Hackerspace Summer Event 2012

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Hackerspace Summer Event 2012
Date 2012/07/07
Location Club Karlsson
Type Congress
Contact User:becha
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Technologia Incognita -- Workshops & Lightning Talks & Party

Where: Club Karlsson at the [NIMK] building (Nederlands Instituut voor Mediakunst)
Keizersgracht 264, Amsterdam
Date:7 July 2012, Saturday
Time: 13:00-late
Language: mostly English
Weather: Dutch Summer - you are better off inside, with us!

It's time for a party again! And not just "the party", but also workshops and lectures and more!

Our own TempInc (temporary hackersspace) is too small for all the activities we like to have at our event, so we decided to hire out Club Karlsson again and have another day&night of talks/beer/people/stuff. This is the third time, and we're expecting a lot of people to turn up.

General Schedule

Time What do we do?
13:00—19:00 workshops @ room #1
13:00—19:00 is where we lounge about playing music, singing, educating and generally wondering whats an acceptable time to start drinking @ room #2
18:00—19:00 is where we order pizza and eat @ room #2
19:30—22:00 is where we have lightning talks @ room #2
23:00—late is where we do more lounging etc @ room #2 & room #1 & kitchen

Activities for the day


@ Room 1

IT Security workshop run by brainsmoke

Soldering tutorial from 3pm by amx109

General 'on request' workshops; basic electronics, soldering tutorial etc. Come and ask and there should be someone around who knows!

Lightning Talks

@ Room #2

Supershort talks about very diverse subjects lasting anywhere between 2 and 15 minutes. Long enough to peak your interest, short enough to not risk boring you.

Time Who? Subject
19:30 justa opening
19:50 tanja extreme bodyhacking
20:00 KEYNOTE SPEAKER: Karin Spaink Hacking Canta
21:00 axel Arduino Pi
21:15 Jo van der Spek Migrant to Migrant network
21:30 BecHa East-European vs EU Hackerspaces
21:40 Justa Beer Brewing in your Bathroom
21:50 webmind something
22:00 Brainsmoke Protecting buggy binaries with Minemu
22:20 Ysbrand Robotwars
22:30 Sergey OpenStreetPosters
22:40 YOU? Improvised Talk
22:50 YOU? PowerPoint Karaoke


Club Karlsson costs 100 EUR to rent. Some beer and snacks will be provided. This is all being paid for up front by the organisation.

Suggested Donation of 5 EUR

And with respect to costs, we ask if all attendees can make a suggested donation of 5 EUR for the lightning talks .

Volunteers / Tasks

Time Name Task
13:00 - 17:00 Becha opening the doors / making tea / doing shopping
17:00 - 18:00 Justa opening the doors
18:00 - 19:00 ? opening the doors
19:00 - 20:00 ? opening the doors
20:00 - 22:00 ? opening the doors
20:00 - 22:00 Angel Extra shopping runs
15:00 - 22:00 DrWhax Announcing the talks

?? : collecting donations

Links/Other Information