Another World Now

From Technologia Incognita
Revision as of 17:36, 30 April 2014 by Orsans (talk | contribs) (systemic and open ended hackaton to end the 'Game of Morons' and create a global economy that works for all)
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Imece image.jpg
Participants 3p1c, Orsans
Skills Problem solving, Metal- and woodworking, Coding, Common sense, Community building, Construction, Cooking
Status Active
Niche Community
Purpose World domination

Starting on May Day 2014 we will be building and coordinate several online and grounded spaces and tools for an long term systemic and open hackaton, named #MayDay #MetaStrike. The hackaton aims at contributing to the mesh networking and converging between local, regional, national and global communities of hacking, commoning, farming, flos software and hardware, peer producing, sharing, and solidarity economies, and many other initiatives. We will be organising bi-weekly and monthly online conferences [bigbluebutton], built a wikimedia and network map [] to link, map and sharing information to expand overlaps and give alternatives an holistic and broad public visibility.