Open Hackerspace Day 2017

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Open Hackerspace Day 2017
Date 2017/03/25
Time 11:00-17:00
Location ACTA
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Keeping the space open for interested people, giving some talks, having some fun.

Suggested talks:

* Explorative education using recycled technology and art.
* ...

Suggested workshops and activities:

* bigmac will be making various non-meat burgers for members and visitors
* bigmac will be working on the Arduino-based experimental incubator
* bigmac will bring 4 3D-pens and some filament - and maybe a daughter to assist kids playing
* Oberoid - <smash>-<hack>-<smash>. Reduntant electronic upcyclism - hotter than glue.
* Oberoid - Pidiodrome. "Max, the little yellow socket is talking to you."
* SawuGo will have everyone make boomerangs and fridge-magnets on the lasercutter