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Social media platform policies

Context of these Policies

We want to use external social-media platforms to reach people that might be interested to join our events, activities, space, projects, community or culture that would otherwise not have known of our existence.

Currently, there are various social-media channels created with the "Techinc" name/branding. We would to re-enable these accounts to publish Techinc events and other information to these platforms. We should consider creating a "Techinc" presence on other platforms as they becomes relevant.

We want to facilitate space members to share events in the space with tools such as a space-camera that facilitates uploading and publishing pictures of activities.

This will be done without making any of these platforms a source of any unique-content that cannot be found on the Techinc infrastructure. We will use the platforms to repost content that is already available on, linking back to Techinc's infrastructure when appropriate. Conversations on these social media platforms should be referring to our Wiki, mailing-lists or IRC when appropriate. It will be explicitly frowned upon to create unique content on these external platforms.

We do not want to promote or encourage the use of these social-media platforms by either our members or others in any way.

Historic Aspect

In the summer of 2013 the ALV decided to make Social-media "officially unofficial", meaning that you can refer to or promote Techinc and/or it's events but you should only do so in as a member, not as the "Techinc" organization/community/entity (see:

This votable point aims to amend that decision. Allowing a set of members to be engage on various platforms as "Techinc".

Implementation of the Policy

  1. We create a "Media Committee" (MedComm) that maintains access to those accounts.
    • MedComm will consist of 3 members, elected by an ALV vote.
    • The MedComm member set can have overlap with board members, but board members cannot have a majority vote in MedComm.
    • In the event that the number of MedComm members drops below 3, the board and the remaining MedComm members may co-opt additional members to MedComm, their position will be ratified at the next ALV.
  2. The ALV will request members who currently control those accounts to transfer/share control with the MedComm.
  3. MedComm will consider and implement tools to make capturing and exposing activities of space easier while preserving privacy.
  4. All maintained accounts will be clearly marked as "secondary" and refer users to the space's proper platforms.
  5. MedComm will not encourage Techinc members to use these platforms in active ways.
  6. MedComm members are invited to automate the interactions with external social-media platforms.
  7. MedComm will maintain Wiki pages and code repositories with the integrations with various platforms.

As a rough and non-exhaustive list of social media platforms currently to be considered are:

  • Meetup
  • Mastodon
  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • LinkedIn
  • Instagram
