ALV March 2021/Minutes

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These are the minutes from the March 2021 ALV.

Notes were taken by Cmpxchg and Qguv.

1. Admin

  • Cmpxchg takes notes.
  • Qguv explains how the virtual meeting is taking place.

1.1. Electronic voting overview

- We now have a piece of software for voting electronically. [1] Justa explains how the system works.

- Justa explains that voting for people is closed.

- One member has double secret codes. After investigation this appears not to be the case; 2 sessions open, 1 on pc, 1 on mobile -> UI of the software is not mobile-friendly and cuts of part of the code.

1.2. Number of people present, number of proxy votes, guests?

- 18 people present in the Mumble, 6 proxies registered.

- Qguv: For this meeting we're going to count the number of voting members before each vote instead of establishing a quorum at the beginning of the meeting, because it's hard to keep track of who's joining and leaving the ALV channel.

- A counting committee is being formed: Johest, Phoenix, Webmind

[ stort recess to get the counting committee ready]

1.3. Approving the notes from the previous meeting

ALV December 2020/Minutes

- Normally this would be a simple yes/no/abstain vote, but it is requested to use the online system for it, to see if it works as expected, before the closed voting will take place.

  • Allowing 5 minutes for people to vote (until 13:46)
  • Allowing 5 minutes for counting committe to work (until 13:51)

Result: 18 yes / 0 no / 6 abstain; minutes are approved

1.4. Finalizing agenda (any new points?)

No new points

2. Reports

2.1. Financial report 2019

ALV March 2021/Financial report 2019 candidate

- The Kasco 2019 committee were Piele and Justa

- The committee advised on previous meeting to not accept the report because of some numbers / conclusions in the report did not represent the figures found by the committee.

- These matters have been resolved, and the report no ahead of the members gives the right representation of the numbers over 2019. The committee advices to approve the numbers and acquit the board over the finances of 2019.

  • 14:02 qguv opens voting on whether to approve Financial report 2019
  • 14:07 qguv closes voting
  • 14:08 counting committe finished

Result: 20 yes / 0 no / 4 abstain; Report is accepted and board acquitted

- The Kasco 2020 committee are: Wfk, Webmind, Justa Justa has been elected into board, and can no longer be part of the Kasco, as per statutes

2.2. Report from the Dispute Committee

  • 3 people approached dispute committee about feeling unsafe, but there is only 2 on dispute committee, so committee cannot persue. Need extra members, either temporarily or permanent.

This leaves us to:

2.2.1. Recruiting new members

- Chip volunteers

- Johest volunteers

- qguv: First vote is whether to add Chip and Johest to the dispute committee. Since we're voting on people, only the results will be reported (not specific numbers)

  • 14:15 qguv opens voting
  • 14:20 qguv closes voting
  • 14:25 counting committee finished

Result: Chip and Johest are added to the dispute committee.

- While the vote was already started on the voting system, it was announced that positions for existing members need to be renewed every year. Due to the beta status of the voting software it was suggested to initiate a second vote to renew positions of the existing members. No objections.

- qguv: Second vote is whether to allow wfk and vesna to remain on the dispute committe. Since we're voting on people, only the results will be reported (not specific numbers)

  • 14:26 qguv opens voting
  • 14:31 qguv closes voting
  • 14:35 counting committee finished

Result: wfk and vesna are renewed on the dispute committee.

2.3. Report from the Media Committee

No report from the media committee.

3. Elections

3.1. Board elections

- Piele and Justa announced candidacy prior to the ALV on the mailinglist

- Bakboter announces candidacy

- chip: epic wants to step up, but he's not here, so leave this to the next ALV

- gorgabal: I want to step up but I need to think about it, so leave this to the next ALV

- justa: as I'm one of the people who's voting for the board, I'm putting a piece of paper over the part of the voting interface which would show what the vote contents are. I'll ask quint to verify this. The voting system is shown with codes only, not the people who the votes are associated with.

Candidacy statements

Justa: I sent a manifesto to members@. I was part of the original board when things started up. I've seen the assoc in bad weather in the past few years. I was hoping to stay out of board tasks, but it's hard for assocs in general, and our specific community has had bad luck about how things went. I'm putting myself forward for a limited time (currently until the end of the year) with Piele. The main task: concentrate on the bare necessities. Goal: I want to have an association to come back to when corona stuff is over. Second goal: I want to have the people to come back to, in addition to just the physical space and the healthy financial situation.

Piele: I've been a member for quite some time (since 2014), stepped up as part of the network team. I've been on the financial committee (kasco) and have noticed that, especially the last time, we have quite a complex system which makes it hard for the board to do administration. I'm motivated with this knowledge to see if we can simplify things; to make it easier to have the board running things. Goal: make it easier so board spends less time on administrative things, and more toward the goal of doing hacking and nice prpojects. I'm really motivated to get that done.

Bakboter: I want to run for board because I want to have a functional hackerspace during corona so we can do things which we need to do, and have a functioning space in some sort of way. I'd like to look into alternatives on how we can decrease the workload on board while still keeping things functional.

  • 14:45 qguv opens voting
  • 14:50 qguv closes voting
  • 14:55 counting committee finished

Result: all candidates elected

4. Votable points


5. Left overs from the previous meetings?


6. Any other business

  • love for the previous board, thanks <3
  • best wishes for the next board
  • thanks to everyone for stepping up

Justa: For March, the associations' bankaccount has grown by €600, but many of these are one-time income from members who are catching up with dues or prepaying a year membership. Excluding these, we have a shortfall of €300 per month, but we can handle 13 months of this situation. Conclusion: we're alive for now, but not particularly healthy. You can also count in a different way: if you count the amount we *should* be receiving from each member given the dues they've committed to, we're only losing €80 per month, so we can survive for 54 months. Regardless of the calculation, we should be able to survive for long enough to run initiatives to make the month-on-month situation positive. In short: we need increased income per month, but we're not in a crisis yet. If you're a €5/mo member, please consider increasing your membership. We're going to focus on increasing the number of members to increase our income.

Justa: we aren't interested in finding the loopholes in the law, like becoming a church or anything, but we would like to try to keep the physical space open in some capacity. One of the activities we'd like to investigate is improving the space, since this is a limited number of people. We'd also like to increase participation in the workadventure virtual space that's set up for techinc.

bakboter: I have some experience with workadventure; I can run a workshop or tutorial at some point.

Justa: We're going to release the voting software source once it's cleaned up.

Piele: We finished coding 01:00 this morning...