultures.org/events/save-the-date-inc-conference-9-10-march-2023-in-between-media-hybrid-tactics-in-the-crisis-era/
The Russian press in Exile petition to the EUropean Parliament<br>
* https://publicspaces.net/2022/06/22/zo-bouw-je-een-open-source-infrasturctuur-voor-een-conferentie/ Zo bouw je een open source infrastructuur voor een conferentie - PublicSpaces Deze tweede conferentie van PublicSpaces wilden we onze digitale infrastructuur volgens publieke waarden en met open source tools opzetten.
[[File:Independent Russian Journalists Relief.pdf|thumb|Independent_Russian_Journalists_Relief]]
*  https://www.bakonline.org/prospections/stand-with-ukraine-makeshift-reading-list/ Stand With Ukraine: A Makeshift Reading List is a compilation of what we believe are relevant articles and interviews that give historic context on the invasion of Ukraine and how we at BAK
* Shaping the NVC Community (Nonviolent Communication) Response to the Russia-Ukraine War https://nvctraining.com/nvc-library/video/shaping-the-nvc-community-response-to-the-russia-ukraine-war?highlight=WyJ1a3JhaW5lIl0=
* De Russische oorlog in Oekraïne speelt zich af op straat, in media, online, en hij wordt verbeeld in taal en literatuur. Woorden brengen troost en verbinding, maar ze kunnen ook verdelen en schaden. Welke rol spelen journalistieke teksten in deze en andere oorlogen? Waarom kunnen we niet zonder proza en poëzie in tijden van strijd? En hoe verandert een oorlog de manier waarop we praten en schrijven? We bestuderen deze vragen met literair vertalers en journalisten die Rusland, Oekraïne en de voormalige Sovjet-Unie van binnenuit kennen. spui25.nl https://spui25.nl/programma/writings-ukraine-and-russia-the-imagination-of-a-region (in Dutch)
* https://www.ripe.net/participate/member-support/the-ripe-ncc-and-ukraine-russia
* [https://nextcloud.waag.org/s/ZM8iEptEeN2zJqS Nextcloud folder for the Tactical Media Room.]  !pwd protected
* True about Internet as well as books: “Censorship is absolutely antidemocratic and elitist. The process of learning is that of learning how to choose. Freedom isn’t given, it’s earned. Read, learn, and earn it.” ("Whose Lathe?", 1984)
* https://www.ursulakleguin.com/dancing-at-the-edge-of-the-world
* https://www.folia.nl/international/150626/uva-professor-ellen-rutten-wants-european-university-for-refugee-academics UvA professor Ellen Rutten wants European university for refugee academics
* https://hcss.nl/report/how-wars-end-russia-ukraine/  How Wars End | War terminations: insights for the Russia-Ukraine War
=== Desinformation ===
== Threats to journalists and activists ==
Why is this an important topic for European journalists to cover?
Simple - because from this research we know how russian secret services are integrated in the economic, public and politic systems in Europe. Also we see how random the choice of people to poison can be: opposition leaders, activists, journalists, former colleagues - it can be anyone. And they all move freely in Europe. They know where to get the information, they have access to data. This is worrying, and I think European media, journalists, investigators must give attention to this, because the European public must know these details about the regime Western leaders want to find peace with.
the final map published by the 'argument factory' on pro and con of RT/Sputnik blocking in the Netherlands was now also published in English. Argumentenkaart over Europese Internetblokkade van Russia Today en Sputnik - ECP | Platform voor de InformatieSamenleving
It is quite certain that these secret services have access to booking.com’s database in real time.The terror that since the russian revolutions is part of the state, is actually already in Europe. And European public - sand worse: politicians are choosing not to see it.
AMS-IX en ECP publiceren op 1 juni 2022 een argumentenkaart over de Europese internetblokkade van Russia today en Sputnik News.
3 hour interview with Elena Kostyuchenko with english subs:
Our pols don't comprehend that there are those who laugh at our open society and vulnerability and see it as rot. Laughing, they send their kids to live here, get their health care here and drive a mercedes, and the irony of the contradiction is lost. 
https://mailchi.mp/disinfo.eu/445467332-15481204?e=25be8ebb67 disinfo.eu
* The independent outlet The Insider has published an investigation into a series of poisoning attacks targeting Russian journalists and activists in Europe. In October 2022, Elena Kostyuchenko, a journalist for Novaya Gazeta and Meduza, was poisoned in Munich, and Irina Babloyan, who works for Ekho Moskvy, was poisoned in Tbilisi. In May 2023, Natalia Arno, the president of the Free Russian Foundation, showed symptoms of poisoning. https://meduza.io/en/feature/2023/08/15/the-most-likely-explanation
* https://www.nplusonemag.com/online-only/online-only/how-they-tried-to-kill-me/
* Kostuchenko's poisoning, https://kyivindependent.com/meduza-russian-journalist-allegedly-victim-of-poisoning-in-germany/
Tactical media room public event - publication
= Publications, essays, presentations & reports =
* The cycle of escalations, spy antics, j'accuse, meatwaves, waves of misinformation,  disinformation,  and too much information are definite fearmongering. Folks have the option to sober up and regain confidence.  https://youtu.be/DQN6zgYFfRo?si=e6_hu3FF-PbMO-wJ
* #Shevchenko was nicknamed Kobzar, the Bard, keeper of the people's memory. And his instructions to his descendants became extremely relevant to the world in the last two years, during #russia's full-scale invasion of #Europe.    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Wu3ENVLhj0
* https://culture.pl/en/article/the-executed-renaissance-the-book-that-saved-ukrainian-literature-from-soviet-oblivion
* https://sustainablepeacemanifesto.org/
* https://www.peterlang.com/document/1311889  "Media and the War in Ukraine" - published by Peter Lang. Edited by Mette Mortensen and Mervi Pantti, this timely volume gathers the work from diverse scholars on the pivotal role digital media and communication play in influencing and shaping the narrative of the war in Ukraine.
* https://youtu.be/7xYPGVFhrvk Some heroes survived, some were killed. "The Long Day" is a document written in the voices of Ukrainians. It is a unique testimony to the tragic events and crimes of russia, through the eyes of Ukrainians that the whole world must see and feel.
* Our Enemies Will Vanish - A revelatory eyewitness account of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and heroism of the Ukrainian people in their resistance by Yaroslav Trofimov, out now https://yarotrof.com/
* Application of the Risk Management Framework to Russian Disinformation Campaigns: During the first year of Russia’s illegal war in Ukraine, social media companies enabled the Kremlin to run a large-scale disinformation campaign targeting the European Union and its allies, reaching an aggregate audience of at least 165 million and generating at least 16 billion views. Preliminary analysis suggests that the reach and influence of Kremlin-backed accounts has grown further in the first half of 2023, driven in particular by the dismantling of Twitter’s safety standards. https://op.europa.eu/en/publication-detail/-/publication/c1d645d0-42f5-11ee-a8b8-01aa75ed71a1/language-de
Funding for projects dealing with disinformation deadline 25. April (info in Duthc)<br>
* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tl4W6cxVVMY  Internet? /// polyphonyproject.com
*  20 Days in Mariopol may be found on PBS.org. You'll need to set your VPN to the States to view the film itself (sans Youtube): https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/frontline/documentary/20-days-in-mariupol/
* UPROOTED | An investigation into Russia’s abduction of Ukrainian children https://youtu.be/cq2gEMhuDps?si=XM1oRxnYkUlIDrCv
Findings from the warfakes Telegram data sprint research published on INC<br>
*  BULLET HOLES | An investigation into Russia’s systemic killings of Ukrainian children https://youtu.be/E-coT5t70Tg?si=-NF6dL9UgTg17DiB
* https://www.theguardian.com/film/2023/sep/29/20-days-in-mariupol - ‘It felt like the beginning of the third world war … It still does’ – Mstyslav Chernov on 20 Days in Mariupol
The Pulitzer prize-winning journalist at the heart of the Oscar-tipped documentary describes the weeks he and his team spent in the besieged city – and why they were willing to take the risk
== Support ==
* Where state capitalism meets the transnational capitalist state: The ties between Gazprom and Amsterdam’s offshore financial center https://www.researchgate.net/publication/373612117_Where_state_capitalism_meets_the_transnational_capitalist_state_The_ties_between_Gazprom_and_Amsterdam's_offshore_financial_center
* Europe After the Death of Peace of Mind By Vasyl Cherepanyn, Eurozine, 28 August 2023 https://www.eurozine.com/europe-after-the-death-of-peace-of-mind/
=== Support for journalists, artists and scientists ===
* Quite an interesting article, focusing on European apathy in front of Putin. It shows quite well how in the past 10 years Putin the possibility to escalate. I hope this European reflection will deepen, to take a stance against the biggest criminal of the 21st century. https://www.nrc.nl/nieuws/2023/08/18/poetin-viel-oekraine-binnen-in-2014-maar-toen-bleef-het-westen-dagdromen-over-dialoog-en-deescalatie-a4172235
* Walking Through the Fog of Cyberwarfare https://blokmagazine.com/walking-through-the-fog-of-cyberwarfare/
==== RT and Sputnik ====
* Passivity-Between Resignation and Pacifism by Alexandra Tryanova, Pascal Gielen (OK short booklet in NL and ENG): https://valiz.nl/en/publications/passivity - ‘A pacifist is a rare beast in a bomb shelter.’ The war in Ukraine challenged our idea of pacifism. Should Europe take up arms or not? Can it ease its conscience only with humanitarian aid? Isn’t Europe's attitude towards the war mainly driven by economic motives? In Passivity, Ukrainian art curator Alexandra Tryanova and Belgian sociologist Pascal Gielen engage in a dialogue about this. In doing so, they not only talk about the current political situation, but also look at themselves; at their own fears and privileges. What is passivity in our own daily doings? When does pacifism turn into resignation? How do our surrounding media and culture contribute to such an attitude? Passivity does not provide unifying answers to these questions. Rather, it looks for ways to find peace with our own mixed feelings.
B: we launched a complaint, https://www.bit.nl/FOIC-goes-to-court
*  '''Symposium for Documentation and Archiving Initiatives''' https://www.iwm.at/news/the-most-documented-war-symposium-for-documentation-and-archiving-initiatives
* How Russia is waging a crypto war in Ukraine...and losing (video & report) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j5jQr8nHy7U https://blog.chainalysis.com/reports/russia-ukraine-war-cryptocurrency-one-year/
SK: Blocking RT and Sputnik is not limiting access to information, as these are not independent media but weapons created and lavishly funded by the aggressor. It is blocking agressor state’s weapon on EU territory.
* The video recording of this year’s McLuhan Lecture by Svitlana Matviyenko and moderated by Nabil Ahmed on Nuclear Cyberwar: Speeds and Vectors of Energy Terrorism is now available to watch on our website and on transmediale’s Youtube channel https://2023.transmediale.de/en/event/marshall-mcluhan-lecture-2023
* Svitlana Matviyenko's new essay, based on her Transmediale Marshall McLuhan lecture, here: https://www.e-flux.com/journal/134/525421/speeds-and-vectors-of-energy-terrorism/
SK:I agree that the post-postmodernist reality has put us in front of a new challenge: while we used to have too little freedom of speech/ access to information and fought to gain more, we have now landed in a situation where we have access to so much information, growing exponentially, that we no longer have the mental capacity or time or resources to discern purposefully false and weaponized statements from true records. What we mostly need is media literacy (stop limiting children’s screen time, let them build up resilience, talk about disinformation) and accessible tools to debunk false information/ disinformation. It’s a huge and difficult dilemma, probably one of the worst of our time, alongside with climate change. What I argue about is that now, with the war going on and hundreds of independent Russian journalists having a hard time getting the ends meet and desperately in need of our support, I find it strange that NGOs spend money and human resource on what is essentially helping the aggressor. I know this was not their goal, but this is unfortunately a perfect example of what Lenin called “useful idiots” (people in the West who assisted the bolsheviks without realizing it).
* in  German: the Habermas debate, in response to his proposal to start negotiations between Ukraine and Russia https://www.perlentaucher.de/9punkt/2023-02-16.html?nle_id=10847
* UkrainaTV program - https://soundcloud.com/microfreeq
* The one hour contribution of VOID/INC/HvA in Amsterdam to the 24 hour 'February 24' live stream of UkrainaTV, working out of the art academy in Krakow, including an interview I did with Svitlana Matviyenko: https://vimeo.com/showcase/9620223
* At University of Siegen (D) we’ve organised a lecture series in response to the Russian war in Ukraine in solidarity with the protests in Iran. We’ve opened it up for researchers from various war and conflict zones. Its not only media studies, but perhaps of interest to some of you or  your networks.  We start today at 6 pm via zoom with Svitlana Matviyenko and the media practices and everyday politics of collecting evidence of  Russian war crimes in Ukraine. Best wishes, Tatjana Seitz  https://www.mediacoop.uni-siegen.de/de/veranstaltungen/lecture-series-research-at-risk-svitlana-matviyenko/
* https://www.wereldbrand.nl/2022/04/08/redacteuren-doxa-hangt-gevangenisstraf-boven-het-hoofd/
* http://bit.ly/3KYomFe “Cryptography has failed to address the needs of the disenfranchised. But we can fix that! https://shiftprint.writeas.com/ru-v-net
https://twitter.com/sophiakornienko/status/1526655159203405825  - Got a reply from @EUparliament Human Rights chair @MariaArenaEU saying immediate measures to grant emergency visas to independent journos/ temp shelter in the EU is a priority. I know many independent Russian information workers have trouble accessing EU visas, grants denied! (17 05 2022)
* The Free Press Show Hoe ziet de toekomst van de journalistiek eruit? In veel landen staat de onafhankelijke journalistiek onder druk. Toch tonen veel journalisten zich strijdvaardig. Ze gebruiken data mining en hackersmethoden of zetten nieuwe netwerken en internationale samenwerkingen op. Hoe zullen de journalisten van de toekomst omgaan met dictators en kan nieuwe technologie hen daarbij helpen? Mediawetenschapper Mark Deuze geeft aan de hand van zijn beeldarchief een blik op de oorlog, die niet alleen op het slagveld maar ook in de media wordt uitgevochten. https://www.vpro.nl/programmas/tegenlicht/kijk/afleveringen/2022-2023/the-free-press-show.html/
* Lviv – Kyiv: An Unintelligible Trip in an Unintelligible War Antonis Vradis https://pmpress.org/index.php?l=product_detail&p=1351
* From a Ukrainian colleague, a recommendation: "Some twitter accounts to follow: @DmytroKuleba (Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, I saw this account being prised for efficient communication, could be interesting from professional point of view as well), @Kyivindependent, @ukraine_world (news in English), @andersostlund (a Swedish journalist reporting from Kyiv), @nolanwpeterson (war reporter based in Ukraine since 2014).
* Taking on Putin through porn: how Russians are finding out the truth about Ukraine | Jemimah Steinfeld Little moderation, huge audiences and biddable owners make porn and gambling sites a safe haven from censors, says Jemimah Steinfeld, editor-in-chief of Index on Censorship https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2022/jul/02/putin-porn-russians-truth-ukraine-gambling-sites
* Novaya Gazeta Europe will cover what is happening in Russia in several languages. It will cover international and Russian news for people who read in Russian and who share European values.https://novayagazeta.eu/
* https://www.hva.nl/content/nieuws/nieuwsberichten/2022/03/lector-geert-lovink-blogt-met-oekraiense-collegas-over-de-oorlog.html
* The Last Days Of Mariupol’s Internet - Engineers who kept Ukraine’s port city online have gone missing or died in the carnage inflicted by Russia’s siege. Hope remains that Ukrainian cities knocked off the internet map will come back online fast—once the shelling ends.<br> https://www.forbes.com/sites/thomasbrewster/2022/03/31/the-last-days-of-mariupols-internet/?sh=514f41a45962
* A Wikipedia author has been arrested in Belarus. Wikipedia advises all editors in Belarus and Russia to hide their personal data, and to write/complete articles about war only from secret accounts.Question: If they write under a pseudonym, is their IP address untraceable, or are they masked by Wikipedia?
* MFFR komt met statement uit om Russische en Belarussische jourhttps://verblijfblog.nl/tijdelijke-bescherming-van-oekrainers-in-nederland/ more info: https://ovd.news/news/2022/03/02/russian-protests-against-war-ukraine-chronicle-events
* [[File:FPU leaflet ONE MONTH OF INVASION.pdf|thumb|FPU_leaflet ONE MONTH OF INVASION]]
* Platform Geopolitics in 2022: Russian Invasion of Ukraine – an incomplete overview https://isoc.nl/nieuws/platform-geopolitics-in-2022-russian-invasion-of-ukraine-an-incomplete-overview
* Reimagining the aftermath of war, now https://blogs.lse.ac.uk/wps/2022/05/10/reimagining-the-aftermath-of-war-now/
* Russian soldiers fighting for Ukraine against the Russian Army driving through the Poltava region. https://twitter.com/visegrad24/status/1520472404987990018
* How do wars end? HCSS director of research Tim Sweijs and assistant analyst Mattia Bertolini consider what we can learn from past war terminations: how long they last, how they end and factors that
* Vladimir Putin sits atop a crumbling pyramid of power | Vladimir Sorokin https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2022/feb/27/vladimir-putin-russia-ukraine-power
It might be good to add a note somewhere in that list on how the same need is urgent for academics and cultural workers at risk (from Ru & Be, I’d say). No need to expand the initiative, a mere alert/extra sentence would help in flagging this broader need. (Ellen) We are writing an open letter to the ministry of foreign affairs in NL. I already mentioned this here, really need support in placing the letter. We are finishing it on Thursday (Kris)
== Tactical Media Room ==
* Radically Different Society: Ukrainian Art in the Light of Revolution, in the Shadow of War by Lesia Kulchynska https://networkcultures.org/tactical-media-room/2023/08/11/radically-different-society/
* Dispatches from the Place of Imminence, part 17 by Svitlana Matviyenko https://networkcultures.org/tactical-media-room/2023/05/03/dispatches-from-the-place-of-imminence-part-17/
* https://networkcultures.org/tactical-media-room/2022/08/09/sandro-mezzadra-toni-negri-join-the-global-fight-against-the-regime-of-war/
* https://networkcultures.org/tactical-media-room/2023/03/05/giulia-timis-reflections-on-ukrainatv-transmediale/
* Konrad Wojnowski: Broadcasting (and) Cleansing-Review of UKRAiNATV’s 24hr Live Stream https://networkcultures.org/tactical-media-room/2023/03/07/konrad-wojnowski-broadcasting-and-cleansing-review-of-ukrainatvs-24hr-live-stream/
* https://networkcultures.org/tactical-media-room/2023/04/10/dispatches-from-the-place-of-imminence-part-16/. Svitlana Matviyenko in the Netherlands April 12-18, speaking at the opening of the UvA critical infrastructures lab and then at STRP festival in Eindhoven. Dispatch #16 about her December visit to Kyiv.
* Dispatches from the Place of Imminence, part 9 https://networkcultures.org/blog/2022/05/10/dispatches-from-the-place-of-imminence-part-9/
* '''Investigative Fiction:''' Evidence and its Discontents by Anna Engelhardt https://networkcultures.org/void/?p=459&preview=1&_ppp=7a607c01a3
*  Lesia Kulchynska: Dark Matter of Image https://networkcultures.org/tactical-media-room/2023/02/16/lesia-kulchynska-dark-matter-of-image/
The PEN Charter ~ PEN Ukraine PEN affirms that: Literature knows no frontiers and must remain common currency among people in spite of political or international upheavals. In all circumstances, and particularly in time of war, works
= Desinformation =
* https://www.digsum.org/digsum-feed/postdoc-position-to-study-digital-disinformation Postdoc position to study digital disinformation — DIGSUM
* Application of the Risk Management Framework to Russian Disinformation  Campaigns: During the first year of Russia’s illegal war in Ukraine,  social media companies enabled the Kremlin to run a large-scale  disinformation campaign targeting the European Union and its allies,  reaching an aggregate audience of at least 165 million and generating at least 16 billion views. Preliminary analysis suggests that the reach and influence of Kremlin-backed accounts has grown further in the first half of 2023, driven in particular by the dismantling of Twitter’s safety standards.
GONG is a civil society organization founded in the 1997 to encourage citizens to participate more actively in the political process. GONG works on improvement of human and civil rights. GONG promotes culture of dialogue, openness, transparency and accountability in the public sphere through research, advocacy and education, individually or in collaboration with individuals and organizations who share GONG's values.
www.youtube.com live: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkOUw6ldlzqMj8LYB71uZUA
* https://www.bbc.com/russian/articles/crgpk10mknvo Russian langyafe BBC investigation about fakes on war in the Middle East. Very interesting, for those doing social media influencing research
* https://op.europa.eu/en/publication-detail/-/publication/c1d645d0-42f5-11ee-a8b8-01aa75ed71a1/language-de Application of the Risk Management Framework to Russian Disinformation Campaigns: During the first year of Russia’s illegal war in Ukraine, social media companies enabled the Kremlin to run a large-scale disinformation campaign targeting the European Union and its allies, reaching an aggregate audience of at least 165 million and generating at least 16 billion views. Preliminary analysis suggests that the reach and influence of Kremlin-backed accounts has grown further in the first half of 2023, driven in particular by the dismantling of Twitter’s safety standards.
=== Inzamelplekken Oekraïne / collection points for Ukraine ===
* https://www.sidnfonds.nl/nieuws/nieuwe-desinformatie-projecten
* https://edmo.eu/2022/06/29/10-recommendations-by-the-taskforce-on-disinformation-and-the-war-in-ukraine/ https://edmo.eu/2022/06/29/10-recommendations-by-the-taskforce-on-disinformation-and-the-war-in-ukraine/
Vind een inzamelpunt bij u in de buurt en doneer spullen aan Oekraïners in nood. / Find a collection point near you and donate items to Ukrainians in need.
* https://www.conspiratorialmemory.com/events/conspiratorial-memory-workshop - conspiratorial memory group (a research group on east European conspiracy theory based at Uva, ASCA)
*  https://waag.org/en/event/tactical-media-meetup-2-ukrainian-video-art-times-war Tactical Media Meetup #2: Ukrainian video art in times of war
* https://waag.org/en/article/tactical-media-room-no-single-solution-fake-news Tactical Media Room: No single solution to fake news
* https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/may/10/china-pro-russia-propaganda-exposed-by-online-activists-ukraine China’s pro-Russia propaganda exposed by online activists Mistranslations falsely blame Ukrainians for atrocities perpetrated by Russian forces against civilians
* https://networkcultures.org/blog/2022/05/03/reflexions-on-navigating-disinformation/ Institute of Network Cultures | Reflexions on Navigating (Dis)information
* https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/may/01/troll-factory-spreading-russian-pro-war-lies-online-says-uk ‘Troll factory’ spreading Russian pro-war lies online, says UK
* https://www.vision4ai.eu/ai-mitigating-bias-disinformation/ AI: Mitigating Bias & Disinformation | Vision4AI
* Tactical Media Meetup #1: How to navigate the (dis)information landscape - Tactical Media Room focusses on ways to support tactical media and independent journalists, newsrooms and civic initiatives from Ukraine, Russia and Belarus.https://waag.org/en/event/tactical-media-meetup-1-how-navigate-disinformation-landscape
* 10 Recommendations by the Taskforce on Disinformation and the War in Ukraine. This short report lists 10 recommendations for policy makers, technology companies, as well as newsrooms and civil society, based on observations, research activities and discussions over the past three months https://edmo.eu/2022/06/29/10-recommendations-by-the-taskforce-on-disinformation-and-the-war-in-ukraine/
*the final map published by the 'argument factory' on pro and con of RT/Sputnik blocking in the Netherlands was now also published in English. Argumentenkaart over Europese Internetblokkade van Russia Today en Sputnik - ECP | Platform voor de InformatieSamenleving AMS-IX en ECP publiceren op 1 juni 2022 een argumentenkaart over de Europese internetblokkade van Russia today en Sputnik News.
* https://ecp.nl/argumentenkaart-over-europese-internetblokkade-van-russia-today-en-sputnik/
* https://ecp.nl/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/AK-Internetblokkade-Rusland-EN.pdf
* https://mailchi.mp/disinfo.eu/445467332-15481204?e=25be8ebb67 disinfo.eu
* https://www.newyorker.com/news/annals-of-communications/inside-putins-propaganda-machine
* Tactical media room public event - publication https://networkcultures.org/blog/2022/05/03/reflexions-on-navigating-disinformation/
* Funding for projects dealing with disinformation deadline 25. April (info in Duthc)https://www.sidnfonds.nl/grip-op-desinformatie-2
* Findings from the warfakes Telegram data sprint research published on INC https://networkcultures.org/?p=14671&preview=1&_ppp=d58a9e9474
* Datasprint https://docs.google.com/document/d/1QmKlgTS-9ZQqIpXieU1OVduIXMinpQaKTn243XYE_iU/edit# Here is the info on the datasprint.
Signal-2022-03-16-174218 002.jpg|Foods and Goods collection - Adam
Signal-2022-03-16-174218 001.jpg|untill 25th march
* The scam crypto from Florida and Belarus - Organic Fresh Coin https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vIbjD0bWfHs
=== Fundraising and support ===
== Information wars ==
=== Tactics and Strategies ===
=== Media Manipulation ===
Open Society Launches Fund for a Free and Democratic Ukraine <br>
* Wagner-baas: Russen proberen verkiezingen VS met ‘chirurgische precisie’ te beïnvloeden
Na jaren ontkennen heeft Jevgeni Prigozjin, de baas van het Russische huurlingenleger Wagner, toegegeven dat hij heeft geprobeerd de Amerikaanse ve...https://www.volkskrant.nl/a-b6d55dc5
* An analysis of Dutch pro-Russia tweets — EOOH.eu https://eooh.eu/articles/analysis-of-dutch-pro-russia-tweets
* TMRers we are trying to collect a list of TikTok accounts and hashtags that do the war, in case anyone has any tips. So far we haven't got too far 🤨 https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1g8gYKZxK8A9migkweIiktz24sNLvnS0aMEPRLBdkpE/edit#gid=q.
* Yesterday in Belarus they closed a store that sold only books in Belarusian, as they were extremist books. And banned sale of 1984 book.
* “…. The impact of propaganda is not easily reversible, and sometimes, it is not reversible at all. You may not realize it, of course, but this is, too, how propaganda works. When propaganda engages your unconscious, you may need years to decipher why this particular idea resonated so well with you. “ … similar to trauma , gaslighting, C-PTSD :(
Mensen van free russia gaan aan de demo meedoen hoor ik net An analysis of Dutch pro-Russia tweets — EOOH.eu https://eooh.eu/articles/analysis-of-dutch-pro-russia-tweets
* Russian intelligence to enhance information campaign in the Netherlands - Robert Lansing Institute. Russia keeps on carrying out information campaigns and psyops in the Netherlands to enhance impact on country’s political system. lansinginstitute.org  https://lansinginstitute.org/2022/07/09/russian-intelligence-to-enhance-information-campaign-in-the-netherlands
* ‘Troll factory’ spreading Russian pro-war lies online, says UK https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/may/01/troll-factory-spreading-russian-pro-war-lies-online-says-uk?CMP=Share_AndroidApp_Other
* Russia targeting BRICS, Africa, Asia. Not the West really at all. https://twitter.com/carljackmiller/status/1504896238826700800?s=21
* China’s pro-Russia propaganda exposed by online activists.Mistranslations falsely blame Ukrainians for atrocities perpetrated by Russian forces against civilians
* https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/may/10/china-pro-russia-propaganda-exposed-by-online-activists-ukraine?CMP=Share_AndroidApp_Other
Initiative supporting Ukrainian companies<br>
"Blood on your hands" and other surprising anti-#Kremlin messages released by #Russian  media outlets on #VictoryDay
==  Propaganda ==
=== Ukraine ===
The propaganda war for Ukraine | DW Documentary https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ifShcUcfbU
=== Russia ===
=== Counter Propaganda Efforts ===
== Russia Propaganda ==
petition https://docs.google.com/document/d/1rlmF3ug8chNX2cemMj-RmRoZ1b71GbuPvax8Vai45rQ/edit?usp=sharing
* https://medium.com/@kravchenko_mm/what-should-russia-do-with-ukraine-translation-of-a-propaganda-article-by-a-russian-journalist-a3e92e3cb64 - What should Russia do with Ukraine? [Translation of a propaganda article by a Russian journalist]
* https://www.newyorker.com/news/annals-of-communications/inside-putins-propaganda-machine
'''RT and Sputnik'''
== News and resources ==
* B: we launched a complaint, https://www.bit.nl/FOIC-goes-to-court<br>
SK: Blocking RT and Sputnik is not limiting access to information, as these are not independent media but weapons created and lavishly funded by the aggressor. It is blocking agressor state’s weapon on EU territory.<br>
SK:I agree that the post-postmodernist reality has put us in front of a new challenge: while we used to have too little freedom of speech/ access to information and fought to gain more, we have now landed in a situation where we have access to so much information, growing exponentially, that we no longer have the mental capacity or time or resources to discern purposefully false and weaponized statements from true records. What we mostly need is media literacy (stop limiting children’s screen time, let them build up resilience, talk about disinformation) and accessible tools to debunk false information/ disinformation. It’s a huge and difficult dilemma, probably one of the worst of our time, alongside climate change. What I argue about is that now, with the war going on and hundreds of independent Russian journalists having a hard time getting the ends meet and desperately in need of our support, I find it strange that NGOs spend money and human resource on what is essentially helping the aggressor. I know this was not their goal, but this is unfortunately a perfect example of what Lenin called “useful idiots” (people in the West who assisted the bolsheviks without realizing it).
= Ukraine =
[https://nextcloud.waag.org/s/ZM8iEptEeN2zJqS Nextcloud folder for the Tactical Media Room.] !pwd protected
==  General ==
* https://theukrainians.org/this-is-not-a-crime-novel/
* ‘Art helps us imagine a future we wish to remember’: the photographer finding art in a war zoneSix months after the war broke out in Ukraine, Daoud Sarhandi-Williams headed to Kyiv to photograph the city’s street art – and discovered images that capture the hopes and fears of a city https://www.theguardian.com/artanddesign/2023/dec/12/daoud-sarhandi-williams-ukraine-at-war-street-art-interview  https://www.simonandschuster.com/books/Ukraine-at-War/Daoud-Sarhandi-Williams/9781623717261
* https://www.wired.co.uk/article/ukraine-runs-war-startup Mykhailo Fedorov Is Running Ukraine’s War Against Russia Like a Startup
* Reckoning with Eastern Europe’s Colonial Trauma by Vasyl Cherepanyn, Project Syndicate, 2 May 2023 - https://www.project-syndicate.org/commentary/europe-must-recognize-colonialist-legacy-in-ukraine-by-vasyl-cherepanyn-2023-05
* Ukraine: Nightlife in Resistance When Russia launched its full-scale invasion of Ukraine on February 24th, the thriving electronic scene changed forever. Overnight, producers, DJs, club https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nHLE6LWBR_s
* 'All the cultural life we had has been destroyed' - Zoë Dankert in conversation with Vasyl Cherepanyn in METROPOLIS M # 6-2022, artwork by Davyd Chychkan -https://www.metropolism.com/en/features/48460_all_the_cultural_life_we_had_has_been_destroyed_in_conversation_with_vasyl_cherepanyn
* animated short based on an interview with a Ukrainian child is finally out after many months of workhttps://youtu.be/eU9OEqv09_U
* https://sfba.social/@morgandawn/109907144879262182 How a San Jose professor is using technology to save precious books in her #Ukrainian hometown
* https://pulse.internetsociety.org/blog/ukraine-war-how-has-the-internet-changed-in-ukraine-12-months-on
* https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/a-unique-book-of-ukrainian-street-art
* https://jacobin.com/2022/07/ukraine-russia-war-putin-socialism-resistance I’m a Ukrainian Socialist. Here’s Why I Resist the Russian Invasion.
* "Dedicated to Ukrainians" https://youtu.be/ui8kUKuLBaU
* Ukraine video dispatch:freedomnews.org.uk
* https://freedomnews.org.uk/2022/06/01/ukraine-video-dispatch-the-recovery-in-kharkiv/?fbclid=IwAR3KPeJ-XNL0lhK78qxXyNN6sNVeTiOkJjuHcjs5J9EG9mR6fm-25NsBOeU
* " Dedicated to Ukrainians" https://youtu.be/ui8kUKuLBaU
* Dispatches from the Place of Imminence https://networkcultures.org/blog/2022/05/31/dispatches-from-the-place-of-imminence-part-10/
* Story from Ukrainian ccTLD registry .ua during war : https://ripe84.ripe.net/archives/video/753
* https://www.theguardian.com/business/2022/mar/05/telegram-app-ukraine-rides-high-thirst-trustworthy-news?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other
* https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/apr/23/the-artists-of-ukraine-find-their-voice-in-a-cry-of-resistance
* https://pen.org.ua/en/hartiya The PEN Charter ~ PEN Ukraine PEN affirms that: Literature knows no frontiers and must remain common currency among people in spite of political or international upheavals. In all circumstances, and particularly in time of war, works
True about Internet as well as books: “Censorship is absolutely antidemocratic and elitist. The process of learning is that of learning how to choose. Freedom isn’t given, it’s earned. Read, learn, and earn it.” ("Whose Lathe?", 1984)
== Fundraising and support ==
* https://dzygaspaw.com/starlink-expertise We specialize in supplying high-tech equipment for the Ukrainian military in the ongoing war against Russia.
* Freefilmers Mariupol https://help-freefilmers.network/ > Freefilmers is a collective of filmmakers and artists, originally from Mariupol, Ukraine. Currently the most important sequence on our timeline is not about movies, but about building a network of solidarity and support for Ukrainians who are suffering from and fighting against Russian imperialist aggression.
*  https://www.instagram.com/mirrorsoupkitchen/  Mirror Soup Kitchen XL - Vrijheidsmaaltijdsoep https://instagram.com/kukhnia.lviv
* Stand With Ukraine: A Makeshift Reading List is a compilation of what we believe are relevant articles and interviews that give historic context on the invasion of Ukraine and how we at BAK—and a broader international left opposing this and all wars—can express solidarity and exert political pressure https://www.bakonline.org/prospections/stand-with-ukraine-makeshift-reading-list/
* Watch out for Ukraine donation scammers in Twitter replies https://blog.malwarebytes.com/social-engineering/2022/04/watch-out-for-ukraine-donation-scammers-in-twitter-replies/
==== News on the war ====
Reimagining the aftermath of war, now
===  Collections for Ukraine ===
* https://www.saintjavelin.com/products/crimea-ukraine-beach-bag
* Interactive map of people in need: refugees, mostly asking for bikes, glasses!, clothes, appliances... https://frnl-refugee-map.herokuapp.com/
* https://bekind.ua/en/foundation?id=5fdc72d5449781000870cb32 this is a charity that is currently collecting for warming mattresses for babies. Almost half of the children in Ukraine are born premature these days, and they often spend most of their time in shelters in low temperatures. The charity still needs 2500 euros to do a bulk  purchase. If you can, please help them to raise the rest of the sum. You can read more on the link"
* Dear all, free russia is cooperating worth Zeilen van Vrijheid to raise funds for energy support for Ukraine. Our goal is 20K for generators. Your help is much appreciated! https://bunq.me/energyToUkraine
China’s pro-Russia propaganda exposed by online activists.Mistranslations falsely blame Ukrainians for atrocities perpetrated by Russian forces against civilians
=== Inzamelplekken Oekraïne / collection points for Ukraine ===
"Blood on your hands" and other surprising anti-#Kremlin messages released by #Russian  media outlets on #VictoryDay
Vind een inzamelpunt bij u in de buurt en doneer spullen aan Oekraïners in nood. / Find a collection point near you and donate items to Ukrainians in need.
Dispatches from the Place of Imminence, part 9
Vladimir Putin sits atop a crumbling pyramid of power | Vladimir Sorokin
Stand With Ukraine: A Makeshift Reading List is a compilation of what we believe are relevant articles and interviews that give historic context on the invasion of Ukraine and how we at BAK—and a broader international left opposing this and all wars—can express solidarity and exert political pressure https://www.bakonline.org/prospections/stand-with-ukraine-makeshift-reading-list/
How do wars end? HCSS director of research Tim Sweijs and assistant analyst Mattia Bertolini consider what we can learn from past war terminations: how long they last, how they end and factors that
Russian soldiers fighting for Ukraine against the Russian Army driving through the Poltava region.
Novaya Gazeta Europe will cover what is happening in Russia in several languages. It will cover international and Russian news for people who read in Russian and who share European values.<br>
The Last Days Of Mariupol’s Internet - Engineers who kept Ukraine’s port city online have gone missing or died in the carnage inflicted by Russia’s siege. Hope remains that Ukrainian cities knocked off the internet map will come back online fast—once the shelling ends.<br> https://www.forbes.com/sites/thomasbrewster/2022/03/31/the-last-days-of-mariupols-internet/?sh=514f41a45962
From a Ukrainian colleague, a recommendation: "Some twitter accounts to follow: @DmytroKuleba (Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, I saw this account being prised for efficient communication, could be interesting from professional point of view as well), @Kyivindependent, @ukraine_world (news in English), @andersostlund (a Swedish journalist reporting from Kyiv), @nolanwpeterson (war reporter based in Ukraine since 2014).
A Wikipedia author has been arrested in Belarus. Wikipedia advises all editors in Belarus and Russia to hide their personal data, and to write/complete articles about war only from secret accounts.
Question: If they write under a pseudonym, is their IP address untraceable, or are they masked by Wikipedia?
MFFR komt met statement uit om Russische en Belarussische jourhttps://verblijfblog.nl/tijdelijke-bescherming-van-oekrainers-in-nederland/
more info: https://ovd.news/news/2022/03/02/russian-protests-against-war-ukraine-chronicle-events
[[File:FPU leaflet ONE MONTH OF INVASION.pdf|thumb|FPU_leaflet ONE MONTH OF INVASION]]
* https://www.inzamelplekkenoekraine.nl/
* https://verblijfblog.nl/tijdelijke-bescherming-van-oekrainers-in-nederland/
* Open Society Launches Fund for a Free and Democratic Ukraine https://www.opensocietyfoundations.org/newsroom/open-society-launches-fund-for-a-free-and-democratic-ukraine
* Initiative supporting Ukrainian companies https://dutchcloudcommunity.nl/community/cloud4ukraine/
* https://neweurope.university/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/UNE-Emergency-Contacts-and-Funding_17-March-2022.pdf
* https://twitter.com/freepressunltd/status/1503734397081735173
* https://twitter.com/CFWIJ/status/1503809300589953026
* https://www.gofundme.com/f/keep-ukraines-media-going
* https://www.theguardian.com/media/2022/mar/01/thousands-donate-to-campaign-to-save-ukrainian-media?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other
* petition https://docs.google.com/document/d/1rlmF3ug8chNX2cemMj-RmRoZ1b71GbuPvax8Vai45rQ/edit?usp=sharing*
* https://www.nobelprizeforukraine.org/
= Russia =
"It is not just that the war was a bad idea, and should be stopped. A bully pulls strings, gets breathing space, rearms, and comes back stronger. Hell, even the office bully knows the rules here. How to influence public opinion that bullying must not be tolerated, and that what is different from you doesn't deserve to be wiped out?
Platform Geopolitics in 2022: Russian Invasion of Ukraine – an incomplete overview<br>
However, it's a hard, and long road to remove centuries-long mentality of racism, genocide, sexism that Russians were raised with. This is a project for generations ahead, continuing after us. But we must make a start."
== General ==
* Wikimedia Russia has been dissolved. The general assembly of Wikimedia RU decided to disband after it was made clear to the president of Wikimedia RU, who used to work as an assistant professor at Lomonosov Moscow State University, that he was to be classified as a "foreign agent" and had to resign from his post at the university.Closing Wikimedia RU was done to protect the (now former) members of the non-profit organization that supports Russian Wikipedia https://ru.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=%D0%92%D0%B8%D0%BA%D0%B8%D0%BF%D0%B5%D0%B4%D0%B8%D1%8F:%D0%A4%D0%BE%D1%80%D1%83%D0%BC/%D0%9D%D0%BE%D0%B2%D0%BE%D1%81%D1%82%D0%B8&oldid=134968726#%D0%92%D0%B8%D0%BA%D0%B8%D0%BC%D0%B5%D0%B4%D0%B8%D0%B0_%D0%A0%D0%A3_%D0%B7%D0%B0%D0%BA%D1%80%D1%8B%D0%B2%D0%B0%D0%B5%D1%82%D1%81%D1%8F
==== Information wars ====
‘Troll factory’ spreading Russian pro-war lies online, says UK
* An amazing data story based on the analysis of hundreds of thousands texts by RIA - leading Russian pro-Kremlin news agency - conducted by Novaya Gazeta Europe, Dekoder and Süddeutsche Zeitung. https://specials.dekoder.org/ru/propaganda/v-seti-propagandy
* While European sanctions and distrust look like this situation and limiting common people in bringing their things while traveling in EU, Russian authorities have been able to produce twice as much ammunition as US an EU in the past year - because Western companies keep doing business with Russian regime.https://www.nytimes.com/2023/09/13/us/politics/russia-sanctions-missile-production.html
Russia targeting BRICS, Africa, Asia. Not the West really at all.<br>
* Korte Mars richting Moskou – en terug https://peterstormt.nl/2023/06/27/korte-mars-richting-moskou-en-terug/
*  Former U.S. Official Shares Details of Secret ‘Track 1.5’ Diplomacy With Moscow https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2023/07/26/former-us-official-shares-details-of-secret-track-15-diplomacy-with-moscow-a81972
* FSB analyst: Russian security services did nothing to stop Wagner | Conflict Zone Since Yevgeny Prigozhin fled Russia, speculation has continued about what Vladimir Putin will do next and what threats his regime may face. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pLCC2SkBHNI&ab_channel=DWNews
* This is a very clear and clever text, about why civil war in Russia is already on, through political philosopher Vladimir Pastukhov. He is definitely ne one of the main and brightest voices in political and society analysis of the late Putin’s Russia. Unfortunately only in Russian, but deepl does s really good job, it’s worth it.  https://republic.ru/posts/108914
* https://www.anarchistagency.com/critical-voices/crimethinc-russian-anarchists-on-the-wagner-mutiny/
* https://meduza.io/en/feature/2023/06/25/prigozhin-s-coup-attempt-exposes-putin-s-vulnerability
* Re: Russia Expertise, Analysis & Policy Network LMA Foundation re-russia.net https://re-russia.net/en/
* Anarchist Library Amsterdam on Instagram: "June 28 at 19:00 - The Anarchist movement in Russia in times of war How are Russian anarchists resisting against the war, and what are the consequences of anti-war activities? Olga Matuz from Anarchist Black Cross Moscow will talk about anti-repression and anti-war activities, and also about what can be done to support anarchists and anti-war activists facing repression. MKZ, https://www.instagram.com/p/CtpCeNxIDnv/?igshid=NjZiM2M3MzIxNA==
* https://www.aspistrategist.org.au/a-very-russian-revolution/ - I do not necessarily agree with every observation in this analysis, but Olesya Khromeychuk is a commentator well worth reading, also in this critical take on last Saturday and the media dynamics of Russiawatching
* https://carnegieendowment.org/politika/90051
*  https://snyder.substack.com/p/prigozhins-march-on-moscow
* Radio War Nerd EP #384 — Prigozhin's Mutiny, featuring Anatol Lieven https://www.patreon.com/posts/unlocked-radio-85161627
* Shoigu... just in case you forgot the story of his son, here it is, again: watch the video as a reminder of the 'context' of what happened last Friday and Saturday https://theins.ru/en/news/262422
* Russian Public Appears to Be Souring on War Casualties, Analysis Shows Support for the war in Ukraine remains high but could potentially turn if concern over the high numbers of casualties persists, according to FilterLabs AI.https://www.nytimes.com/2023/05/26/us/politics/russia-public-opinion-ukraine-war.html?smid=nytcore-ios-share&referringSource=articleShare
* Real Time Analysis of Russian Attitudes Toward the War in Ukraine: Find Out What Everyday Russians Think About the War https://www.filter-russia.com/
* https://www.cfr.org/blog/russias-war-against-ukraine-catalyzing-internet-fragmentation - Russia’s War Against Ukraine is Catalyzing Internet Fragmentation After its invasion of Ukraine, concerns flared over a decoupling of Russia from the global internet. This has not materialized, but we may be witnessing the start of a more fundamental fragmentation …
* ‘Cheerleader des doods’ van het Kremlin In het Westen roept Olga Skabejeva niets dan afschuw op vanwege haar meningen, die geregeld nog verdergaan dan de Kremlinpropaganda. De presentator van het dagelijkse discussieprogramma 'Zestig minuten' draagt ze met haar snerpende, nasale stem op triomfantelijke toon avond aan avond uit.https://fd.nl/politiek/1455713/cheerleader-des-doods-van-het-kremlin
* "There is nothing cheaper in Russia than human life" Boris Dralyuk, literary translator, poet, and editor-in-chief of the Los Angeles Review of Books, about the perception of Russia’s war of aggression in the US, Ukraine’s culture wars, and the future of the Russian language.https://www.derstandard.at/story/2000142188276/there-is-nothing-cheaper-in-russia-than-human-life
* Here’s a new international initiative. Saw a poster around yesterday: https://cancelrussia.info/
* https://www.raamoprusland.nl/dossiers/nederland-en-europa/2151-megafoons-van-het-kremlin-blokkeren-of-niet
* https://theins.ru/en/news/251259 Only about 10% of Russian television workers support the war in Ukraine and believe that Russia is «exterminating Nazis» there. The head of a major Russian TV channel, speaking on condition of anonymit
* https://www.moscowtimes.ru/2022/04/12/milliardi-na-propagandu-rashodi-byudzheta-na-gossmi-podskochili-vtroe-na-fone-voini-a19511 Q1 in 2022 was spent 17,5 billion rubles on prop from state budget.
* https://en.squat.net/2022/10/31/amsterdam-building-from-russian-oligarch-squatted/
* https://decorrespondent.nl/13380/deze-wetenschapper-dacht-een-oorlogsexpert-te-zijn-tot-ze-in-de-horror-van-de-russische-oorlog-belandde/411515280-43515f71  Deze wetenschapper dacht een oorlogsexpert te zijn. Tot ze in de horror
* https://twitter.com/jamnewscaucasus/status/1523927947366875138?s=21&t=M0kSQR2uSsVAhohbYAI8IQ About Victory day & Russian media ‘Blood on your hands’
* https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2022/feb/27/vladimir-putin-russia-ukraine-power Vladimir Putin sits atop a crumbling pyramid of power | Vladimir Sorokin
* Explosies Transnistrië zorgen voor onrust in Moldavië en dat is 'precies wat Moskou wil' - https://nos.nl/l/2426852
* ‘Jullie beeld van Oost-Europa komt voort uit jarenlange Russische propaganda’ https://www.volkskrant.nl/a-b8c5a578
*  https://www.telegraaf.nl/nieuws/666747798/aantal-asielaanvragen-uit-rusland-fors-hoger-daders-of-slachtoffers
*  Re: Russia | Eng An expert and discussion platform aiming to address key issues of Russian politics, economy and society. It produces a constantly updated review of current expertise, new data and global discussion on the state of Russia, and publishes its own research https://t.me/rerussia_eng
* "We Are Not Doing Anything Illegal, Why Be Anonymous?" — Interview with Maxim Kondratiev from Avtozak LIVE by Angela Gurtsieva https://networkcultures.org/blog/2022/05/26/we-are-not-doing-anything-illegal-why-be-anonymous-interview-with-maxim-kondratiev-from-avtozak-live/
* About sanctions & ripe ncc : https://ripe84.ripe.net/archives/video/810/
* the open letter for the dutch ministers of foreign affairs and justice, asking for : https://docs.google.com/document/d/1nJU5JrWcvplXMT1YICiJlCuHTJC_LtTXdUnl8YeoiK0/edit
* Russia turns its diplomats into disinformation warriors https://www.politico.eu/article/russia-diplomats-disinformation-war-ukraine/
* Op zoek naar de feiten in oorlogstijd https://www.volkskrant.nl/kijkverder/v/2022/op-zoek-naar-de-feiten-in-oorlogstijd~v484352/
* https://voxpop.uva.nl/en/content/events/events/2022/06/moscow-times-publishers-discuss-the-russian-war-in-ukraine.html  The Price of Lying - VOX-POP The Russophone team of the Moscow Times recently fled Russia.
==== OSint - open source intelligence ====
== Russian Diaspora ==
* A new investigation by Access Now and Citizen Lab reveals first-time use of Pegasus spyware against exiled Russian media. https://www.accessnow.org/press-release/exiled-russian-media-pegasus/
* https://meduza-io.cdn.ampproject.org/c/s/meduza.io/amp/en/feature/2023/09/13/even-in-europe-we-are-not-safe Even in Europe, we are not safe A statement from Meduza editor-in-chief Ivan Kolpakov — Meduza
* https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/feb/18/its-starting-to-get-dark-after-navalnys-death-many-fear-what-putin-will-do-next “Having destroyed opposition at home, he will focus then on those who dare speak abroad,” Bondarev warned."
* Borsjt en een anti-Poetin biertje in het eerste Oekraïense restaurant van de stad https://www.at5.nl/artikelen/225348/eerste-oekraiense-restaurant-amsterdam-oost-sjoerd-warmerdam
== Russian Resistance ==
* https://karlawagner.eu/what-an-opposition-is-and-what-it-isnt/
* https://censorship.no/en/index.html A mobile decentralised browser, specially developed to bypass internet isolation by russian authorities.
* There are hundreds, if not thousands, partizan, antiwar, decolonial and anarchist groups on telegram. With a political opposition coalition we  are preparing a big campaign on geligitimation of putin's elections. we need to find an automated way how to make connections https://www.change.org/illegitimate
* Decolonize runet! Decolonize network measurements! A provocative take on the Russian sovereign internet project https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2023/fahrplan/events/12042.html We try to set up various contrapropaganda snd protest activities, and we need western backing and support
* https://hal.science/hal-03100247/document 35C3 -  A Routing Interregnum: Internet infrastructure transition in Crimea after Russian annexation https://media.ccc.de/v/35c3-9864-a_routing_interregnum_internet_infrastructure_transition_in_crimea_after_russian_annexation  - Ksenia's previous talk: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hmskfem30dg
* Feminist Antiwar Resistance wins 2023 Aachen Peace Prize — Meduza https://meduza.io/en/news/2023/05/08/feminist-antiwar-resistance-wins-2023-aachen-peace-prize
The Russian political movement Feminist Antiwar Resistance (FAR), along with Israel’s Human Rights Defenders Fund, has won the 2023 Aachen Peace Prize
* Feminist Anti-War Resistance (FAR)  Russia https://euvsdisinfo.eu/resistance-wont-stop-the-war-but-it-can-hasten-its-end/
* Dmitry Petrov is a Russian anarchist, anthropologist and historian. After beginning of full-scale Russia invasion he joined Ukrainian army. On April 19 he died in action near Bahmut together with two his comrades. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0eLYC6F-CtY
* Free Russia NL, among many others, supports TV Rain  - here’s the statement initiated by Meduza and signed by hundreds of individuals and organisations. https://meduza.io/en/feature/2022/12/06/meduza-s-statement-regarding-the-revocation-of-tv-rain-s-latvian-broadcasting-license
* Stichting Free Russia NL is a fact! We have registered our foundation today, we will be continuing our social, cultural, humanitarian and activist work with now official support of private and public funders, volunteers and community. More info on our plans, organisation structure and activities will follow soon!
* https://twitter.com/visegrad24/status/1520472404987990018 “Russian soldiers fighting for Ukraine against the Russian Army driving through the Poltava region. Those white-blue-white flags really are beautiful.
* https://discord.gg/PHssTt4X3z Russian or Belorussian journalists in need are welcome to join my Discord server Russian Press In Exile (Russian PiE), I cooperate with RSF and can put them in contact with the new JX Fund. There are also other growing resources on the server/ people can help each other.
* Free University Moscow created this new and for some here probably useful Telegram channel: https://t.me/FreeStudentMedia. (NB in Russian only though, so it seems)
* https://discord.gg/XVYMcSCx Russian Press in Exile channel (Alexander from Moscow Times is also in the group, I understood there is an effort to create a united media coalition by Tvrain, meduza and moscow times)
* Oprichter Russisch Telegram-kanaal gevlucht naar Nederland: https://nos.nl/video/2427534-oprichter-russisch-telegram-kanaal-gevlucht-naar-nederland-ik-zou-zeker-worden-opgepakt
* Russian political journalist and politician Vladimir Kara-Murza was detained for 'spreading fakes' about actions of Russian army in Ukraine. He faces up to 10 years in jail. He is brave and honest, if you want to write about it I have details( Alina Danilina) , photos and video.<br> It's also posted there https://t.me/novaya_europe/659https://t.me/novaya_europe/659 https://www.washingtonpost.com/media/2022/04/22/kara-murza-charged-russia-speech/
* Redacteuren DOXA hangt gevangenisstraf boven het hoofd –  https://www.wereldbrand.nl/2022/04/08/redacteuren-doxa-hangt-gevangenisstraf-boven-het-hoofd/
* Open Letter of Dmitry Pilikin, Russian Artist, Curator, Art Historian https://networkcultures.org/blog/2022/04/04/open-letter/
* https://en.squat.net/2022/10/31/amsterdam-building-from-russian-oligarch-squatted/
== Events ==
= Gaza =
Dear everyone, I’m currently in the midst of arranging TMR workshops. There are two workshops possible in the near future.  
* Telecommunications blackout in the Gaza Strip is an attack on human rights https://www.accessnow.org/press-release/communications-blackout-gaza-strip/
The first one is offered by Karla Wagner from Hight tech tea, an organization that works to connect and inspire women in tech. The workshop revolves around Role Model Methodology in Diversity & Inclusion with mindfulness of bias, with practical exercises in how to channel our role models.
* Gaza communications blackout as Israel intensifies attack https://electronicintifada.net/blogs/ali-abunimah/gaza-communications-blackout-israel-intensifies-attack
The second one revolves around Video subtitling with free open source tools and is specifically geared towards journalists (professional or not) who work a) independently or in self-organized grassroots collectives, b) on controversial issues, and c) with desperately tight time constraints. People interested in captioning for the deaf and hard of hearing may also benefit from this course, but the discussions and exercises will be limited to interlingual subtitling.
* The Destruction of Gaza’s Internet Is Complete https://www.wired.com/story/gaza-internet-blackout-israel/
I would like to get a sense of the urgency and demand for these two workshops. And am very interested to know how many of you would be interested in partaking in either of the two workshops. Please send me a personal message on Signal before Friday if you or your organization would like to partake in a workshop in the near future.
* Palestine Internet Connectivity as Seen in BGP - What does Internet routing data tell us about how the Internet in Palestine has fared since the outbreak of war in October. https://labs.ripe.net/author/qasim-lone/palestine-internet-connectivity-as-seen-in-bgp/
* https://www.accessnow.org/guide/staying-safe-online-in-the-context-of-conflict-in-gaza/
* https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2023/oct/23/bosnia-muslims-germany-gaza-ethnic-cleansing-palestinian I grew up in Bosnia, amid fear and hatred of Muslims. Now I see Germany’s
* https://pad.riseup.net/p/r.5e8fb6bd54cdce773db487845244e55d
* https://edition.cnn.com/2023/12/03/middleeast/gaza-palestinians-blackouts-power-airstrikes/index.html
==== Coming ====
= Protests =
* ‘Graffiti battle on streets of Belgrade’ as Serbia tries to stifle anti-Putin Russian exiles https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/oct/28/serbia-graffiti-belgrade-anti-putin-russian-exiles
* I have contacts in OVD now, so if there is an interest on working together, I can cross-connect; more info: https://ovd.news/news/2022/03/02/russian-protests-against-war-ukraine-chronicle-events
* Flag from the Russian opposition - - The Russian design community has created a flag for anti-war movement in Russia. It is a white banner with blue horizontal stripe in the middle. We are removing bloody color because future and prosperity of new Russia is in peace'https://whitebluewhite.info/english and https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/apr/03/red-is-dead-russian-anti-war-protesters-fly-a-new-flag-for-peace
* https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2022/03/28/the-russians-fleeing-putins-wartime-crackdown
*  Stichting Free Russia NL is a fact! We have registered our foundation today, we will be continuing our social, cultural, humanitarian and activist work with now official support of private and public funders, volunteers and community. More info on our plans, organisation structure and activities will follow soon!
In July, we are planning to publish a small edition with the results we have achieved within our group so far as well as the Ukraine- and war-related essays/notes/materials.If you would like to contribute to this publication and share your texts about the ongoing crisis, communication, culture, or other aspects that you think might be important in this regard, please let us know before June 23.
here’s info about workshops I’ve added to the wiki <br>
https://www.human.nl/2doc-kort/kijk/overzicht/2022/aflevering-75.html Niet mijn Moskou - 2Doc Kort -31 mei 2022, 23:05 uur - NPO 2 (you stillcan see it on the npo website)
== The Netherlands ==
* https://www.folia.nl/international/161102/the-unbearable-lightness-of-uvas-neutrality
* As independent media, we don't have to participate in the current Gleichshaltung.  Apparently my fellow Dutch people need to be reminded about MH17.  And the shameful #nietOnzeOorlog mentality Am I in the wrong country, and a populist is an outgrowth of the culture?  I'm scared sometimes.  Nope, I stay, and hold accountable.  Here, Denys speaks directly, calling the prick a prick.  https://youtu.be/d60xeI9n6WE?t=572
* Wilders has threatened to deal with all of them at one point or another. During the campaign, he was silent on this part of his repertoire, in favour of talking about the cost of living and migration, but his party programme was as extreme as ever. Given that his BFF is Viktor Orbán, there is absolutely no reason to dismiss these threats as purely hypothetical." :https://sophieintveld.substack.com/p/the-hangover
* Tijdens een wereldreis voor ruwe aardolie tankt Poetin in Zeeland - Russian oil tankers , forbidden by sanctions, bunkering in Dutch seas https://archive.is/7dlMn (NRC article, archived)
==== Past ====
* Sunday 10 July: Poetin stoppen! Is FVD slopen! | IndyMedia
Stopping Putin means destroying the FvD! Sunday 10th of July, 13:00 The elitist conspiracy fascists from Forum voor Democratie will gather to show support to and celebrate their friend, dictator and mass murderer Putin! Together with the fascists of the AFD from Germany, the Russian ambassador and other! https://indymedia.nl/node/52254 More info: https://enoughisenough14.org/2022/07/07/dont-give-fascists-any-space-fvd-symposium-understanding-the-conflict-in-ukraine-on-july-10-amsterdam/
June Friday (17th) there is a monthly meetup of cross-community organisers, informal but powerful: if you'd like to gain support for TMR , please join: https://wiki.techinc.nl/Community_Organisers_Meetup_17th_June
=== Elections ===
* On Russian state TV they're predictably delighted with the Dutch election result https://twitter.com/i/status/1727661454550073528
* https://youtu.be/d60xeI9n6WE?t=572 Apparently my fellow Dutch people need to be reminded about MH17. The posting date, 1.3.2018 places Wilders' presence in Russia a year and a half after a Dutch-led team of prosecuters presented the evidence of Russian weaponry, and a Russian launch from the temporarily occupied territory of Ukraine.
* Journalists, judges, civil-rights lawyers, teachers, academics - Wilders has threatened to deal with all of them at one point or another. During the campaign, he was silent on this part of his repertoire, in favour of talking about the cost of living and migration, but his party programme was as extreme as ever. Given that his BFF is Viktor Orbán, there is absolutely no reason to dismiss these threats as purely hypothetical." :https://sophieintveld.substack.com/p/the-hangover
https://twitter.com/mariannedh/status/1531283952660455425?s=12&t=RAEbiBDCE13hJvvotsq04Q RightsCon : “On June 8, at 12:30 pm (GMT -4) we'll have an amazing panel on "Internet splintering due to server-side blocking and embargo sanctions" with the incomparable @RoyaEnsafi, @DougMadory, @hellais, and @nielstenoever.”
= Events =
Dattalion – Ukraine's Data Battalion.  
=== Happening /Coming ===
may 30 - at 14:30 (EEST),first media briefing of Dattalion at Ukraine Media Center. The link to the event is available here https://youtu.be/d6HHk7u98Bc
* What the Wagner Group tells us about Russia Experts analyse the role of Private Military Companies (PMCs),  particularly the Wagner Group. What role did they play in the war?
De Balie:
* upcoming screenings "20 Days In Mariupol". may be found  https://20daysinmariupol.com/#screenings , https://youtu.be/E-coT5t70Tg?si=de_IkhsJRrWcLR1s Bullet Holes, and Uprooted. https://youtu.be/cq2gEMhuDps?si=kEkjRF5Z4Qk3rgjG. 20 Days may be found on PBS.org. You'll need to set your VPN to the States to view the film itself (sans Youtube): https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/frontline/documentary/20-days-in-mariupol/
* https://catincatabacaru.com/exhibitions/state-of-emergence-NADA - State of Emergence
* To Watch the War: The Moving Image Amidst the Invasion of Ukraine (2014–2023) is a moving image forum which takes place at BAK, basis voor actuele kunst, Utrecht from 9 September to 29 October 2023. https://www.bakonline.org/program-item/to-watch-the-war-the-moving-image-amidst-the-invasion-of-ukraine-2014-2023/
* https://www.npostart.nl/my-generation-at-war/AT_300011623 My Generation @War, a Dtuch documentary series, in English and Ukrainian
* Sound & Vision:beeldengeluid.nl/en/remixfest
the conspiratorial memory group (a research group on east European conspiracy theory based at Uva, ASCA) is having a workshop in early June that will mainiy focus on the Ukrainain war.https://www.conspiratorialmemory.com/events/conspiratorial-memory-workshop
=== Past ===
* https://spui25.nl/programma/data-is-dead The future of the tech industry is in infrastructure, not data
*  JOIN our book talk on the protection of #journalists in the EU 🗓️ 23 Jan, 14:30 📍 EP + online
✍️ Register by 18 Jan if you need accreditation to the EP https://europa.eu/!R4gDCf
* Experimenting Liveness: Stream Art Between Amsterdam, Kraków, and Kyiv | REPORThttps://networkcultures.org/void/2023/10/30/experimenting-liveness-stream-art-between-amsterdam-krakow-and-kyiv-report/
* workshop related to digital journalism, data activism, and Open Source Investigations in VoxPop (close to Spui in Amsterdam). Perhaps you would like to join. Participation is free upon registration. All the info can be found here: https://fixersandjournalists.humanities.uva.nl/covering-russias-war-on-ukraine-local-media-professionals-and-open-source-investigators/
* My Generation @War, a Dtuch documentary series, in English and Ukrainian https://www.avrotros.nl/my-generation-war/gemist/detail/alles-wat-je-moet-weten-over-my-generation-war/
==== By DMT ====
Mental Geology of Nuclear Threat & The Labor of Witnessing
screening of video art works, curated by Serge Klymko from the Kyiv Biennial, is taking place on 2 June at 20.00 at Waag.
August 25 | 18:00  
(doors open 17:30)
transmediale studio
Free admission
RIPE 84 – Berlin, Germany | 16-20 May 2022<br>
Join us for a studio event organised by our current artist-in-residence Asia Badzdyrieva. The evening will bring together writers and curators - Svitlana Matviyenko, Elena Vogman, Olexii Kuchanskyi, and Johannes Bruder - to engage in conversation about the production and dissemination of images and affects within the mediated contexts of climate change and war. The event will comprise of two moderated conversations with a short break in between.
A RIPE Meeting is a five-day event where Internet Service Providers (ISPs), network operators and other interested parties from all over the world gather.<br>
^^^ Global NOG Alliance: Taskforce to Keep Ukraine Connected<br>
Resilience of the internet in Ukraine: Emile Aben https://ripe84.ripe.net/archives/video/738/<br>
Solidarity Screening for Thursday June 2nd at Waag<br>
* 18th and last dispatch by Svitlana Matvayenko on Tactical Media Room Ukraine, covering the period February-June 2023 https://networkcultures.org/tactical-media-room/2023/06/25/dispatches-from-the-place-of-imminence-part-18/
*  🙏🏼 the event was very succesful, Navalny’s team made a repo: https://youtu.be/atOcmzhAEvg
* https://networkcultures.org/events/standby-%d1%87%d0%b0%d1%82%d1%83%d0%b2%d0%b0%d0%bd%d0%bd%d1%8f-czuwanie-on-the-hybrid-island/
* http://www.uva.nl/benefit-concert
* https://www.ripe.net/participate/meetings/open-house/ripe-ncc-open-house-bgp-security-for-ukrainian-operators
* The European Internet Blockade of Russian Propagandist Media
Against the backdrop of the war with Ukraine, the Russian government has sharply increased funding for state media, resulting in an unprecedented level of state propaganda spread on social media platforms. As a consequence, US and EU lawmakers and Ukrainian officials have jolted into action by pressuring social media platforms in an attempt to curb Russian misinformation. This seems to be a watershed moment regarding freedom of the press and internet freedom. We discuss what is at stake with internet activists and journalists directly involved in war-news production.
* Van fact-checking tot argument-checking
Nieuwsverslaggeving lijkt steeds meer op een vorm van oorlog: feiten worden gepareerd met ‘alternatieve feiten’, fake news bestookt voortdurend de mainstream media, en men spreekt zelfs van ‘informatieoorlog’ of ‘informatieterreur’. Kunnen we aan de taal van journalisten en mediaorganisaties nog aflezen of het klopt wat ze zeggen, of is dat onmogelijk geworden? En wat kunnen we doen om de situatie te verbeteren? Vier experts op het gebied van het bestrijden van desinformatie gaan hierover met elkaar in gesprek.
* https://networkcultures.org/events/tactical-media-meet-up-3-the-european-internet-blockade-of-russian-propagandist-media/
==== by OTHERS ====
* local hubs for ripe87 in Rotterdam & Amsterdam: https://bpn.servus.at/ripe87/
* https://internetborders.net/ Conference and Hackathon in Support of Internet Freedom
* https://ra.co/features/4148 After 12 months of war, what's the sound of Ukraine? Listen to a year of releases since the invasion.
* For anyone who hasn’t seen “Navalny”, it’s available here without registration and for free: https://navalny-film.io/
* Sletlana @ Rietveld: https://rietveldacademie.nl/en/page/24782/refuge-ghaith-kween-qoutainy-sletlana-bebe-berat-bebek-studium
* Music for Belarus 30 juni - 19:00. www.belarusians.nl
* Mozilla Festival 2023 Schedule - https://schedule.mozillafestival.org/session/7VJBAE-1 We are doing a session at 15.00
* https://ra.co/features/4148 After 12 months of war, what's the sound of Ukraine? Listen to a year of releases since the invasion.
* Hallo allen, de opening van het critical infrastructure lab aan de universiteit van amsterdam is 13-14 april. Jullie zijn allemaal van harte welkom https://www.criticalinfralab.net/2023/03/13/launch-event-programme/
* https://amsterdamalternative.nl/agenda/13349/ukraine-uncut-hamlet-syndrome Originating with the city’s counterculture and free spaces, Amsterdam Alternative stands for collective action and radical political debate for the sake of a desirable future for the many, not the few.
* For anyone who hasn’t seen “Navalny”, it’s available here without registration and for free: https://navalny-film.io/
* Sletlana @ Rietveld: https://rietveldacademie.nl/en/page/24782/refuge-ghaith-kween-qoutainy-sletlana-bebe-berat-bebek-studium
* Tuesday 30 may (tomorrow) at MKZ at 19 o'clock benefit food and talk from anarchist from Kyiv Ukraine. About the war. The anarchist movement in this. And much more. All donations are for Solidarity Collectives .
* Disclosing Futures Rethinking Heritage Conference www.architectuurdichterbij.nl : https://www.architectuurdichterbij.nl/en/activities/disclosing-futures-rethinking-heritage
* Mariupol-The People's Story, only available inside NL or with VPN... for next 26 days: https://www.2doc.nl/documentaires/2023/01/mariupol-the-peoples-story.html
* https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/russian-invasion-of-ukraine-journalism-trauma-and-resilience-tickets-506452110897 Russian invasion of Ukraine: Journalism, Trauma and Resilience
* a RIPE NCC Open House (online event) to discuss the challenges faced by the network operators in Ukraine. Anyone interested is welcome to join. This online event will take place on Thursday, 2 March from 3:00-15:00 CET https://www.ripe.net/participate/meetings/open-house/ripe-ncc-open-house-internet-in-ukraine
* Care & Resilience: Ukrainian Museums in Times of War https://dutchculture.nl/en/events
* https://www.uva.nl/en/shared-content/faculteiten/en/faculteit-der-geesteswetenschappen/events/2023/02/eastsplainers-3-music.html — and this is smaller-scale session with musicians from Ukraine and elsewhere from East-Central and Eastern Europe. This session is part of Eastsplainers, a series in which we work hard to keep providing a stage for colleagues at risk from across C/EE in responsible ways, at a time of active Russia(n) boycotts.
* together with Music for Peace Foundation, we are hosting a cultural event, “Who Am I?”  https://waalsekerkdenhaag.nl/evenement/who-am-i/
* https://spui25.nl/programma/van-fact-checking-tot-argument-checking
* https://www.spui25.nl/programma/the-european-internet-blockade-of-russian-propagandist-media
* https://www.disinfo.eu/conference The EU DisinfoLab 2022 Annual Conference will take place on October 25 and 26 at the Radisson Collection Grand Place Brussels.
* UvA colleagues have been discussing developing another datasprint (for early July) this time looking at TikTok. For our project we would need an expert curated list of important Ukranian _and_ Russian accounts. Does anyone have any ideas of where we might source this? Does Tiktok make apis available for research on a way that twitter does for example? Likely not I guess but good to know for sure. I feel I should know this, sorry! I'm in a round table meeting with them Monday on child safety so let me know if there's anything to bring up
* https://twitter.com/mediaofcoop/status/1539590237101465602/photo/1 Series "Memory under fire" on Russian disinformation practices & their implications
* Next to all visible war atrocities, another tragedy is unfolding. Members of the same family on different sides of the front line do not believe each other. Russian parents don’t believe their children in Ukraine who try to share their personal war experiences. 25/06/2022 MOMA&CO Amsterdam - Studio
* following Friday (17th) there is a monthly meetup of cross-community organisers, informal but powerful: if you'd like to gain support for TMR , please join: https://wiki.techinc.nl/Community_Organisers_Meetup_17th_June
* https://www.ripe.net/participate/meetings/open-house/ripe-ncc-open-house-bgp-security-for-ukrainian-operators
* Saturday (11.06) 12:00-14:00, Rotterdam, Westnieuwland Goal: to show the European community that Ukraine deserves the status of EU candidate and to draw the attention of the Netherland’s authorities and population to russia’s war against Ukraine.
* Sunday (12.06) 14: 00-16: 00, Amsterdam, Dam Square. to remind the world on “Russia’s day” about the war, crimes and genocide that it is  committing in Ukraine, and to show Dutch community and the world that Ukraine is a European country and is worthy of being a EU candidate. Here is the event in FB: https://www.facebook.com/events/498700641938004 <https://www.facebook.com/events/498700641938004>
* here’s info about workshops I’ve added to the wiki https://wiki.techinc.nl/TacticalMediaRoom/Workshops
* https://www.human.nl/2doc-kort/kijk/overzicht/2022/aflevering-75.html Niet mijn Moskou - 2Doc Kort -31 mei 2022, 23:05 uur - NPO 2 (you stillcan see it on the npo website)
* June Friday (17th) there is a monthly meetup of cross-community organisers, informal but powerful: if you'd like to gain support for TMR , please join: https://wiki.techinc.nl/Community_Organisers_Meetup_17th_June
* https://twitter.com/mariannedh/status/1531283952660455425?s=12&t=RAEbiBDCE13hJvvotsq04Q RightsCon : “On June 8, at 12:30 pm (GMT -4) we'll have an amazing panel on "Internet splintering due to server-side blocking and embargo sanctions" with the incomparable @RoyaEnsafi, @DougMadory, @hellais, and @nielstenoever.”
* Dattalion – Ukraine's Data Battalion. may 30 -  at 14:30 (EEST),first media briefing of Dattalion at Ukraine Media Center. The link to the event is available here https://youtu.be/d6HHk7u98Bc
* https://twitter.com/mykolska/status/1531188142958592000-
* The conspiratorial memory group (a research group on east European conspiracy theory based at Uva, ASCA) is having a workshop in early June that will mainiy focus on the Ukrainain war.https://www.conspiratorialmemory.com/events/conspiratorial-memory-workshop
*Screening of video art works, curated by Serge Klymko from the Kyiv Biennial, is taking place on 2 June at 20.00 at Waag. https://waag.org/nl/event/tactical-media-meetup-2-oekraiense-videokunst-tijden-van-oorlog 
* RIPE 84 – Berlin, Germany | 16-20 May 2022A RIPE Meeting is a five-day event where Internet Service Providers (ISPs), network operators and other interested parties from all over the world gather. https://ripe84.ripe.net/archives/video/739/
* Global NOG Alliance: Taskforce to Keep Ukraine Connected
* Resilience of the internet in Ukraine: Emile Aben https://ripe84.ripe.net/archives/video/738/
* Solidarity Screening for Thursday June 2nd at Waag
* https://www.instagram.com/p/Cd8DLAjgRpi/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
* https://waag.org/en/event/tactical-media-meetup-2-ukrainian-video-art-times-war
Presentations of interest to TMR, at RIPE84
Presentations of interest to TMR, at RIPE84
Line 413: Line 581:
* https://ripe84.ripe.net/attend/how-to-participate/
* https://ripe84.ripe.net/attend/how-to-participate/
1st Cross-cutting TDW: AI: Mitigating Bias & Disinformation:Theme Development Workshop18 May 2022 | 9:00- 17:30 CEST Identify common goals between academia and industry as well as other relevant<br>
* 1st Cross-cutting TDW: AI: Mitigating Bias & Disinformation:Theme Development Workshop18 May 2022 | 9:00- 17:30 CEST Identify common goals between academia and industry as well as other relevant<br>
* https://www.vision4ai.eu/ai-mitigating-bias-disinformation/
* https://www.eventbrite.com/e/ukraine-russia-nato-anti-imperialism-today-tickets-288712375487(free, on zoom, 5th May, 6PM CEST; ask me for the zoom link if you don't want to register...)
* https://nvctraining.com/live-nvc-courses/video-conference/russia-ukraine-war-2022
*The History of the Yugoslavian Internet Live at SEE 10 https://labs.ripe.net/author/becha/the-history-of-the-yugoslavian-internet-live-at-see-10/
*12 April 20.00 Witnessing U: testimonials from the frontline 3 Ukrainian theatre makers Bogdana Orleanova, Iana Gudzenko, Alesia Andrushevska present @ Toneelmakerij, Laurier gracht 99c, Amsterdam
(free, on zoom, 5th May, 6PM CEST; ask me for the zoom link if you don't want to register...)
* HTTPS://toneelmakerij.nl/en/voorstellingen/witnessing-u/
* Friday 22 april - 2-5 pm  Public seminar: from imperialism to fascism. The phatasmatic structure of war - SAndberg institute Amsterdam
* Wend. 6 apr 2022 20.00 – 21.30, LOCATIE SPUI25 : "De Russische invasie in media" - is recorded and streams on the page https://spui25.nl/programma/de-russische-invasie-in-media
The History of the Yugoslavian Internet Live at SEE 10<br>
* Datasprint -Buzzhouse space, located at the University of Amsterdam, BG5 (Oudezijds Achterburgwal 233-237) (enter through the Prisma cafe, then on the first floor). Only the keynote presentation will take place in OMHP D1.08.
* Ripe -As there is a lot of discussion and concern around sanctions related to the war in Ukraine and the effects on the net and the community, weare doing a cooperation working group (virtual) session coming Tuesday,22 March. The session will run from 13:00-14:30 UTC (14:00-15:30 CEST). To participate, you can register at https://www.ripe.net/s/register-coop-wg-20220322
* 31-03 at 11PM, online event:<br> https://www.umass.edu/russian-eurasian-polish-studies/event/public-interest-technology-symposium-ukraine-and-russia-online-war
12 April 20.00 Witnessing U: testimonials from the frontline 3 Ukrainian theatre makers Bogdana Orleanova, Iana Gudzenko, Alesia Andrushevska present @ Toneelmakerij, Laurier gracht 99c, Amsterdam<br>
* 30 mrt 2022 event: <br> https://framerframed.nl/projecten/the-hmm-on-a-lighter-internet/
Friday 22 april - 2-5 pm  Public seminar: from imperialism to fascism. The phatasmatic structure of war - SAndberg institute Amsterdam<br>
Wendsday 6 apr 2022 20.00 – 21.30, LOCATIE SPUI25 : "De Russische invasie in media" - is recorded and streams on the page<br>
Datasprint -Buzzhouse space, located at the University of Amsterdam, BG5 (Oudezijds Achterburgwal 233-237) (enter through the Prisma cafe, then on the first floor). Only the keynote presentation will take place in OMHP D1.08.<br>
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1QmKlgTS-9ZQqIpXieU1OVduIXMinpQaKTn243XYE_iU/edit# Here is the info on the datasprint.
Ripe -As there is a lot of discussion and concern around sanctions related to the war in Ukraine and the effects on the net and the community, weare doing a cooperation working group (virtual) session coming Tuesday,22 March. The session will run from 13:00-14:30 UTC (14:00-15:30 CEST). To participate, you can register at <br>
31-03 at 11PM, online event:<br> https://www.umass.edu/russian-eurasian-polish-studies/event/public-interest-technology-symposium-ukraine-and-russia-online-war
30 mrt 2022 event: <br> https://framerframed.nl/projecten/the-hmm-on-a-lighter-internet/

Revision as of 05:14, 8 April 2024

Notes from the TacticalMediaRoom Signal group.

we will be sending out weekly email newsletters with the latest news, important projects and events regarding the ongoing war. please feel free to subscribe: http://eepurl.com/h1rkVz

Internet Governance and infrastructure

chaser: https://www.parisbeacon.com/ripe-ncc-shuts-down-exchange-platform-with-russia/ original: https://www.enog.org discussion: https://enog-apps-2.ripe.net/hyperkitty/list/discuss@enog.org/thread/XGEYIYQWC6MRZ2VXEERH3QLDFU7XFCSD/

Network Resilience Amid Conflict

Internet Security

Network / Internet in Ukraine

  • Ukraine faces second day of huge phone and internet outage after suspected Russian cyberattack Ukrainian authorities accused Russia's military intelligence unit of being responsible.


www.kentik.com & https://www.kentik.com/blog/the-russification-of-ukrainian-ip-registration/

Russia's Internet Landscape

Journalism and Media


  1. efir62 In this episode we will take a look at how people are adapting to live, find peace, and create in times of crisis. we're talking to Mykhailo Mazepa and Sofi Bondar about turning war barricades into furniture (architecture meets activism). Aircraft will share his synth-wave pop journey across Europe. Fat Frumos, the force behind Suck Puck Records, dives into the breakcore and rave scene ecstatic rituals. Beats'n'Beans will discuss their tea ceremonies and their upcoming appearance at UKRAiNATV during Unsound. Satin de Compostela previews one of the next efir editions which will be focused on rituals, magic, and spirituality in postindustrial world. We'll also connect with Norway and converse about our experiences during workshops in the Academy of Fine Arts in Trondheim. And don't miss Sofia's tale of wrestling with Polish bureaucracy at the airport (real-life drama). It's a packed lineup, all about the gatherings and rituals that shape our lives. Yevgeniy Demydenko will set some tranquil vibes with his saxophone solo. To top it off Romek will unveil our plans for the 4TH SEASON @ UKRAiNATV and we’ll give stage to our one and only Gleb with his PINK CORE set.

Crisis reporting

File:Independent Russian Journalists Relief.pdf

Support for journalists, artists and scientists


how to talk about the russian invasion

Open source intelligence


Digital rights experts will help activists, NGO workers and lawyers to request their data that is held by Europol. edri.org invite for lawyers, journalists, activists: https://edri.org/take-action/events/webinar-activists-and-ngo-europol-databases/

Threats to journalists and activists

Why is this an important topic for European journalists to cover? Simple - because from this research we know how russian secret services are integrated in the economic, public and politic systems in Europe. Also we see how random the choice of people to poison can be: opposition leaders, activists, journalists, former colleagues - it can be anyone. And they all move freely in Europe. They know where to get the information, they have access to data. This is worrying, and I think European media, journalists, investigators must give attention to this, because the European public must know these details about the regime Western leaders want to find peace with.

It is quite certain that these secret services have access to booking.com’s database in real time.The terror that since the russian revolutions is part of the state, is actually already in Europe. And European public - sand worse: politicians are choosing not to see it. 3 hour interview with Elena Kostyuchenko with english subs: https://youtu.be/CobxH2gH4pM

Our pols don't comprehend that there are those who laugh at our open society and vulnerability and see it as rot. Laughing, they send their kids to live here, get their health care here and drive a mercedes, and the irony of the contradiction is lost.

Publications, essays, presentations & reports

The Pulitzer prize-winning journalist at the heart of the Oscar-tipped documentary describes the weeks he and his team spent in the besieged city – and why they were willing to take the risk


Tactical Media Room


  • https://www.digsum.org/digsum-feed/postdoc-position-to-study-digital-disinformation Postdoc position to study digital disinformation — DIGSUM
  • Application of the Risk Management Framework to Russian Disinformation Campaigns: During the first year of Russia’s illegal war in Ukraine, social media companies enabled the Kremlin to run a large-scale disinformation campaign targeting the European Union and its allies, reaching an aggregate audience of at least 165 million and generating at least 16 billion views. Preliminary analysis suggests that the reach and influence of Kremlin-backed accounts has grown further in the first half of 2023, driven in particular by the dismantling of Twitter’s safety standards.


Information wars

Tactics and Strategies

Media Manipulation

  • Wagner-baas: Russen proberen verkiezingen VS met ‘chirurgische precisie’ te beïnvloeden

Na jaren ontkennen heeft Jevgeni Prigozjin, de baas van het Russische huurlingenleger Wagner, toegegeven dat hij heeft geprobeerd de Amerikaanse ve...https://www.volkskrant.nl/a-b6d55dc5

  • An analysis of Dutch pro-Russia tweets — EOOH.eu https://eooh.eu/articles/analysis-of-dutch-pro-russia-tweets
  • TMRers we are trying to collect a list of TikTok accounts and hashtags that do the war, in case anyone has any tips. So far we haven't got too far 🤨 https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1g8gYKZxK8A9migkweIiktz24sNLvnS0aMEPRLBdkpE/edit#gid=q.
  • Yesterday in Belarus they closed a store that sold only books in Belarusian, as they were extremist books. And banned sale of 1984 book.
  • “…. The impact of propaganda is not easily reversible, and sometimes, it is not reversible at all. You may not realize it, of course, but this is, too, how propaganda works. When propaganda engages your unconscious, you may need years to decipher why this particular idea resonated so well with you. “ … similar to trauma , gaslighting, C-PTSD :(

Mensen van free russia gaan aan de demo meedoen hoor ik net An analysis of Dutch pro-Russia tweets — EOOH.eu https://eooh.eu/articles/analysis-of-dutch-pro-russia-tweets

"Blood on your hands" and other surprising anti-#Kremlin messages released by #Russian media outlets on #VictoryDay https://twitter.com/jamnewscaucasus/status/1523927947366875138?s=21&t=M0kSQR2uSsVAhohbYAI8IQ



The propaganda war for Ukraine | DW Documentary https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ifShcUcfbU


Counter Propaganda Efforts

Russia Propaganda

RT and Sputnik

SK: Blocking RT and Sputnik is not limiting access to information, as these are not independent media but weapons created and lavishly funded by the aggressor. It is blocking agressor state’s weapon on EU territory.
SK:I agree that the post-postmodernist reality has put us in front of a new challenge: while we used to have too little freedom of speech/ access to information and fought to gain more, we have now landed in a situation where we have access to so much information, growing exponentially, that we no longer have the mental capacity or time or resources to discern purposefully false and weaponized statements from true records. What we mostly need is media literacy (stop limiting children’s screen time, let them build up resilience, talk about disinformation) and accessible tools to debunk false information/ disinformation. It’s a huge and difficult dilemma, probably one of the worst of our time, alongside climate change. What I argue about is that now, with the war going on and hundreds of independent Russian journalists having a hard time getting the ends meet and desperately in need of our support, I find it strange that NGOs spend money and human resource on what is essentially helping the aggressor. I know this was not their goal, but this is unfortunately a perfect example of what Lenin called “useful idiots” (people in the West who assisted the bolsheviks without realizing it).



Fundraising and support

Collections for Ukraine

Inzamelplekken Oekraïne / collection points for Ukraine

Vind een inzamelpunt bij u in de buurt en doneer spullen aan Oekraïners in nood. / Find a collection point near you and donate items to Ukrainians in need.


"It is not just that the war was a bad idea, and should be stopped. A bully pulls strings, gets breathing space, rearms, and comes back stronger. Hell, even the office bully knows the rules here. How to influence public opinion that bullying must not be tolerated, and that what is different from you doesn't deserve to be wiped out?

However, it's a hard, and long road to remove centuries-long mentality of racism, genocide, sexism that Russians were raised with. This is a project for generations ahead, continuing after us. But we must make a start."


Russian Diaspora

Russian Resistance

The Russian political movement Feminist Antiwar Resistance (FAR), along with Israel’s Human Rights Defenders Fund, has won the 2023 Aachen Peace Prize



The Netherlands

  • https://www.folia.nl/international/161102/the-unbearable-lightness-of-uvas-neutrality
  • As independent media, we don't have to participate in the current Gleichshaltung. Apparently my fellow Dutch people need to be reminded about MH17. And the shameful #nietOnzeOorlog mentality Am I in the wrong country, and a populist is an outgrowth of the culture? I'm scared sometimes. Nope, I stay, and hold accountable. Here, Denys speaks directly, calling the prick a prick. https://youtu.be/d60xeI9n6WE?t=572
  • Wilders has threatened to deal with all of them at one point or another. During the campaign, he was silent on this part of his repertoire, in favour of talking about the cost of living and migration, but his party programme was as extreme as ever. Given that his BFF is Viktor Orbán, there is absolutely no reason to dismiss these threats as purely hypothetical." :https://sophieintveld.substack.com/p/the-hangover
  • Tijdens een wereldreis voor ruwe aardolie tankt Poetin in Zeeland - Russian oil tankers , forbidden by sanctions, bunkering in Dutch seas https://archive.is/7dlMn (NRC article, archived)
  • Sunday 10 July: Poetin stoppen! Is FVD slopen! | IndyMedia

Stopping Putin means destroying the FvD! Sunday 10th of July, 13:00 The elitist conspiracy fascists from Forum voor Democratie will gather to show support to and celebrate their friend, dictator and mass murderer Putin! Together with the fascists of the AFD from Germany, the Russian ambassador and other! https://indymedia.nl/node/52254 More info: https://enoughisenough14.org/2022/07/07/dont-give-fascists-any-space-fvd-symposium-understanding-the-conflict-in-ukraine-on-july-10-amsterdam/


  • On Russian state TV they're predictably delighted with the Dutch election result https://twitter.com/i/status/1727661454550073528
  • https://youtu.be/d60xeI9n6WE?t=572 Apparently my fellow Dutch people need to be reminded about MH17. The posting date, 1.3.2018 places Wilders' presence in Russia a year and a half after a Dutch-led team of prosecuters presented the evidence of Russian weaponry, and a Russian launch from the temporarily occupied territory of Ukraine.
  • Journalists, judges, civil-rights lawyers, teachers, academics - Wilders has threatened to deal with all of them at one point or another. During the campaign, he was silent on this part of his repertoire, in favour of talking about the cost of living and migration, but his party programme was as extreme as ever. Given that his BFF is Viktor Orbán, there is absolutely no reason to dismiss these threats as purely hypothetical." :https://sophieintveld.substack.com/p/the-hangover


Happening /Coming

  • What the Wagner Group tells us about Russia Experts analyse the role of Private Military Companies (PMCs), particularly the Wagner Group. What role did they play in the war?

De Balie: https://debalie.nl/programma/what-the-wagner-group-tells-us-about-russia-21-01-2024/


  • https://spui25.nl/programma/data-is-dead The future of the tech industry is in infrastructure, not data
  • JOIN our book talk on the protection of #journalists in the EU 🗓️ 23 Jan, 14:30 📍 EP + online

✍️ Register by 18 Jan if you need accreditation to the EP https://europa.eu/!R4gDCf


STUDIO EVENT Mental Geology of Nuclear Threat & The Labor of Witnessing

August 25 | 18:00 (doors open 17:30) transmediale studio Free admission

Join us for a studio event organised by our current artist-in-residence Asia Badzdyrieva. The evening will bring together writers and curators - Svitlana Matviyenko, Elena Vogman, Olexii Kuchanskyi, and Johannes Bruder - to engage in conversation about the production and dissemination of images and affects within the mediated contexts of climate change and war. The event will comprise of two moderated conversations with a short break in between.


Against the backdrop of the war with Ukraine, the Russian government has sharply increased funding for state media, resulting in an unprecedented level of state propaganda spread on social media platforms. As a consequence, US and EU lawmakers and Ukrainian officials have jolted into action by pressuring social media platforms in an attempt to curb Russian misinformation. This seems to be a watershed moment regarding freedom of the press and internet freedom. We discuss what is at stake with internet activists and journalists directly involved in war-news production. https://www.spui25.nl/programma/the-european-internet-blockade-of-russian-propagandist-media

  • Van fact-checking tot argument-checking

Nieuwsverslaggeving lijkt steeds meer op een vorm van oorlog: feiten worden gepareerd met ‘alternatieve feiten’, fake news bestookt voortdurend de mainstream media, en men spreekt zelfs van ‘informatieoorlog’ of ‘informatieterreur’. Kunnen we aan de taal van journalisten en mediaorganisaties nog aflezen of het klopt wat ze zeggen, of is dat onmogelijk geworden? En wat kunnen we doen om de situatie te verbeteren? Vier experts op het gebied van het bestrijden van desinformatie gaan hierover met elkaar in gesprek. https://spui25.nl/programma/van-fact-checking-tot-argument-checking


Presentations of interest to TMR, at RIPE84