Organisation/Mailing Lists

From Technologia Incognita
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Here is a list of our mailing lists

  • Announce - *low volume* list used for announcing events -- open to everyone, also non-members

ANY REPLIES TO mails should go to Be sure to subscribe to this list, also, if you want to keep abreast of (possibly long-winding) discussions about anything and everything.

  • Discussion - mailing list for general discussion on any relevant topic -- open to everyone
  • members - mostly for membership-related topics. Discussions should happen on the new "discuss" list.

Special lists:

  • orga - used for organisational activities - event organising, infrastructure discussions etc
  • Network - a mailing list for the network subgroup
  • [] - board members only

Announce Mail Template

We are pleased to announce the following event:

<event name> <link to wiki page>

It will take place on


from <start time> to <end time>