ALV December 2020/Minutes

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Notetaker: Chip

1. Admin 1.1. Number of people present, number of proxy votes, guests?

Remote participants: - drwhax - jawsper - wfk (being proxied for by vesna, if relevant, for any evt. secret votes that happen) - wizzup

Local participants: - epic - chip - vesna (proxying for wfk) - realitygaps - qguv - katje (proxying for tom jordaan) - justa - piele (proxying for mendel mobach)

We have quorum 6 members and 6 boardmembers, and on proxy vote

1.2. Approving the notes from the previous meeting ALV September 2020/Minutes

local: 5 in favor 3 abstain 0 opposed

remote: 4 in favor 0 abstain 0 opposed

total: 9 in favor 3 abstain 0 opposed

1.3. Finalizing agenda (any new points?)

Piele Requests to ammend article 2.2 to add additional members for the Kascontrole Commissie for the financial reoport 2020 This to ensure that always two experienced members are available.

Chair (katje) accepts this request.

2. Reports

2.1 financial report 2019

the committee has spent alot of nights and days working on it. Some of the findings:

   -  we have payed more in rent than that we have recieved by members.
   - before we have not tracked that number
   - 109 euros in difference between beginning and end of the year
   - Our equity decreased more than just that, it has lost a total of  2002 euros, having to be payed to our landlord(not for rent??)
   -  drink payments have been rectified and payed last week.
   - 139 euros as unaccounted for 2019.
   - 1818 euros for all the fob loans.
   ------------------going too fast, will get from the audio ----------------------------

Amount recieved:

   Check if recording pls


   - bought hdds for server
   - payed rent
   - 217 euro os fobs
   - knockbox install, next too the safe 
   - surgebreaker installed
   - storage boxes added
   - storage organizes added
   - 2 fob deposits returned
   - magnetic bit holder

- amount spent:

total balance:

the 2020 report will be a simulair difficulty, as there has been no proper tracking of ins and outs, but the 2021 will receive new tooling to smoothen this process in the future.

other comments from the kas controle pielle: It is not clear with the numbers what it is the equity is the money we can spend on the beginning or the end of the year (843 euro ) Its mostly contribution due to the association drinks have been bought, but there needs to be a stock, so there could be in the amount, it should be an assets instead of ( no clue what this sentence means )

[ drwhax reads selected sections from the report for clarity and recording is for note taking purposes only We'll add the written notes later Justa explains findings of the Kascontrole commisie over 2019 Piele adds one additional finding Income of membership is significantly lower than the payment in rent. we need a solution to this problem, that we should discuss at the next ALV for the payment issue of members.

since the new board qguv and drwax have cought up on members with delayed payments. So the current state is better than was

vote wheter we accept the report or not:

   yes: iiiiii 6 
   no: iiiiii 6
   abstain: ii 2 

we need 8 yes to pass, so it does not pass.

there is officially nothing about this in the stattutes but there stands the following:

   a very special situation where we could or cound not accept the report:
       we do not accept it but we do accept the role of taking the responsability over from the old board to the new board.
       aquiting the responsibility of the old board.
       discarding bigmac and bakboter from the responsibility and making all of the new board responsible.
       responsibility as in legal liability

there seems to be no evidence of any misdoings, its just that the kascommitie is not happy with how the report is produced.

vote: (1:52:19)

   dismissing members of previous (2019)board of liability for the financial report:
       - yes: IIIIIIIII 9  
       - no: III 3
       - abstain: II 2

2019 board is relieved of their liability for 2019 financial reporting 2020 board is now liable for the 2019 financial reporting

2.2 Appointing addtional member to Kascontrole Committee 2020

- current members: webmind and justa - wfk is available

Votable point: appoint wfk as an additional member to kasco2020 Electing WVK as Kascontrole commisie lid yes: 10 no: 1 abstain: 3

WVK is now part of the kasco2020

2.3 Report from the Dispute Committee

1 dispute was active/pending on the previous round, now there are 0.

vesna asks for volunteers on the dispute committee (currently there are only 2 members), please contact offline

2.4 Report from the Media Committee

- No open points

2.5 Budget 2021

- Budget 2021

we dont expect alot of new members but have recieved multiple new members this year. Most leaving members have already left most likely and that number will not raise much more. 2 members will increase there payment from 5 to 25 euro starting from januari.

vote: (2:10:08)

   do we agree with the budget of 2021:
       yes: IIIIIIIIIIII 12
       no: I 1
       abstain: I 1

budget is passed

- Set monthly membership fee

3.0 Elections (2:11:49)

Wizzup steps down from the board drwhax "I'm going to help with this report but after that, I'm done"

4. Votable points (2:12:46)

4.1 Katje association reserves


4.2 Katje Elf & Safety committee


4.3 DrWhax turn fob loans into purchases

If this motion passes, at the end of the year, it would turn all fob loans into purchases. qguv: asks people to pass this because it makes administration easier

vote 1:

   new policy going forward to new members / new keys distributed to members: members who want keys will purchase them for €18

yes: IIIIIIIIIIII 12 No:I 1 Abstain:

vote 2:

   All existing fob loans to be converted into purchases, with the €18

deposit being donated to space funds. yes: No: Abstain:

vote 3:

   The association will allow members to get a refund for their fobs at the discretion of the association.

yes: No: Abstain:

wjk and pielle will help with sorting a solution to make this point actually valid vote 2 and 3 will be forwarded to the next meeting, because it is not been made clear to all members in such a way that this can be legally changed, votable point 1 will stand.

4.4 Wizzup & Qgguv Proposed mailing list changes Moved to next ALV

5.0. Left overs from the previous meetings?

6. Any other business